Daffy Dipping
Remember those days when celebrating Saint David’s Day (SDD) used to be about wearing daffodils, eating Welsh cakes and Bara Brith with every school having their ‘Eisteddfod’ with a very visible presence of cute kids in traditional Welsh costumes?
Times have moved on since then and nowadays there are countless parades with three County Banners and numerous school banners being paraded based on the words and images of an anthem specifically written for Saint David’s Day (Words: Gwenno Dafydd, Music: Heulwen Thomas) which can be heard in concerts and events throughout Wales and even further afield.
As you may remember, Gwenno has been the Americymru World Saint David’s Day Ambassador since 2017 and many of the above developments have come about because of her tireless efforts over the last eighteen years when she first came up with the idea of a bilingual anthem for Saint David’s Day.
“The SDD Anthem has formed a central hub for the development of new traditions based on the song, including the three County Banners (Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Montgomeryshire) and school banners. All the publicity I have been able to generate with all these projects have also helped to promote the notion of parades – school, village, town and county. I am delighted to say that this year the Montgomeryshire Banner has found a new permanent home in Owain Glyndwr’s Parliament House in Machynlleth. I am in discussion with the local school (Ysgol Bro Hyddgen) about creating a new tradition of parading the Banner from the school to the Parliament Building whilst the children sing the SDD Anthem.” said Gwenno.
Gwenno is always thinking of new and exciting ways to engage with more people to make SDD a potential gateway for people from all over the world to come and explore their Welsh roots. The tourist season in Wales is usually from April onwards but Gwenno sees no reason why people cannot be drawn here from March onwards with Saint David’s Day events being one of the reasons why people should come and visit. She is in close contact with several Welsh Assembly Senedd members in sharing these visions.Her latest idea is a combination of factors and she is very keen to give credit where it is due, to those who gave suggestions that she combined into her latest project DaffyDips4Dewi . DaffyDipping
Around 2009 Gwenno was in contact with Pastor Phil Wyman from Salem in the States. You may or may not be aware of the fact that Saint David was called ‘Dewi Ddyfriwr’ (David the Waterman) He did not consume meat and only drank water. A veritable tee-totalling vegetarian. Phil decided that to celebrate SDD he wanted to walk waist deep into the chilly waters at Revere Beach, Massachusetts which he did, calling it a ‘Dunk for David’.
Gwenno always wanted to do something similar here in Wales but never managed to persuade others to do this. However, recently Jane Dalling, who is a member of the Pembrokeshire Bluetits Chill Swimmers, after a suggestion by local playwright Teresa Hennessy, decided she was going to celebrate her mother’s life on her birthday on the 17th January 2023 in Pwllgwaelod (North Pembrokeshire). Teresa gathered a flock of Bluetits who all wore large daffodil heads and went for a dip in memory of Jane’s mother Eira, who sadly died of cancer last year. Strangely enough, ‘eira' in Welsh is snow and it did indeed snow whilst they were taking part in the swim. Both Gwenno and Teresa form part of the Lower Town. Fishguard #SlipwaySirens swimming group and have been friends since they were in Fishguard Secondary School.
Gwenno is originally from North Pembrokeshire and had been a chill swimmer herself for several years, being a member of the Cardiff “Taffy Dippers”, the North Pembrokeshire “Bluetits” and the Lower Town, Fishguard ‘Slipway Sirens’ (who sing whilst they swim!)
Having been inspired by both Phil and Jane she decided to approach Sian Richardson, who created the Bluetits in 2015 and who lives in Pencarnan, just above Whitesands Bay in Saint David’s – very close to where Saint David went to school and also a beach where Gwenno has been regularly swimming all year round for the last twenty years and more. She asked her whether the Bluetits would be interested in coming on-board with the DaffyDips4Dewi idea and Sian said -“It means the world to me that The Bluetits are going to be part of the DaffyDips4Dewi event. We began with two people dipping on a Pembrokeshire beach and we became 100,000 people dipping on beaches, in rivers and lakes all over the world. I hope to see pictures of thousands of daffodil hats bobbing in the water on Sunday the 26th.February this year, the closest Sunday to Saint David’s Day in celebration of Saint David – our very own local saintly ‘waterman’.
Next week we will tell you more about the incredible ‘Bluetits Chill Swimmers’ and how Sian Richardson very quickly transformed winters in West Wales. Until then - check out https://thebluetits.co/
The idea has already generated a lot of excitement with wild-swimmers such as Rhondda based ex-Plaid Cymru Leader Leanne Wood and Cath Pendleton (The Merthyr Mermaid) who swam a mile in the Antarctic.
