Category: Events
Set Fire to the Stars a Jack to a King a gynhyrchwyd yn Abertawe, yn ennill tair Gwobr yr un
Richard Harrington a Rhian Morgan yn ennill y Gwobrau ar gyfer Actor ac Actores
Adam Price a Streic y Glowyr yn ennill y Wobr ar gyfer Cyfres Ffeithiol a Gwobr Gwyn Alf Williams
Menna Richards OBE yn derbyn BAFTA ar gyfer Cyfraniad Arbennig i Deledu
Cyflwyno Gwobr Siân Phillips i Euros Lyn
Caerdydd, 27 Medi 2015: Mae’r Academi Celfyddydau Ffilm a Theledu Brydeinig yng Nghymru, sef BAFTA Cymru, wedi cyhoeddi enillwyr 24ain Gwobrau’r Academi Brydeinig yng Nghymru, gan anrhydeddu rhagoriaeth mewn darlledu a chynhyrchu ym myd ffilmiau a theledu yng Nghymru. Cyflwynwyd y seremoni gan Huw Stephens yn Neuadd Dewi Sant, Caerdydd. Roedd cyflwynwyr y gwobrau’n cynnwys James Dean Bradfield (Manic Street Preachers), Lee Mead (Casualty), Craig Roberts (Just Jim, Submarine), Kimberley Nixon (Fresh Meat) ac Alexander Vlahos (Merlin, The Indian Doctor), a chafwyd perfformiadau gan Amy Wadge ac Only Men Aloud.
Enillodd Set Fire to the Stars dair Gwobr yr Academi Brydeinig yng Nghymru, ar gyfer Coluro a Gwallt (Andrea Dowdall-Goddard), Dylunio Cynhyrchiad (Edward Thomas) a Cherddoriaeth Wreiddiol (Gruff Rhys).
Enillodd Jack to a King dair Gwobr hefyd, ar gyfer Cyfarwyddwr Ffeithiol (Marc Evans), Sain (Bang Post Production) a Golygu (John Richards).
Enillodd A Poet in New York ddwy Wobr ar y noson, ar gyfer Ffilm Nodwedd/Teledu (Griff Rhys Jones) ac Effeithiau Arbennig a Gweledol (Bait Studios). Enillodd Da Vinci’s Demons ddwy Wobr hefyd, ar gyfer Dylunio Gwisgoedd (Trisha Biggar) a Ffotograffiaeth a Goleuo (Owen McPolin).
Cyflwynwyd y Wobr ar gyfer Actor i Richard Harrington am ei bortread o DCI Tom Matthias yn y ddrama Gymraeg, Y Gwyll/Hinterland, sydd wedi ennill clod yn rhyngwladol; enillodd y gyfres yn y categori Teitlau a Hunaniaeth Graffeg (Sarah Breese) hefyd. Cyflwynwyd y Wobr ar gyfer Actores i Rhian Morgan am ei rôl fel Gwen Lloyd yn Gwaith/Cartref.
Enillodd Y Streic a Fi y categorïau Cyfarwyddwr Ffuglen (Ashley Way) a Drama Deledu ac enillodd Tir y wobr ar gyfer Awdur (Roger Williams).
Yn y categorïau rhaglenni ffeithiol, enillodd Jamie Baulch: Looking for my Birth Mum y Wobr am Raglen Ddogfen Sengl, ac enillodd Adam Price a Streic y Glowyr y Wobr am Gyfres Ffeithiol; enillodd y rhaglen Wobr Gwyn Alf Williams hefyd. Enillodd Y Byd ar Bedwar y wobr Materion Cyfoes am y drydedd flwyddyn yn olynol, ac enillodd Rhod Gilbert y wobr ar gyfer Cyflwynydd am RAF Fighter Pilot: Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience.
Eleni, cyflwynwyd y Wobr Torri Drwodd i’r Cynhyrchydd/Cyfarwyddwr, Clare Sturges, am ei rhaglen ddogfen, Sexwork, Love and Mr Right.
Cyflwynwyd Gwobr Siân Phillips i’r Cyfarwyddwr, Euros Lyn, gan ei gyfaill agos, a chydweithiwr, Russell T Davies.
Daeth y seremoni i ben trwy gyflwyno Gwobr BAFTA ar gyfer Cyfraniad Arbennig i Deledu i Menna Richards OBE, Rheolwr BBC Cymru Wales rhwng 2000 a 2011. Cyflwynwyd y wobr gan gyn-bennaeth Cenedlaethau a Rhanbarthau’r BBC, Pat Loughrey.
