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    Ancient Welsh symbols trace back to the Celtic tribes of Wales, even before Welsh was spoken. They are closely tied to nature, spirits and deities, warriors and fighting, and the Otherworld. Some symbols, like the red dragon, have become well-known parts of Welsh culture in modern times. Where do ancient Welsh symbols originate? Why are some of the traditional Welsh symbols we see today relatively new in comparison? Ancient symbols of Cyrmu come from the Celts who lived in Britain during the Iron Age. By 600 BC, they had established quite a presence on the island. They were pagans who...

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    Mae’r arlunydd, cyflwynydd, bardd ac awdur Siôn Tomos Owen yn cyhoeddi ail gyfrol o straeon am fyw yn y Rhondda’r wythnos hon. Mae  Y Fawr a’r Fach 2: Mwy o Straeon o’r Rhondda  yn rhan o’r gyfres Amdani, ac mae llyfr Siôn yn addas ar gyfer dysgwyr lefel Sylfaen.   Mae Siôn yn wyneb cyfarwydd i wylwyr S4C, diolch i  Pobol y Rhondda , cyfres oedd yn mynd ar daith trwy Gwm Rhondda, ac roedd ei gyfrol gyntaf o straeon ffraeth am ei blentyndod a’i arddegau yn boblogaidd iawn.   Meddai Siôn Tomos Owen: “Pan sgwennes i’r gyfrol gyntaf nôl yn 2018 ges i lawer o hwyl ond ges i...

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    BIOGRAPHY   Peiriant are a duo of violin and electric guitar, who play with melody and tonality to create atmosphere and soundscape. Electronic equipment, samples and found objects also add to their semi-improvised pieces, which are spun from grounded ideas.   Rose and Dan Linn-Pearl draw from their foundation in folk and classical in addition to post-rock, minimalism and sound art to weave experimental music that is anchored in the Welsh landscape. They play with layers of drone and dissonance, contrasting with songs and pure tones to give a rich and sonorous auditory...

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    The Boy From The Coach is a delight to read. If you have ever wondered how life is lived in the innumerable small pubs and Inns which dot the Welsh countryside this book is for you. The author,, J.A.S. ( Tony) Rees, was a frequent visitor to the pub in the late 40's and 50's when he stayed during the school summer holidays. The pub was owned and run by a relative of his mother, May Morgan, who greeted him every summer, "with a Craven A cigarette lodged at the center of her mouth" . The book provides an insight into many of the colorful aspects of rural village life in Wales at...

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    Skäl release their raucous debut single 'All of The People' on Friday the 30th of August on Snowdonia Records.  ‘All Of The People’  is an urgent, infectious and exciting debut track from  Skäl , that bursts out of the speakers on a wave of tremulous guitar hooks, grooving bass lines and quickfire drums, while Ev Kirwan's vocals hook you in with a swaggering confidence as the song spirals into a frenetic guitar anthem and a rollicking crescendo with fantastic carousel of guitar solos. It reminds one of the resplendent early sound of  The Stone Roses,  they call it a...

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    During the Iron Age and Roman Era, the Ordovices tribe lived in what is now south Clwyd and south Gwynedd in North Wales. In addition to parts of Clwyd and Gwynedd, the Ordovices tribes’ territory extended into parts of Hereford, Worcester, and western Shropshire in what is now England. They were great warriors and nearly wiped out an entire Roman regiment. However, even these brave fighters wouldn’t escape Rome’s organized military force by the end.  The Iron Age for Wales spans from 800 BC to 48 AD. During this time, Celtic tribal societies occupied the island of Britain. No king or...

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    Round barrows, Bronze Age burial sites called “cairns” in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, are ancient graves their creators covered with a mound of earth. There are two types of barrows: long and round. Why are round barrows, Bronze Age burial mounds, often referred to as “cairns” in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales—and is there any difference? The terms “barrow” and “cairn” are sometimes used interchangeably, but they can have different meanings. A barrow is a burial mound from ancient times. The word “barrow” comes from the Old English word “beorg.” Beorg originates from Germanic and is...

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    Ceri Shaw


    Town Cryer Barry Short took his usual place in the Square of the little South Walian Hamlet of Merthyr Tydfil and ascended a wooden crate. Short by name and short by nature, at 5 foot 4 it was a strange choice of job given his diminutive stature but needs must when the devil calleth and with most of the men having been killed in the Napoleonic Wars there was not that many men to go around -Short or tall.But at least he was more difficult to hit with a musket ball. As he unrolled his parchment written by a quill on velum, Barry summoned up all his vocal strength to announce the...

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