So if you want to take part in this marginally eccentric, but great fun idea on how to celebrate Wales’s Patron Saint then get yourself a beautiful big daffodil hat, stick your swimmers in a bag, fill that thermos, find yourself some cold water and make sure you take a photo after your dip and share on your social media using the hashtag DaffyDips4Dewi . DaffyDipping If you are a Pembrokeshire Person and you fancy a DaffyDip4Dewi then come to the Whitesands Bay beach on Sunday the 26th February at 11.00 sharp. Gwenno will sing the Saint David’s Day Anthem before charging into the sea with her fellow DaffyDippers
DaffyDips4Dewi can be done anywhere throughout the world and Wales in lakes, beaches and ponds. Get a gang of DaffyDippers together and take a photograph to share with the world. Remember to use the hashtag after your location e.g. Jackson Bay DaffyDippers
Make sure you get a daffy hat – available here:https://www.jokeshop.co.uk/det/4630/Daffodil-Hat-(Hooded)/
Disclaimer : Doing a DaffyDip4Dewi is at your own risk. Please make sure that you are fit and well enough to do this. YOU are responsible for your own well being.
For additional information on how Gwenno Dafydd has developed new traditions for Saint David’s Day have a look here and be inspired.https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL5kFg0P4DspmjllkG3c6KVsHft3bVPQy
Saint David’s Day Anthem can be bought here:https://tycerddshop.com/collections/types?q=&constraint=composer_gwenno-dafydd
Another New Tradition For Saint David’s Day - Introducing #DaffyDipping #DaffyDips4Dewi
— americymru (@americymru) February 7, 2023https://t.co/RUTtkk7Z13 pic.twitter.com/H0lQ22QHt6
Traddodiad arall i ddathlu dydd ein Nawdd Sant
Ydych chi yn cofio’r dyddiau yna pan ein ffordd ni o ddathlu Dydd Gwyl Dewi (DGD) oedd i wisgo cenhinen neu genhinen bedr, bwyta cacennicri, bara brith a chawl gyda phob ysgol yn cynnal eu heisteddfod gyda presenoldeb llwyth o blantos bach ciwt mewn gwisg draddodiadol?
Mae amser wedi newid ers y cyfnod yna ac erbyn hyn mae nifer helaetho pareds (oddeutu 25 cyn y Cyfnod Cofid) gyda tair Baner Sirol a llwytho Faneri Ysgol yn cael eu gorymdeithio wedi eu selio ar eiriau adelweddau anthem gafodd ei hysgrifennu yn arbennig ar gyfer Dydd Gwyl Dewi (Geiriau Dwyieithog: Gwenno Dafydd. Cerddoriaeth: Heulwen Thomas) ac sydd yn cael ei chlywed mewn cyngherddau digwyddiadau DGD yng Nghymru a phedwar ban byd.
Falle y chi’n cofio fod Gwenno wedi bod yn Llysgenhad Dydd Gwyl Dewi Y Byd ar ran Americymru ers 2017 ac mae nifer o’r digwyddiadau uchodwedi dod i fodolaeth oherwydd ei hymdrechion di-flino dros y deunawmlynnedd olaf ers iddi feddwl am gael anthem ddwyieithog ar gyferdathlu ein Nawdd Sant.
“Mae Anthem DGD wedi creu canolbwynt i ddatblygu traddodiadau newydd wedi eu selio arni, gan gynnwys y dair Faner Sirol. (Penfro,Caerfyrddin a Threfaldwyn) a baneri ysgol. R’oedd yr holl gyhoeddusrwydd oeddwn i yn medru ei gynhyrchu gyda’r holl gynlluniau yma wedi helpu i hybu y syniad o gael pareds – rhai ysgolion, pentrefi, trefi a sirol. R’wyf wrth fy modd i ddweud fod Banner Sir Drefaldwyn wedi darganfod cartref parhaol yn Senedd-dy Owain Glyndwr ym Machynllwth. R’wyf mewn trafodaeth ar hyn o bryd gyda’r ysgol leol (Ysgol Bro Hyddgen) ynglun a creu traddodiad newydd o orymdeithio’r faner o’r ysgol i’r Senedd-dy tra fo’r plant yn canu Anthem DGD”. meddai Gwenno.
