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  • Not Welsh Not

    By Paul Steffan Jones AKA, 2021-07-18

    This is not a Welsh Not

    but a Welsh is and always will be

    raving over higgledy piggledy slates

    with fingernails of demons scraping

    screeching out a lost non rock and roll

    and not a low flying bomber

    in sight or sound

    tipsy on communion wine 

    and a quick fumble

    in the ecumenical jungle

    dog tired dog collars loosen

    to a beat of life lived

    and not analysed

    not a sermon planned

    nor an afterlife awaited

    submerge into sublime harps

    inherited from the elders

    never understand 

    but defined as Corvid

    not COVID

    avoid their Larsen traps

    and their booby traps

    with our Weapons of Non Destruction 

    Peter Hurkos a Dutch psychic

    and y Mab Darogan

    (the Son of Destiny)

    and how about a little of Twm o’r Nant

    or David R Edwards ?

    we have become strange bedfellows 

    but at least it is touching

    I am not the National Poet

    and I know it

    I know my place

    but not where to find it

    we are all the National Poet

    but don’t know it

    we don’t know our place

    nor where to find it

    this is not a Welsh Not

    a Welsh Not not

    not Welsh not

    I am not a Welsh Not

    Posted in: Poetry | 0 comments
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    Paul Steffan Jones is a Welsh poet and author.

    Paul Steffan Jones was born in Cardigan in 1961. To date, two collections of his verse have appeared, Lull of the Bull (2010) and The Trigger-Happiness (2012), both of which were published by Starborn Books. His When You Smile You’ll Be a Dog No More won first prize in the 2012 West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition.

    Over 100 of his poems have been accepted for publication by periodicals and anthologies including Poetry Wales, New Welsh Review, The Rialto, The Seventh Quarry, Roundyhouse, Red Poets magazine, Seren Books, Hanging Johnny, The Slab, Eto, Poetry Cornwall and The Western Mail.

    He has recently worked with the artist Chris Rawson-Tetley on a project entitled Gwaelod which responds to the Cantre’r Gwaelod history and other notions of identity and diaspora. He has also collaborated with Glenn Ibbitson and other artists in a work called Room 103 which attempts to consider the relevance and importance of the ideas of George Orwell in a modern world of inequality, surveillance and manipulation of information. He is in the throes of assembling two new collections of verse under the working titles Otherlander and I Thought I Had More Time and regularly performs readings in Northern Pembrokeshire and adjacent areas.

    Paul has had some success in writing song lyrics. His most recent is Ar ôl Yr Angladd/After The Funeral, a response to a request from the rock group Datblygu. A song he co-wrote with the late Charlie Sharp, Bombstar, was released on the AA side of a single by Datblygu, Cân y Mynach Modern/Song of The Modern Monk, on Ankstmusik Records in 2008. He was one half of the underground folk-punk duo, Edward H. Bôring, who achieved a small amount of notoriety and a session that was broadcast by Radio Cymru in 1980. A track he wrote and recorded in 1981, Byd Heb Tywydd (sic)/World Without Weather was recently re-released on Recordiau Neon.

    He used to be a Civil Servant and Trade Union activist. He believes he is descended from Owain ab Afallach, the semi-mythical originator of the Royal House of Gwynedd, Alfred the Great, Charlemagne the Great and William the Conqueror and is pleased to count Owain Glyndwr and St David as distant cousins.