Lockdown closes Dylan's Birthplace
Along with so many other businesses the Birthplace closed in March and we cannot see it fully opening for some considerable time. We still have bills to pay and precious little support from the government (When is a museum not a museum? Well, according to the Arts Council (of England) who decide these things it's when it is not a charity or run by a local authority!)
"Do not go gentle" we said as we developed our plans to survive lockdown and come out the other side with a bright and vibrant Thomas family home. We don't expect handouts or pay crazy interest rates to invisible lenders. Our plan is simple and has evolved from a number of other successful projects from the hospitality and tourism sectors. We have come up with a plan which helps us through the lean period and gives you a great deal to help save the Birthplace for future generations.
We are turning to crowdfunding and have two amazing products on offer.
Pay it Forward vouchers will allow you to buy a voucher which can be used for any product on offer at the Birthplace at a 20% discount. So, if you purchase a £100 voucher it will be worth £120. Don't worry how long the lockdown will last as it will be valid for five years. They also can make great birthday or Christmas presents.
Unique Experiences and Rewards We have to thank our great artists and performers for helping us develop the experiences. You could choose to have a handwritten poem from one of the many poets who have performed at the Birthplace, buy a limited edition DVD of performances at the house or have your own personal house tour.
There is lots more information on the crowdfunding page www.crowdfunder.co.uk/dylan so why not pop along and have a look.
Thank you for reading our appeal and thank you in anticipation for your support - it will help us survive, help the Dylan community and give you a great deal. We look forward to seeing you very soon.
Keep safe
Geoff and Sarah Haden, the staff, volunteers and performers at the Birthplace.
10th June 1921 saw the formation of what is now Cwmbach Male Choir..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US !!!!!!
Although we haven't been able to meet we've put together this short special video to celebrate. Using the wonders of Whats App and technical wizadry of Nathan Jones of nathanjonesmusic.co.uk we feel this is a suitable tribute.
We share our birthday with someone else that is 99 today - can you guess who ? Watch till the end to find out.....
Many thanks to our Chairman Brian Williams for the intro, our MD Mike Thomas and accompanist Jayne Thomas..... however special thanks to the choristers who donned uniform and took part ... if you'd told them 3 months ago that they would be filming themselves on smart phones and uploading video via the internet they would have laughed you out of town.... but they did it.... well done boys !!
The powerful rural stories of the semi-legendary people who lived in the ancient village of Tremeirchion and the unorthodox community of Sodom in the Clwydian Range of Denbighshire are told for the first time in On a Dark Night with Enough Wind (Y Lolfa). The author, Lilla Pennant – part English, part Welsh – tells her story which is connected to our rural past with its drama, comedies and tragedies.
“From my early childhood I was fascinated by the self-sufficiency and wisdom of the people who lived ‘on the mountain’ near my childhood home. I wanted to know their story. Over the years that I interviewed people and drafted this book I learned about a whole hidden way of life. I acquired a huge respect for the people of the hilltops, their courage, ingenuity and wit,” said Lilla Pennant.
The book is a snapshot of a traditional way of living, with the oral histories collected by the author in the 1980s, from the community in which she grew up. At the time, one particular family lived in a farmhouse that showed barely any trace of the twentieth century. Pennant tells the story of the people who lived in the Welsh hills, who were neither farmers, nor employees, but lived by their wits on dark winter nights with a steady wind.
“I didn’t intend to write this book. I set out to write about the rich history from this part of the Vale of Clwyd, but I am not a historian, and it was not going well. I started writing from the oral history that I had collected, and the book took off! Since writing this book in the 1980s, genetic research has found that descendants of the earliest surviving race in all the British Isles were to be found not in Scotland or Ireland, but in North Wales, or the mountainous world of North-West Wales to be precise,” said Lilla Pennant.
Reviewers have described On a Dark Night with Enough Wind as:
“Lilla Pennant has created an important piece of work documenting the stories of a life in Tremeirchion and Sodom by seeking out and listening to the oral stories of people living on the mountain and then committing the stories to paper for future generations to read.” Roy Hogben
“The book had me gripped from beginning to end. It is an interesting mix of a mystery story that turns into a elegy for a lost way of life. Above all I was moved by her obvious love for the people she writes about and her desire to make sure that their stories are not lost.” Jessica Starmer
Lilla Pennant grew up in Wales. She has worked as a freelance writer in London and New York. She has written two small books on remarkable civilian stories from both world wars. She has also worked in the field of family violence and published professional articles in this field. Lilla Pennant currently lives in the United States.
On a Dark Night with Enough Wind by Lilla Pennant (£7.99, Y Lolfa) is available now.