Mae Gwenno wastad yn meddwl am syniadau newydd a chyffroes i ymgysylltu gyda mwy o bobo i wneud DGD yn fynedfa posib i bobol ardraws y byd i ddod i archwilio eu gwreiddiau Cymreig. Mae y cyfnod twristiaid yng Nghymru fel arfer o ddechrau mis Ebrill ond d’yw Gwennoddim yn gweld dim rheswm pan na ellid ymestyn y cyfnod o fis Mawrth ymalen. Mae mewn cysylltiad agos gyda sawl aelod o’r Senedd i rannuei gweledigaeth a’i syniadau.
Mae ei syniad diweddaraf yn gyfuniad o nifer o ffactorau ac mae hi ynawyddus i roi’r clod i’r bobol wnaeth roid awgrymiadau sydd wedi cael eu cyfuno ganddi mewn i’w syniad diweddaraf sef DewchIDrochiDros Dewi DaffiDrochwyrDewi (neu yn Saesneg DaffyDipping4Dewi DaffyDipping )
Tua 2009 r’oedd Gwenno mewn cysylltiad gyda Pastor Phil Wyman o Salem yn yr Unol daleithiau (Mae e bellach yn byw yn Caernarfon)Ydych chi yn ymwybodol fod Dewi yn cael ei adnabod fel ‘DewiDdyfriwr’? D’oedd e ddim yn bwyta cig a dim ond dwr oedd e’n yfed. Uno’r dirwestwyr llysieuol cyntaf. Penderfynodd Phil y buasai’n dathlu DGD drwy gerdded i fynu at ei ganol mewn i ddyfroedd rhewllyd ar draeth Revere, Massachusetts, ac fe wnaeth, gan alw fe yn ‘Dunk for David’
R’oedd Gwenno wastad ishe gneud rhywbeth tebyg yma yng Nghymru ond erioed wedi gallu perswadio eraill i wneud hyn. Ta beth, yn ddiweddar, penderfynodd Jane Dalling, sydd yn aelod o Nofwyr Oerwch ‘Bluetits’ Sir Benfro, yn dilyn awgrym gan y sgwenwraig leol Teresa Hennessy, ei bod yn mynd i ddathlu penblwydd ei Mam ar ei phenblwydd ar yr 17eg o Ionawr 2023 ar draeth Pwllgwaelod (GogleddSir Benfro) Casglodd Teresa griw o ‘Bluetits’ at eu gilydd a’r criw i gyd yn gwisgo penwisgoedd cenin pedr ac fe aethon nhw i gyd i drochi er cof am Fam Jane, Eira, fuodd farw yn anffodus o ganser flwyddyn diwethaf. A peth rhyfedd iawn – fe fu hi’n bwrw eira ar y traeth tra bo nhw yn trochi. Cyd-ddigwyddiad anarferol iawn! Mae Gwenno a Teresa ill dwy yn aelodau o grwp nofio lleol Cwm Abergwaun y #SlipwaySirens ac yn ffrinidau ers eu hamser yn ysgol Uwchradd Abergwaun.
Wedi iddi gael ei hysbrydoli gan Phil a Jane fe benderfynodd gysylltu gyda Sian Richardson, wnaeth greu y ‘Bluetits in 2015 ac sydd yn bywyn fferm Pencarnan, sydd bron uwchben Traeth Mawr (WhitesandsBay) yn Nhy Ddewi – yn agos iawn at ble oedd Dewi Sant yn mynd i’r ysgol yn ogystal a thraeth lle bu Gwenno yn nofio yn rheolaidd reit rowndy flwyddyn am yr ugain mlynnedd olaf a mwy.
Gofynnodd os y buasai gan y Bluetits ddiddordeb i gymeryd rhan yn ydigwyddiad a dyma beth ddywedodd Sian:
“Mae’n werth y byd yn grwn i mi fod y Bluetits yn mynd i fod yn rhan o’r digwyddiad DewchIDrochiDrosDewi . Fe ddechreusom ni y Bluetits gyda dau berson yn nofio ar draeth yn Sir Benfro ac fe dyfodd i fod yn 100,000 o bobol yn trochi ar draethau a mewn llynnoedd ac afonyddled-led y byd. Dwi’n gobeithio gweld lluniau o gannoedd o hetiau cenin-pedr yn bobio yn y dwr Dydd Sul y 26ain o Chwefror eleni, y Sul agosa iDdydd Gwyl Dewi i ddathlu ein Nawdd Sant – ein ‘dyfriwr’ sanctaidd lleol.