Dywedodd Hannah Raybould, Cyfarwyddwr BAFTA Cymru: “Wrth i BAFTA Cymru ddechrau ar ei 25ain blynedd yn dathlu a hyrwyddo diwydiant y cyfryngau creadigol yma yng Nghymru, mae wedi bod yn galonogol iawn gweld cymaint o ehangder o ran cynnwys a dawn yng Ngwobrau’r Academi Brydeinig yng Nghymru heno. Mae’r sector cynhyrchu annibynnol wedi cael ei gynrychioli’n dda unwaith eto, gydag 13 o gwmnïau bywiog ledled y wlad yn ennill gwobrau, ac rydym yn edrych ymlaen at weithio gyda’n holl enwebeion ac enillwyr ar ddigwyddiadau BAFTA Cymru o bob cwr, yn annog ac ysbrydoli pobl ddawnus sy’n dod i’r amlwg yng Nghymru, i fod yn rhan o’r diwydiant rhyfeddol hwn.”
GWOBR SIAN PHILLIPS a noddwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru
Euros Lyn
Menna Richards
GWOBR GWYN ALF WILLIAMS a noddwyd gan Archif Sgrîn a Sain Cenedlaethol Cymru
Adam Price Y Streic a Fi
Christian Britten ar gyfer Fog of Sex: Stories from the Frontline of Student Sex Work – Visual Influence
ClaRe Sturges ar gyfer Sexwork, Love and Mr Right
Owen Davis ar gyfer Gohebwyr: Owen Davis – Cwmni Da / S4C
FFILM / FFILM DELEDU a noddwyd gan Coleg Caerdydd a’r Fro
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer A Poet in New York - BBC Cymru Wales / Modern Television/ BBC Two
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Jack to a King: The Swansea Story - YJB Films
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Set Fire to the Stars - Mad as Birds Films / YJB Films / Ffilm Cymru
DRAMA TELEDU a noddwyd gan Access Bookings
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Under Milk Wood – BBC Cymru Wales / BBC Four
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Y Gwyll / Hinterland – Fiction Factory / S4C
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Y Streic a Fi - Alfresco – cyfadran o Boom Cymru / S4C
ACTORES a noddwyd gan Access Bookings
Jenna Coleman fel Clara Oswald yn Doctor Who: Kill the Moon – BBC Cymru Wales/ BBC One
Mali Harries fel DI Mared Rhys yn Y Gwyll/Hinterland – Fiction Factory / S4C
Rhian Morgan fel Gwen Lloyd yn Gwaith/Cartref – Fiction Factory / S4C
ACTOR a noddwyd gan Audi
Richard Harrington fel DCI Tom Matthias yn Y Gwyll/Hinterland – Fiction Factory / S4C
Peter Capaldi fel The Doctor yn Doctor Who: Dark Water – BBC Cymru Wales / BBC One
Rhys Ifans fel Captain Cat yn Dan y Wenallt – fFatti fFilms / S4C / Tinopolis / Goldfinch Pictures a Ffilm Cymru Wales
CYFLWYNYDD a noddwyd gan Deloitte
Owen Sheers ar gyfer Dylan Thomas: A Poet's Guide - Bulb Films, cyfadran o Boom Cymru / BBC Two Wales
Michael Sheen ar gyfer Michael Sheen: A Valleys Rebellion – Cwmni Da / BBC Two Wales
Rhod Gilbert ar gyfer RAF Fighter Pilot: Rhod Gilbert's Work Experience - Zipline Creative / Parasol Media / BBC Two
ELERI TINNUCHE ar gyfer #Fi – Boom Plant / S4C
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Llan-ar-goll-en – Cwmni Da / Cynyrchiadau Twt / S4C
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Wizards vs Aliens – BBC Cymru Wales / CBBC
DYLUNIO GWISGOEDD a noddwyd gan Ganolfan Siopa Dewi Sant
SIAN JENKINS ar gyfer Cara Fi – Touchpaper Television / S4C
TRISHA BIGGAR ar gyfer Da Vinci’s Demons - Adjacent Productions / Phantom Four Films / FOX
Francisco Rodriguez WeiL ar gyfer Set Fire to the Stars – Mad as Birds Films/YJB Films/Ffilm Cymru Wales
MATERION CYFOES a noddwyd gan Great Western Railway
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Week in Week Out: Cardiff to Syria - BBC Cymru Wales / BBC One
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Y Byd ar Bedwar: Y Felan a Fi - ITV Cymru Wales / S4C
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Ysbyty Dan Bwysau - BBC Cymru Wales / S4C
CYFARWYDDWR: FFEITHIOL a noddwyd gan Capital Law
Marc Evans ar gyfer Jack to a King: The Swansea Story – YJB Films
CARYL EBENEZER ar gyfer Malcolm Allen: Cyfle Arall – Rondo Media / S4C
STEVE FREER ar gyfer Visions of the Valleys – BBC Cymru Wales / BBC Four
CYFARWYDDWR: FFUGLEN a noddwyd gan Champagne Taittinger
KEVIN ALLEN ar gyfer Dan y Wenallt – fFatti fFilms / S4C