STOP PRESS: The competition is open for voting till June but the outstanding quality of Nichola's work has already been recognised with the award of the 'Elizabeth Hosking Prize For Watercolor'. We all wish Nichola the best of luck next month. VOTE HERE
AmeriCymru: Hi Nichola, and many thanks for agreeing to this interview. What can you tell us about your entry to the 2020 Wildlife Artist of the Year competition?
Nichola: Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to share my work with your members and communicate.
My Tansy Beetle, watercolour has been shortlisted for Wildlife Artist of the Year 2020. My work is one of 159 artworks selected from an incredible 1,200 entries from across the world.
It really is a huge honour to be shortlisted by this competition. Through art, we can raise awareness and support wildlife conservation. This exhibition is usually held in Mall galleries London but due to the pandemic is now a live online exhibition. You can view my work here:
My work is featured in the category Facing Extinction. This category invites artists to celebrate these vulnerable species, capturing their behaviour and importance in striking imagery. They may be gone tomorrow if we do not act today.
AmeriCymru: In 2005, you became a visiting artist for WNO. What does this entail? Where can people see samples of your work online?
Nichola: I observe and draw the rehearsals and performances on stage. For over ten years, I’ve been documenting a visual history of Welsh National Opera through the medium of drawing alongside my sister Sarah Hope, who is also a professional fine artist. Our work is held in public and private collections across Europe, Australia and the USA
Working from live performance requires a responsive gaze and the ability to capture movement and emotion with immediacy and confidence. Watercolour allows me to work with colour in a very fluid way and this medium offers up unique qualities.
I’ve been fortunate to draw two productions at Lyric Opera, Chicago. It was an amazing experience and I fell in love with the city, the friendly people and crazy weather!
My work can be viewed on www.nicholahope.com or on social media - Instagram and Facebook @thedrawingeye
AmeriCymru: In 2019 you were invited to do a drawing demonstration in the galleries of the National Museum of Wales for the public event 'After Dark'. Care to tell us more about this experience?
Nichola: I began drawing natural history specimens at National Museum Wales in 2019. I’m currently interested in shorebirds connected to Wales. We have a diverse range of habitats that are important for birds. Some, such as the seabird colonies of Anglesey and Pembrokeshire, have probably been that way for thousands of years.
I was invited to do a drawing demonstration at After Dark, an event held by National Museum Wales in Cardiff. The museum was opened up in the evening and was attended by a thousand members of the public.
The museum’s taxidermy collection was used as an inspiration for drawing. I chose to draw a grey heron in ink and wash. I hope that this inspired people to look closely and respond creatively to the wonderful wildlife we have.
AmeriCymru: Your work is clearly inspired by the animal world. What can you tell us about your 2019 exhibition - 'London Rats' - at the Workers Galley in Porth?
Nichola: The Workers gallery is located in the little village of Porth, South Wales. Three of my works from a series called London Rats were selected for the exhibition Drawn to Life. This aligned with the Big Draw festival 2019. Over 25 countries including Wales participate in this worldwide campaign each year.
London Rats is inspired by the role of rats as Other in folklore and history. Rats are hugely symbolic. Interestingly it’s year of the rat!
AmeriCymru: What's next for Nichola Hope? Any new exhibitions or events?
Nichola: My exhibition of opera paintings and drawings at the Pierhead Building, Senedd Welsh Assembly was due to open in May 2020 but has been postponed due to the pandemic. I’m looking forward to rescheduling the show for a future date!
I’ll be submitting a sketchbook to the Brooklyn Art Library, NYC later this year and that will be part of a touring exhibition and will be digitized.
AmeriCymru: Any final message for the readers and members of AmeriCymru?
Nichola: I admire how AmeriCymru raises Wales’ cultural profile to American audiences and I’d love to see more cross Atlantic artistic collaborations between Welsh and American artists in the future.
You can vote for Nichola Hope for the People’s choice award here: Wildlife Artist of the Year 2020
The Welsh Dragon Choir and the Welsh Society of Oregon present Spring Festival Online 2020
By AmeriCymru, 2020-05-19
The Welsh Society board members hope everyone is staying safe and able to enjoy some beauty in their gardens or in nature these days.
In the midst of changing times and sheltering in place, the Welsh Society of Oregon maintains its commitment to share Welsh Language and Culture with our community. As such, we have re-formatted some of our spring offerings as an on-line festival. Below you will see participation events for all ages, for kids and for our Facebook community. We hope that you will be able to join us on May 23rd for one or both of our Noson Lawen events that day, and that you will be able to check in on the talents and creativity contributed to our Facebook page during our month-long festivities there.
You can participate either via computer or smart phone, or even just by calling in.
If you have any trouble navigating these events online, don't hesitate to send an email to oregonwelsh@gmail.com , or give us a ring at (503) 908-5630 .