Wythnos nesaf cewch glywed mwy am yr anghredadwy ofwyr oerwch Bluetits a sut lwyddodd Sian Richardson i drawsnewid gaeafau rhewllydy Gorllewin Gwyllt. Tan hynny - cerwch am sbec i https://thebluetits.co/
Mae y syniad eisioes wedi creu lot o gyffro gyda gwyllt-nofwyr felLeanne Wood, cyn arweinydd Plaid Cymru syn dod o’r Rhondda a CathPendleton (Mor-forwyn Merthyr) a nofiodd filltir yn yr Antarctic.
Felly os hoffe chi gymeryd rhan yn y digwyddiad, bach yn ecsentrig ondyn lot o hwyl, i ddathlu Dydd ein Nawdd Sant wel prynwch het geninpedr hardd, taflwch eich siwt nofio mewn bag, llenwch y thermos yna ,dargan fyddwch damed o ddwr oer a gwnewch yn siwr eich bod yncymeryd llun ar ol eich trochiad a rhannwch ar eich cyfryngaucymdeithasol gan ddefnyddio’r hashnod DewchIDrochiDrosDewi DaffiDrochwyrDewi neu/a DaffyDips4Dewi DaffyDippersOs ydych chi yn dod o neu yn byw yn Sir Benfro ag yn ffansio dod i#DrochiDrosDewi Dewch i Traeth Mawr (Whitesands Bay) Dydd Sul y26ain o Chwefror am 11.00 ar y dot. Fe fydd Gwenno yn canu Anthem Dydd Gwyl Dewi cyn rhuthro mewn i’r mor gyda gweddill y DaffiDrochwyr
Gallwch DrochioDrosDewi ble bynnag yn y byd ac wrth gwrs unrhywleyng Nghymru mewn llynnoedd, pyllau a thraethau. Bydd yn fwy hwyliogos oes na griw ohono chi yn ei wneud a cofiwch dynnu llun ohono chi irannu gyda’r byd. Cofiwch i ddefnyddio’r hashnod cyn eich lleoliad e.e. DaffiDrochwyr Aberporth
Gallwch brynu het cenin pedr fan hyn:
Disclaimer : Mae bod yn rhan o ddigwyddiad DrochioDrosDewi ar eich risg eich hunan. Gwnewch yn siwr eich bodyn ddigon iach a ffit i wneud hyn, CHI sydd yn gyfrifol am eich iechydeich hunan a neb arall.Am fwy o wybodaeth am sut mae Gwenno Dafydd wedi datblygu traddodiadau newydd ar gyfer Dydd Gwyl Dewi Cymerwch bip fan hyn a gobeithio gewch chi eich ysbrydoli.
Gyda baner ac anthem gellid Dathlu Dydd Gwyl Dewi ‘ble bynnag yn y byd
Gellid prynu Anthem Dydd Gwyl Dewi fan hyn:
You are very welcome to set up your own event, however doing a DaffyDip4Dewi is entirely at your own risk. Please make sure that you are fit and well enough to do this. YOU are responsible for your own well-being. Take warm clothing and a warm drink for after the event.
If you want to have the Saint David’s Day Anthem as part of your event (get a local school or choir on board) the Saint David’s Day Anthem can be bought here: https://tycerddshop.com/collections/types?q=&constraint=composer_gwenno-dafydd
Posted in: St Davids Day | 0 comments -
A statement from Sian Richardson, founder of the Bluetits
"I have been swimming at Porthsele beach under the cliffs on my farm which overlooks Whitesands Bay for over 50 years. Up until 2014 I had never dipped in the sea over the winter months. I decided to take the plunge in October that year because I had heard of a challenge called the Ice Mile, and it sounded like the kind of extreme challenge that appealed to me.
I began dipping, first on Porthsele, and then all over Pembrokeshire. People were intrigued by what we are doing, some were horrified, some vaguely interested, some interested enough to join us. My husband noticed how happy we all were when we came out of the water and suggested we call ourselves something. So The Bluetits Chill Swimmers took flight.
Over the summer months of 2015 some people who came to my campsite at Pencarnan and heard about The Bluetits and asked if they could start up a group in their home area, and so we began to spread far and wide, first in Wales, then the rest of the UK then overseas. My Ice Mile training was pretty much a solitary affair with just me in the water and my small team of helpers around me for safety support, and I enjoyed this, I had never really been swimming with groups of people so I didn’t really know any different. Swimming with the newly formed Bluetits was the complete opposite of course, and initially I wasn’t aware of any benefits to this. As the years passed by, the extreme ice mile completed and no more solitary training to endure, I totally immersed myself in group swimming with the many people in Pembrokeshire who were now swimming under The Bluetits banner.