Pip Broughton & Bethan Jones ar gyfer Under Milk Wood – BBC Cymru Wales / BBC Four
ASHLEY WAY ar gyfer Y Streic a Fi - Alfresco – cyfadran o Boom Cymru / S4C
GOLYGU a noddwyd gan Gorilla
JOHN RICHARDS ar gyfer Da Vinci’s Demons - Adjacent Productions / Phantom Four Films / FOX
WILL OSWALD ar gyfer Doctor Who: Dark Water – BBC Cymru Wales/ BBC One
JOHN RICHARDS ar gyfer Jack to a King: The Swansea Story – YJB Films
RHAGLEN ADLONIANT a noddwyd gan Manorhaus
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer BBC Young Musician 2014 - The Final – BBC Cymru Wales/ BBC Four
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Dim Byd – Cwmni Da / S4C
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Karl Jenkins - Pencerdd Penclawdd – Rondo Media / S4C
CYFRES FFEITHIOL a noddwyd gan Faes Awyr Cymru Caerdydd
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Adam Price a Streic y Glowyr – Tinopolis / S4C
Ian michael jones ar gyfer Great Welsh Writers: Dannie Abse - Bulb Films, cyfadran o Boom Cymru / BBC Two Wales
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer RAF Fighter Pilot: Rhod Gilbert's Work Experience - Zipline Creative / Parasol Media / BBC Two
COLUR A GWALLT a noddwyd gan Ken Picton a MAC
Juliet Ireland ar gyfer Caryl a’r Lleill - Alfresco – cyfadran o Boom Cymru / S4C
Jaqueline Fowler ar gyfer Da Vinci's Demons - Adjacent Productions / Phantom Four Films / FOX
Andrea Dowdall-Goddard ar gyfer Set Fire to the Stars – Mad as Birds Films / YJB Films / Ffilm Cymru Wales
DARLLEDIADAU’R NEWYDDION a noddwyd gan Buzz Magazine
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Wales at Six (13/5/2014) – ITV Cymru Wales / ITV
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Wales at Six (20/1/2015) – ITV Cymru Wales / ITV
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Newyddion 9: Ymosodiadau Paris – BBC Cymru Wales / S4C
CERDDORIAETH GWREIDDIOL a noddwyd gan Access Bookings
RICHARD JAMES ar gyfer Cara Fi - Touchpaper Television / S4C
MARK THOMAS ar gyfer Dan y Wenallt - fFatti fFilms / S4C
GRUFF RHYS ar gyfer Set Fire to the Stars - Mad as Birds Films / YJB Film / Ffilm Cymru
FFOTOGRAFFIAETH FFEITHIOL a noddwyd gan St Davids Hotel and Spa
NATHAN MACKINTOSH ar gyfer Fisherman: Rhod Gilbert's Work Experience - Zipline Creative / Parasol Media/ BBC Two
KEEFA CHAN ar gyfer Fog of Sex: Stories from the frontline of student sex work – Visual Influence
HAYDN DENMAN ar gyfer Karl Jenkins: Pencerdd Penclawdd – Rondo Media / S4C
Owen McPolin ar gyfer Da Vinci’s Demons - Adjacent Productions / Phantom Four Films / FOX
Chris Seager ar gyfer Set Fire to the Stars – Mad as Birds Films / YJB Films / Ffilm Cymru
Stuart Biddlecombe ar gyfer TIR – Joio / S4C
DYLUNIO CYNHYRCHIAD a noddwyd gan Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru
PHIL WILLIAMS ar gyfer Crimewatch – BBC Cymru Wales / BBC One
EDWARD THOMAS ar gyfer Da Vinci’s Demons - Adjacent Productions, Phantom Four Films / FOX
EDWARD THOMAS ar gyfer Set Fire to the Stars – Mad as Birds Films / YJB Films / Ffilm Cymru
FFURF BYR AC ANIMEIDDIO a noddwyd gan Brifysgol Aberystwyth
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Dancing in Circles
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer The Homing Bird – It’s My Shout Productions
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer The Hunchback in the Park - BBC Cymru Wales Online & Learning / Aardman / BBC NOW
DOGFEN SENGL noddwyd gan Genero
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Jamie Baulch - Looking for my Birth Mum – Avanti Media / BBC One
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Malcolm Allen: Cyfle Arall – Rondo Media / S4C
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Michael Sheen's Valleys Rebellion – Cwmni Da / BBC Two Wales
SAIN a noddwyd gan AB Acoustics
Bang Post Production ar gyfer Jack to a King: The Swansea Story – YJB Films
MARK FERDA ar gyfer Under Milk Wood – BBC Cymru Wales / BBC Four
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Y Gwyll / Hinterland – Fiction Factory / S4C