A Noson Lawen Online, May 23, 2020, 7pm PDT
An interactive event with songs led in Welsh and English, hosted in English by the Welsh Dragon Choir and featuring special guests Nerys Jones, Eryl Aynesley, Andréa Wild, and others. RSVP to OregonWelsh@gmail.com for event link and details.
A Little Noson Lawen Online, May 23, 2020, 1pm PDT
An interactive event of songs, jokes, and stories for young people and their caregivers, led in English by Dragon director Jamie Webster and friends, and featuring special guest, rising Welsh singing star Bronwen Lewis, with a chance for participants to share their songs and jokes as well. RSVP to OregonWelsh@gmail.com for event link and details.
May Festival of Welsh Culture-Online! May 1-31, 2020
(Fun prizes awarded for festival highlights)
Our celebration of Welsh culture isn’t limited to Saturday, May 23! Join us for a month of fun and cultural sharing under lockdown as members of the Welsh Society of Oregon and friends share their talents, creativity, capers, and antics on social media. Please join us in submitting your own quarantine-time contributions to this community activity. Awards for festival highlights announced May 31.
Who Can Participate?: You! Our community in Portland, the state of Oregon, friends along the Pacific Coast, and any friends of Welsh culture in the USA and around the world.
What are some welcome submissions?
- traditional songs/tunes with voice and/or instruments
- virtual ensembles
- sharing stories, humor, or reminiscences
- recreating Welsh folktales/folklore with dolls/toys/stuffed animals
- copying Welsh art and folklore with household items
- Coloring contest
- See examples and coloring pdfs on our web site www.oregonwelsh.org
- Or, your own creative ways to share Welsh culture online!
How to Participate:
- Share your talents and creativity by posting on our facebook page for the Welsh Society of Oregon ( facebook.com/OregonWelsh/ )
- Visit out web page for examples and coloring pages www.oregonwelsh.org
- Trouble sharing to our Facebook page? Contact us by email at oregonwelsh@gmail.com
Visit the Dydd Miwsig Cymru website here:- Dydd Miwsig Cymru
We will be featuring a new playlists every day or so between now and February 7th.
Today's sample playlist (You will need a Spotify account): Darganfod
"To celebrate European Day of Languages on 26/09/2019 this playlist showcases music in Cymraeg, Gàidhlig, Kernewek, Gaelg and Gaeilge."
Welsh Language Music Day (Dydd Miwsig Cymru in Welsh) is on the 7th February 2020. The day is about celebrating Welsh music and the language with thousands of people getting involved across Wales and further afield. This is the fifth Welsh Language Music Day, which has seen Hollywood actors Rhys Ifans and Radio 1 DJ Huw Stephens, urge fans to discover the incredible music being made in the Welsh language.
Why not get involved with the celebrations in any way that you can? Why not hold a gig and play Welsh language music, or swap your usual playlist to a Welsh language one? Welsh language music has numerous genres, you can find lots of great playlists here .
Between the mid 1840s and late 1860s about 5,000 Welsh people, inspired by the Mormon faith, left Wales to start a new life in the far west of the United States. In Welsh Saints on the Mormon Trail (Y Lolfa), written by Wil Aaron, the story is told of their journey by ox-carts and on foot from the Mississippi and the Missouri to Salt Lake City, and of their subsequent lives in Utah.
The book explores a little-known episode of Welsh history. The Welsh Mormons were crossing a continent at a particularly dramatic time in American history. The ‘49ers’ and the Pony Express shared the trails with them. They were passed by the first trans-continental stagecoaches. They saw the beginnings of the Indian Wars and the end of the Civil War. Buffalo Bill and Wild Bill Hickock rode the same trails and Calamity Jane and Crazy Horse have a place in their stories. Part of the Mormons religious responsibility was to keep diaries, and hundreds of these documents describing their adventures are now kept in the Church archive of the Mormon Church History Library in Salt Lake City. Wil Aaron has made good use of this rich resource and of the Welsh journals and memoirs collected on ‘ welshmormonhistory.byu.edu ’.
“This is a book about the grit and steadfastness of ordinary men and women whose remarkable tale deserves a place in the history of the Welsh people,” says author Wil Aaron.
Professor Jerry Hunter of Bangor University writes, “Here is a volume I shall return to time after time, and I know that others will do likewise. The author has consulted extensive historical resources and has discerningly deciphered them, arousing anew an interest in the story.”
Wil Aaron’s career has been in television. He has made documentaries and factual programmes for the BBC and HTV in Cardiff and in London. His production company, Ffilmiau’r Nant , produced many of S4C’s early successes.
Welsh Saints on a Mormon Trail by Wil Aaron (£14.99, Y Lolfa) is available now. BUY IT HERE