With no plan, time limits or expectations from my dips I began to appreciate the benefits of meeting up with likeminded humans. We laughed, cried, ate cake, drank warm coffee after the swims whilst warming up on a beach, walked home, made friends, went shopping in our changing robes and generally became comrades in and around the cold water. The bond created between humans who are challenging themselves to do something that scares them a little is immeasurable.
I am always asked what is it about cold water that is life changing. The cold water is the anchor that holds us all together and going into it provides the adrenalin rush that in turn allows us to free our minds of all the crap that is in our heads for a short moment in time, but enough time to allow you to see the world with different eyes. For that moment in time all your worries and fears get pushed to the back of your mind. You notice the wonderful landscape around you, laugh with the person next to you about something that is momentarily very funny, hold your hand out for someone who is nervous, rejoice in the fact the body you have can do this.
Pembrokeshire has always been my favourite place in the world. I have worked here used its glorious landscape as a playground all my life. I no longer look at the winter months as a time when I retreat from the world. I now look forward to it as a time when I meet up with all the friends I have made through The Bluetits and experience more adventures in the water with them all.It means the world to me that The Bluetits are going to be part of the DaffyDips4Dewi event. We began with two people dipping on a Pembrokeshire beach and we became 100,000 people dipping on beaches, in rivers and lakes all over the world. I hope to see pictures of thousands of daffodil hats bobbing in the water on Sunday February the 26th this year in celebration of Saint David – our very own local saintly ‘waterman’. If you want to find out more about us – then check out our website here: https://thebluetits.co/ "
You are very welcome to set up your own event, however doing a DaffyDip4Dewi is entirely at your own risk. Please make sure that you are fit and well enough to do this. YOU are responsible for your own well-being. Take warm clothing and a warm drink for after the event.
If you want to have the Saint David’s Day Anthem as part of your event (get a local school or choir on board) the Saint David’s Day Anthem can be bought here: https://tycerddshop.com/collections/types?q=&constraint=composer_gwenno-dafydd
Posted in: St Davids Day | 0 comments -
Whitesands Bay
The organizers could not have picked a more beautiful and historic location for the first annual Daffy Dipping event. Below we outline some of the natural and historic featues of Whitesands Bay.On February 26th a new chapter will be written in the history of this fascinating location. If you're in the area why not get along to Whitesands and participate in the first annual Daffy Dipping extravaganza. If chill swimming is not your thing just come and cheer them on!
Whitesands Bay is a beach located in the St Davids Peninsula in Pembrokeshire, Wales. It is considered one of the best beaches in the country and is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. The beach is known for its wide stretch of golden sand, clear blue waters, and stunning views of the surrounding cliffs and coastline.
Whitesands Bay is also popular with surfers, as it provides excellent waves for both beginners and more experienced surfers. The beach has a large car park, public toilets, and a café that serves food and drinks throughout the day.
The area around Whitesands Bay is also home to a range of wildlife, including seals, dolphins, and a variety of sea birds. There are several walking trails in the area, including the Pembrokeshire Coast Path, which offers breathtaking views of the coastline and is a great way to explore the area's natural beauty.
Carn Llidi is a prominent rocky outcrop located on the St Davids Peninsula in Pembrokeshire, Wales, near Whitesands Bay. It is a popular destination for hikers and walkers, offering spectacular views of the surrounding coastline and countryside.The summit of Carn Llidi stands at 594 feet (181 meters) above sea level and can be accessed via several walking routes, including the Pembrokeshire Coast Path. From the summit, visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the St Davids Peninsula, the coast, and the offshore islands.
The area around Carn Llidi is part of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, which is known for its rugged cliffs, sandy beaches, and diverse wildlife. The hill is also home to a range of archaeological sites, including neolithic burial chambers, prehistoric enclosures and field systems, and an iron-age defensive wall. During World War II, a Chain Home Low early-warning radar station was located on Carn Llidi, and the remains of the concrete base and a Lewis gun pit can still be seen.
The Pembrokeshire Coast Path is a long-distance walking trail that follows the coastline of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park in Wales, UK. The trail is approximately 186 miles (299 km) long, running from Amroth in the south to St Dogmaels in the north.
The path is renowned for its stunning coastal scenery, with rugged cliffs, sandy beaches, and hidden coves to discover along the way. It is a popular destination for walkers, hikers, and outdoor enthusiasts, with the trail passing through a diverse range of landscapes, from wild, windswept headlands to peaceful wooded valleys.