EFFEITHIAU ARBENNIG A GWELEDOL a noddwyd gan Prifysgol Cymru y Drindod Dewi Sant
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer A Poet in New York - BBC Cymru Wales / Modern Television / BBC Two
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Da Vinci’s Demons - Adjacent Productions / Phantom Four Films / FOX
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Doctor Who Last Christmas – BBC Cymru Wales / BBC One
CHWARAEON A DARLLEDIAD ALLANOL a noddwyd gan Gyngor Caerdydd
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Clwb Rygbi: Scarlets v Ospreys - BBC Wales Sport / S4C
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Welsh Sports Review 2014 - BBC Wales Sport / BBC Two Wales
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Y Sioe – Boom Cymru / S4C
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Doctor Who: Deep Breath – BBC Cymru Wales / BBC One
BAIT STUDIO ar gyfer Jack to a King: The Swansea Story – YJB Films
TÎM CYNHYRCHU ar gyfer Y Gwyll/Hinterland – Fiction Factory / S4C
AWDUR a noddwyd gan Ethos
ANDY GODDARD & CELYN JONES ar gyfer Set Fire to the Stars – Mad as Birds Films / YJB Films / Ffilm Cymru Wales
ROGER WILLIAMS ar gyfer TIR – Joio / S4C
GWYNETH LEWIS ar gyfer Y Streic a Fi – Alfresco: Cyfadran o Boom Cymru / S4C
Mae’r Academi Celfyddydau Ffilm a Theledu Brydeinig yn elusen annibynnol sy’n cefnogi, datblygu a hyrwyddo celfyddydau delwedd symudol trwy amlygu a gwobrwyo rhagoriaeth, ysbrydoli ymarferwyr a rhoi budd i’r cyhoedd. Yn ogystal â’i seremonïau gwobrwyo, mae BAFTA yn cynnal rhaglen o ddigwyddiadau a mentrau dysgu drwy gydol y flwyddyn – sy’n cynnwys gweithdai, dosbarthiadau meistr, ysgoloriaethau, darlithiau a chynlluniau mentora – yn y DU, UDA ac Asia; mae’n cynnig mynediad unigryw at rai o’r bobl ddawnus fwyaf ysbrydoledig yn y byd, gan gysylltu â chynulleidfa fyd-eang o bob oedran a chefndir.
Mae BAFTA Cymru yn ymestyn cenhadaeth elusennol yr Academi ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig i gefnogi cymunedau creadigol Cymru. Uchafbwynt calendr digwyddiadau BAFTA yng Nghymru yw seremoni flynyddol Gwobrau’r Academi Brydeinig yng Nghymru, sef llwyfan annibynnol sy’n arddangos y gwaith sydd wir yn adlewyrchu’r gorau yn y wlad ym myd ffilmiau, teledu a gemau, gan wneud gwahaniaeth i’r rhai sy’n cynhyrchu gwaith creadigol yn ogystal â’r rhai sy’n ei wylio.
Mae BAFTA yn dibynnu ar incwm o danysgrifiadau aelodaeth, rhoddion unigol, ymddiriedolaethau, sefydliadau a phartneriaethau corfforaethol i gefnogi ei gwaith allgymorth. I gael mynediad at y meddyliau creadigol gorau ym myd cynhyrchu ffilm, teledu a gemau, ewch i . I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, ewch i .
Please join us in magnificent Ottawa, capital of Canada, for a very special weekend celebrating our Welsh heritage, music and culture.
We will enjoy a feast of music throughout the weekend. We are very honoured to have the renowned Côrdydd , a prize winning mixed choir from Cardiff, Wales, together with extra-special guests, the world renowned Three Welsh Tenors , taking part in the festival, including the Saturday evening concert.
In addition, we will have all your usual favourites such as a welcome tea with harp entertainment on Friday afternoon and a traditional noson lawen with loads of talented participants on Friday evening, followed by informal hymn singing. On Saturday there will be children’s activities, a lunch banquet with a presentation of the annual Gold Award and the grand concert, followed by a concert afterglow. On Sunday morning and afternoon there will be two glorious hymn singing sessions.
There will also be two seminars on Saturday afternoon: Dr Paul Birt, Chair of the Celtic Studies Dept at Ottawa University, will talk about Patagonia and Mary Muckle will give a hands on seminar about the harp with an opportunity for participants to learn how to playing. There will be a tour of the National Art Gallery on Friday, focusing on pictures with Welsh connections.
The Festival headquarters, where many of the activities will take place, is the stately Lord Elgin Hotel , ideally located in the heart of downtown Ottawa, just steps away from many attractions including the National War Memorial, the beautiful walks along the Rideau Canal and Ottawa River, the impressive National Art Gallery and the splendid Parliament Buildings.
The Saturday night concert and the two Gymanfa sessions on Sunday will take place at
Dominion Chalmers United Church , a gracious old church with a magnificent interior and wonderful acoustics located just a 10 minute walk from The Lord Elgin Hotel. A bus will be available for those not wishing to or unable to walk.
Festival rates are $147 Canadian per night.
Call now to secure your room – 1-800-267-4298 ; 613-235-3333
For more information please e-mail us at or phone Alison Lawson at 613-725-2704
Facebook page:-
Swansea-made Set Fire to the Stars and Jack to a King win three Awards each
Richard Harrington and Rhian Morgan win Actor and Actress respectively
Adam Price a Streic y Glowyr wins Factual Series and Gwyn Alf Williams Award
Menna Richards OBE receives BAFTA for Outstanding Contribution to Television
Euros Lyn presented with Siân Phillips Award Cardiff, 27 September 2015: The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) in Wales, BAFTA Cymru, has announced the winners of this evening’s 24th annual British Academy Cymru Awards, honouring excellence in broadcasting and production within film and television in Wales. The ceremony was hosted by Huw Stephens at St David’s Hall, Cardiff, where presenters included James Dean Bradfield (Manic Street Preachers), Lee Mead (Casualty), Craig Roberts (Just Jim, Submarine), Kimberley Nixon (Fresh Meat) and Alexander Vlahos (Merlin, The Indian Doctor), and featured performances from Amy Wadge and Only Men Aloud.
Set Fire to the Stars won three British Academy Cymru Awards, for Make Up and Hair (Andrea Dowdall-Goddard), Production Design (Edward Thomas) and Original Music (Gruff Rhys).
Jack to a King also won three, for Director Factual (Marc Evans), Sound (Bang Post Production) and Editing (John Richards).
A Poet in New York won two awards on the night, for Feature/Television Film (Griff Rhys Jones) and Special and Visual Effects (Bait Studios). Da Vinci’s Demons also won two, for Costume Design (Trisha Biggar) and Photography and Lighting (Owen McPolin).
The award for Actor was presented to Richard Harrington for his portrayal of DCI Tom Matthias in internationally-acclaimed Y Gwyll/Hinterland, the Welsh language drama which also triumphed in the Titles and Graphic Identity category (Sarah Breese). The award for Actress was presented to Rhian Morgan for her role as Gwen Lloyd in Gwaith/Cartref.
Y Streic a Fi won the Director Fiction (Ashley Way) and Television Drama categories and Tir won for Writer (Roger Williams).
In the factual programming categories, Single Documentary was won by Jamie Baulch: Looking for my Birth Mum and Factual Series was won by Adam Price a Streic y Glowyr, which also took home the Gwyn Alf Williams Award. Y Byd ar Bedwar won the Current Affairs award for the third year running and Rhod Gilbert won the Presenter award for RAF Fighter Pilot: Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience.
This year’s Breakthrough award was presented to producer/director Clare Sturges for her documentary Sexwork, Love and Mr Right.
The Siân Phillips Award was presented to director Euros Lyn by his close friend and colleague, Russell T Davies.
The ceremony closed with the BAFTA for Outstanding Contribution to Television being presented to Menna Richards OBE, the Controller for BBC Cymru Wales from 2000 to 2011. The award was presented by the former BBC Head of Nations and Regions, Pat Loughrey.
Hannah Raybould, Director of BAFTA Cymru, said: “As BAFTA Cymru enters its 25th year of celebrating and promoting the creative media industry here in Wales, we have been heartened to see such a breadth of content and talent on show at the British Academy Cymru Awards this evening. The independent production sector has been well-represented once again with 13 vibrant companies from across the country winning awards, and we look forward to working with all our nominees and winners on upcoming BAFTA Cymru events around the country, encouraging and inspiring emerging Welsh talent to become part of this incredible industry.”
SIAN PHILLIPS AWARD sponsored by Welsh Government
Recipient: Euros Lyn.
Recipient: Menna Richards
GWYN ALF WILLIAMS AWARD sponsored by the National Screen and Sound Archive of Wales
Recipient: Adam Price a Streic y Glowyr
Christian Britten for Fog of Sex: Stories from the Frontline of Student Sex Work – Visual Influence
Clare Sturges for Sexwork, Love and Mr Right
Owen Davis for Gohebwyr: Owen Davis – Cwmni Da / S4C
FEATURE / TELEVISION FEATURE sponsored by Cardiff and Vale College
PRODUCTION TEAM for A Poet in New York - BBC Cymru Wales/Modern Television / BBC Two
PRODUCTION TEAM for Jack to a King: The Swansea Story - YJB Films Ltd
PRODUCTION TEAM for Set Fire to the Stars - Mad as Birds Films/YJB Films/ Ffilm Cymru
TELEVISION DRAMA sponsored by Access Bookings
PRODUCTION TEAM for Under Milkwood – BBC Cymru Wales / BBC Four
PRODUCTION TEAM for Y Gwyll / Hinterland – Fiction Factory / S4C
PRODUCTION TEAM for Y Streic a Fi - Alfresco - a division of Boom Cymru / S4C
ACTRESS sponsored by Access Bookings
Jenna Coleman as Clara Oswald in Doctor Who: Kill the Moon – BBC Wales / BBC One
Mali Harries as DI Mared Rhys in Y Gwyll/Hinterland – Fiction Factory / S4C
Rhian Morgan as Gwen Lloyd in Gwaith/Cartref – Fiction Factory / S4C
ACTOR sponsored by Audi
Richard Harrington as DCI Tom Mathias in Y Gwyll/Hinterland – Fiction Factory / S4C
Peter Capaldi as the Doctor in Doctor Who: Dark Water – BBC Wales / BBC One
Rhys Ifans as Captain Cat in Dan y Wenallt – fFatti fFilms / S4C
PRESENTER sponsored by Deloitte
Owen Sheers for Dylan Thomas: A Poet's Guide - Bulb Films, a division of Boom Cymru / BBC Two Wales
Michael Sheen for Michael Sheen: A Valleys Rebellion – Cwmni Da / BBC Two Wales
Rhod Gilbert for RAF Fighter Pilot: Rhod Gilbert's Work Experience - Zipline Creative / Parasol Media / BBC Two
ELERI TINNUCHE for #Fi – Boom Plant / S4C
PRODUCTION TEAM for Llan-ar-goll-en – Cwmni Da/Cynyrchiadau Twt / S4C
PRODUCTION TEAM for Wizards vs Aliens – BBC Cymru Wales / CBBC
COSTUME DESIGN sponsored by St Davids Shopping Centre
SIAN JENKINS for Cara Fi – Touchpaper Television / S4C
TRISHA BIGGAR for Da Vinci’s Demons - Adjacent Productions/Phantom Four Films / FOX
Francisco Rodriguez WeiL for Set Fire to the Stars – Mad as Birds Films/YJB Films/ Ffilm Cymru
CURRENT AFFAIRS sponsored by First Great Western
PRODUCTION TEAM for Week in Week Out: Cardiff to Syria - BBC Cymru Wales / BBC One
PRODUCTION TEAM for Y Byd ar Bedwar: Y Felan a Fi - ITV Cymru / S4C
PRODUCTION TEAM for Y Sgwrs: Ysbyty Dan Bwysau - BBC Cymru Wales / S4C
DIRECTOR: FACTUAL sponsored by Capital Law
Marc Evans for Jack to a King: The Swansea Story – YJB Fims Ltd
CARYL EBENEZER for Malcolm Allen: Cyfle Arall – Rondo Media / S4C
STEVE FREER for Visions of the Valleys – BBC Cymru Wales / BBC One
DIRECTOR: FICTION sponsored by Champagne Taittinger
KEVIN ALLEN for Dan y Wenallt – fFatti fFilms / S4C
Pip Broughton & Bethan Jones for Under Milkwood – BBC Cymru Wales / BBC Four
ASHLEY WAY for Y Streic a Fi - Alfresco - a division of Boom Cymru / S4C
EDITING sponsored by Gorilla
JOHN RICHARDS for Da Vinci’s Demons - Adjacent Productions/Phantom Four Films / FOX
WILL OSWALD for Doctor Who: Dark Water – BBC Wales / BBC One
JOHN RICHARDS for Jack to a King: The Swansea Story – YJB Films Ltd
ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAMME sponsored by Manorhaus Ruthin
PRODUCTION TEAM for BBC Young Musician 2014 - The Final – BBC Cymru Wales / BBC Four
PRODUCTION TEAM for Dim Byd – Cwmni Da / S4C
PRODUCTION TEAM for Karl Jenkins - Pencerdd Penclawdd – Rondo Media / S4C
FACTUAL SERIES sponsored by Cardiff Wales Airport
Production team for Adam Price a Streic y Glowyr – Tinopolis / S4C
PAUL ISLWYN THOMAS for Great Welsh Writers: Dannie Abse - Bulb / BBC Two Wales
Production team for RAF Fighter Pilot: Rhod Gilbert's Work Experience - Zipline Creative / Parasol Media / BBC Two
MAKE UP AND HAIR sponsored by Ken Picton and MAC
Juliette Ireland for Caryl a’r Lleill - Alfresco - a division of Boom Cymru / S4C
Jaqueline Fowler for Da Vinci's Demons - Adjacent Productions, Phantom Four Films / FOX
Andrea Dowdall-Goddard for Set Fire to the Stars – Mad as Birds Films/YJB Films/ Ffilm Cymru
NEWS COVERAGE sponsored by Buzz Magazine
PRODUCTION TEAM for Wales at Six (13/5/2014) – ITV Cymru Wales / ITV
PRODUCTION TEAM for Wales at Six (20/1/2015) – ITV Cymru Wales / ITV
PRODUCTION TEAM for Newyddion 9 - Ymosodiad Paris - BBC Cymru Wales / S4C
ORIGINAL MUSIC sponsored by Access Bookings
RICHARD JAMES for Cara Fi - Touchpaper Television / S4C
MARK THOMAS for Dan y Wenallt - fFatti fFilms / S4C
GRUFF RHYS for Set Fire to the Stars - Mad as Birds Films/YJB Films/ Ffilm Cymru
PHOTOGRAPHY: FACTUAL sponsored by St Davids Hotel and Spa
NATHAN MACKINTOSH for Fisherman: Rhod Gilbert's Work Experience - Zipline Creative / Parasol Media / BBC Two
KEEFA CHAN for Fog of Sex: Stories from the frontline of student sex work – Visual Influence
HAYDN DENMAN for Karl Jenkins: Pencerdd Penclawdd – Rondo Media / S4C
Owen McPolin for Da Vinci’s Demons - Adjacent Productions, Phantom Four Films / FOX
Chris Seager for Set Fire to the Stars – Mad as Birds Films/YJB Films/ Ffilm Cymru
Stuart Biddlecombe for TIR – Joio / S4C
PRODUCTION DESIGN sponsored by The Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama
PHIL WILLIAMS for Crimewatch – BBC Cymru Wales / BBC One
EDWARD THOMAS for Da Vinci’s Demons - Adjacent Productions, Phantom Four Films / FOX
EDWARD THOMAS for Set Fire to the Stars – Mad as Birds Films/YJB Films/ Ffilm Cymru
SHORT FORM AND ANIMATION sponsored by Aberystwyth University
Production team for Dancing in Circles
Production team for The Homing Bird – It’s My Shout Productions
Production team for The Hunchback in the Park - BBC Cymru Wales Online & Learning / Aardman / BBC NOW
SINGLE DOCUMENTARY sponsored by Genero
PRODUCTION TEAM for Jamie Baulch - Looking for my Birth Mum – Avanti Media / BBC One
PRODUCION TEAM for Malcolm Allen: Cyfle Arall – Rondo Media / S4C
PRODUCTION TEAM for Michael Sheen's Valleys Rebellion – Cwmni Da / BBC Two Wales
SOUND sponsored by AB Acoustics
Bang Post Production for Jack to a King: The Swansea Story – YJB Films Ltd
MARK FERDA for Under Milk Wood – BBC Cymru Wales / BBC Four
PRODUCTION TEAM for Y Gwyll / Hinterland – Fiction Factory / S4C
SPECIAL AND VISUAL EFFECTS sponsored by University of Wales Trinity Saint David
PRODUCTION TEAM for A Poet in New York - BBC Cymru Wales/Modern Television / BBC Two
PRODUCTION TEAM for Da Vinci’s Demons - Adjacent Productions, Phantom Four Films / FOX
PRODUCTION TEAM for Doctor Who Last Christmas – BBC Wales / BBC One
SPORT AND LIVE OB sponsored by Cardiff Council
PRODUCTION TEAM for Clwb Rygbi: Scarlets v Ospreys - BBC Wales Sport / S4C
PRODUCTION TEAM for Welsh Sports Review 2014 - BBC Wales Sport / BBC Two Wales
PRODUCTION TEAM for Y Sioe – Boom Cymru / S4C
PRODUCTION TEAM for Doctor Who: Deep Breath – BBC Wales / BBC One
BAIT STUDIO for Jack to a King: The Swansea Story – YJB Films Ltd
PRODUCTION TEAM for Y Gwyll/Hinterland – Fiction Factory / S4C
WRITER sponsored by Ethos
PRODUCTION TEAM for Set Fire to the Stars – Mad as Birds Films /YJB Films/ Ffilm Cymru
GWYNETH LEWIS for Y Streic a Fi – Alfresco: A Division of Boom Cymru / S4C
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts is an independent charity that supports, develops and promotes the art forms of the moving image by identifying and rewarding excellence, inspiring practitioners and benefiting the public. In addition to its Awards ceremonies, BAFTA has a year-round programme of learning events and initiatives – featuring workshops, masterclasses, scholarships, lectures and mentoring schemes – in the UK, USA and Asia; it offers unique access to the world’s most inspiring talent and connects with a global audience of all ages and backgrounds.
BAFTA Wales – or BAFTA Cymru – extends the Academy’s charitable mission across the UK in support of Wales’ creative communities. The highlight of BAFTA’s events calendar in Wales is the annual British Academy Cymru Awards, an independent platform showcasing the work that truly reflects the best of the country across film, television and games, making a difference to those producing creative work as well as those watching it.
BAFTA relies on income from membership subscriptions, individual donations, trusts, foundations and corporate partnerships to support its ongoing outreach work. To access the best creative minds in film, TV and games production, visit For more, visit
Dr Wynne Davies MBE is one of the best-known names and voices in the world of Welsh ponies and cobs. Co-owner of Ceulan Stud, breeding and showing these beautiful animals is in his blood.In his long-awaited autobiography, he offers a fascinating portrait of several generations of his family and their connection to ponies and cobs, as well as his life story, which is inextricably linked to the horses. From Dr Wynne's early life at Ceulan Stores, Tal-y-bont, to teaching in the Rhondda and the eventual relocation of Ceulan Stud, we follow every step in the life of a man so dedicated to his field that he was awarded the MBE in 1995 for long-standing dedication to Welsh ponies and cobs. BUY 'FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH' HERE
But this was not his only appearance at the show. On Tuesday 21st of July Dr Wynne launched his long awaited autobiography at the Welsh Pony and Cob Society Pavilion. For more details about the book please read this post .
Today we are pleased and proud to present a short picture biography of this extraordinary man together with short excerpts from the book. This post provides only a partial account of Dr Wynne Davies' exceptional career . Amongst other things he introduced Welsh ponies to the USA where they were virtually unknown before 1957 . For a fuller understanding of his achievements you can buy the book here .
Ceulan Stores – Where is all began – Central Stores, Tal-y-bont, Aberystwyth
"I was born at Ceulan Stores, Tal-y-bont, Cardiganshire, on 19 March 1932, the third child of Evan Samuel Davies and Janet Mary (Williams). Ceulan Stores was rebuilt between 1935 and 1937 and renamed Central Stores."
Collecting ponies – My father (right) collecting ponies for the USA at Revel Farm, Talgarth in 1955 with Mr Jenkyn Morris, who went with them.
"The ponies from south and mid-Wales and Hereford were assembled at the Revel. Our friend from Tal-y-bont, Jenkyn Morris, was paid £30 by British Livestock Exports to escort the ponies from the Revel to Glasgow, and look after all 33 until their arrival in New York. He was allowed to spend two weeks with his brother-in-law in America and was given free transport back to Tal-y-bont."
With Mr William Simpson USA – With Mr William Simpson of the USA, May 1957 at the Dyrin Stud, Sennybridge, where Mr Simpson bought seven mares (four with foals at foot) and seven fillies
"I began writing show reports for publications in 1952. My report of the Welsh mountain ponies at the RWS was published in the American monthly magazine Your Pony in April 1953 alongside an article on ‘Our correspondent from Wales’. At that time, sections B and C Welsh ponies, or Welsh cobs, were unknown in the USA. The editor of Your Pony was William Simpson of Reedsburg, Wisconsin, who came over to Wales and bought 33 Welsh ponies in October 1955 and again in May 1957, when he bought 56 for himself and clients."
Ceulan Siwan Sidan a Seirian – The winning progeny group at the RWS1982 (from left) Ceulan Siwan, Sidan and Seirian
"The highlight of 1982 for Ceulan was the progeny competition at the RWS with the three full-sisters from Twyford Sprig x Ceulan Sprite, namely Ceulan Siwan (f. 1981), Ceulan Seirian (f. 1980) and Ceulan Sidan (f. 1978). All three were placed individually and together, and they won the Gwyn Price Mare Progeny Cup from the group out of Friars Golden Sunset (which had won in 1979 and 1981), and the Ceulan group were reserve for the Pennell Stallion Progeny Cup to the group sired by Bengad Nepeta."
Horse of the Year – Receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Horse of the Year Show 2012 with grandchildren Joseph and Leah
"I was invited by Showing World magazine to attend the HOYS on 5 October – to present an award, I was told – but to my great surprise, it was a presentation to me of Lifetime Achievement Award."