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Career Opportunities
So what if he'd won big on X Tractor
that night with the other grinning hopefuls
of the combined Young Farmers of his county
but fame and its fickle flame didn't burn long
with the fattening catalogue of demise
and enough freshly signed death certificates
to fill a library of uncomfortable learning
he should have been sated
busier than ever with
the practiced condolences
the pressing of the flesh
and the liaising with
the dependables of the funerary industry
despite this unexpected windfall
Tomb Jones was restless
seeing no end to a career
of infinite possibility and beginning
to despair even as his ISA multiplied
he spoke granite rather than Italian marble
and his wife complained that he was not urbane
enough for this stage of their union
fretting that she had not succeeded
in niggling and nibbling away
all the burrs and bumps that constituted him
as ever he completely misheard her
confusing "urbane" with "urban" and snorting
"of course not dear we live down a farm track!"
he who had thought that Cinzano Bianco
was somehow linked to that stranger Quixote
hamboned enough to charge at a windmill
but when the day was over
the battered container of gossip emptied
and Death and his wife put to bed
his thoughts turned to a change of career
a new dawn a higher calling
on the reverse of a large used envelope
propped up by the lectern of his pyjamed thighs
he began to draw the outlines of a combine harvester
sketching the insignia of the Red Cross on its flanks
and pencilled in military grade syringe-cannon
that could fire small darts of vaccine
accurately into the unsuspecting arms
of anyone within a hundred yards
doing away with the need for any sort
of organisation other than a simple timetable
and allowing thousands of health workers
to return to their wards to relieve their colleagues
whilst ensuring that everyone was vaccinated
whether they wish it or not
he fell asleep satisfied that if he put his mind to it
he could harness his agrarian past
to a bright pharmaceutical tomorrow
and help broker a sort of medicated peace
a freedom that no one would suspect existed
Do I detect a note of irony?