The Pembrokeshire Coast Path is also rich in wildlife, with opportunities to spot seals, dolphins, and a variety of bird species along the way. The path is well-signposted and maintained, with plenty of accommodation and amenities available for walkers, including campsites, B&Bs, and pubs serving food and drink.
The trail can be walked in sections, with many visitors choosing to tackle shorter sections of the path, while others complete the entire route over several days or weeks. There are also guided tours and baggage transfer services available for those who prefer a more supported walking experience.
Ramsey Island, also known as Ynys Dewi in Welsh, is a small island located off St David's Head in Pembrokeshire, southwest Wales. It is around 1 kilometer off the northern side of St Brides Bay, and its area is about 259 hectares (640 acres). The name "Ramsey" is derived from Old Norse and means "Hrafn's island," while in Welsh, the island is named after Saint David, the patron saint of Wales.
The island has a diverse geology that consists of sedimentary, volcanic, and intrusive igneous rocks dating from the early Paleozoic era. The north part of the island is mostly mudstones of the Tetragraptus Mudstone Formation, while the south is dominated by a rhyolite intrusion. The island's coastal cliffs are formed by sedimentary rocks, including the Lingula Flags and sandstones and mudstones of the Ogof Hen Formation.
Ramsey Island has evidence of prehistoric cairns, field systems, and barrows, indicating human activity on the island dating back up to 5,000 years. There are also medieval sites on the island, such as a holy well and cemetery from the 9th century.
In 2021 the Dyfed Archaeological Trust has excavated around 200 well-preserved bodies from the site of a medieval trading post with Ireland at Whitesands Beach, Pembrokeshire. The remains are from an early Christian community and have been buried in sand, providing a unique snapshot into life at the time. The Trust hopes to excavate as much of the chapel cemetery as possible due to fears coastal erosion could wash it away. Radiocarbon dating has shown the cemetery was in use from the 8th to 11th Centuries, and the excavations will be stored at the National Museum of Wales. Earlier digs had taken place at the St Patrick's Chapel site in 2014, 2015 and 2016.
During low tide, visitors to the beach can see the remains of an ancient forest, which has been preserved by the sand and sea for thousands of years. The forest is believed to have been part of an area of woodland that was once above sea level and may have extended out into the bay.
The remains of the trees are visible as stumps and are often covered in seaweed and other marine life. Scientists have been able to use the submerged forest to study past sea levels and climate change, as well as to learn more about the local environment and ecology.
The submerged forest can be accessed from Whitesands Bay during low tide, but visitors should be aware of the tides and take care when exploring the area. It is recommended to visit with a guide or tour, as the area can be dangerous and unpredictable.
Posted in: Welsh History | 0 comments -
A New Tradition
If you have any queries about the Bluetits contact media@thebluetits.co
If you have any media queries about the DaffyDips4Dewi then contact Gwenno Dafydd on
Organisers are hoping for quite a crowd on February 26th to witness the first instance of what may become a new annual St David's Day tradition.
On Sunday the 26th February at 11.00 sharp. Gwenno Dafydd will sing the Saint David’s Day Anthem before charging into the sea with her fellow DaffyDippers.
Sian Richardson, of the Bluetits, a local chill swimmers club has said of this event:- “It means the world to me that The Bluetits are going to be part of the DaffyDips4Dewi event. We began with two people dipping on a Pembrokeshire beach and we became 100,000 people dipping on beaches, in rivers and lakes all over the world. I hope to see pictures of thousands of daffodil hats bobbing in the water on Sunday the 26th."
If you are a Pembrokeshire Person and you fancy a DaffyDip4Dewi then come to the Whitesands Bay beach on Sunday the 26th February at 11.00 a.m.
Organisers would like to stress that DaffyDips4Dewi can be done anywhere throughout the world and Wales in lakes, beaches and ponds. Get a gang of DaffyDippers together and take a photograph to share with the world. Remember to use the hashtag after your location e.g. Jackson Bay DaffyDippers
If immersing yourself in freezing cold water does not appeal why not pop down to Whitesands ( if you're in the area) to give moral support to our intrepid army of Dippers. Be tere on day one
You are very welcome to set up your own event, however doing a DaffyDip4Dewi is entirely at your own risk. Please make sure that you are fit and well enough to do this. YOU are responsible for your own well-being.
Take warm clothing and a warm drink for after the event. If you want to have the Saint David’s Day Anthem as part of your event (get a local school or choir on board) the Saint David’s Day Anthem can be bought here: