Welsh Proverbs Crossword 1
Click on the images below to go to the individual gallery pages and enjoy the proverbs and images. Alternatively click the vocabulary text links (Geiriau - Words) in the right column to go to the individual wordcard pages. Learn the words. Once you have mastered the vocabulary test yourself by completing the crossword on the next tab on this page. If you are interested in learning more Welsh please visit our Croeseiriau Cymraeg home page here:- Croeseiriau Cymraeg
Lluniau - Pictures -
To take the crossword interactively online go here:- Croesair Diarhebion Cymraeg Online
For the print version go here:- Croesair Diarhebion Cymraeg Print Version
1 To Crawl 2 Adversity , Affliction 3 Without 4 Crow 5 Prize , Reward 6 Far , Afar 7 Color
1 Back , Ago , According To 2 Flock 3 Scarcity , Shortage 4 Two-thirds 5 Brave 6 Stick , Staff 7 Prudence , Sense , Discretion 8 Thief -
And here is the solution:
The Proverbs of Wales (Book)
Many of the proverbs on this page have been taken from the excellent: Proverbs of Wales: A Collection of Welsh Proverbs, with English Translations compiled by T.R. Roberts. Though first published in 1885 it is still, in our opinion, a useful and interesting resource for Welsh language learners. You can download the book (free) at the following link:- Welsh Proverbs