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  • Course 3: The Future  Lesson Five / Gwers Pump

    Hitherto we have been used to forming the present tense with the auxiliary verb bod (to be). e.g. dwi'n canu - I sing / I am singing

    BUT Welsh verbs do have a present tense short form which is usually employed with a future meaning. e.g. cana i - I will sing (equivalent in meaning to bydda i'n canu - I will sing, )

    The short form is more commonly heard in the south Walian dialect. It should also be noted that the short forms are used less often in conversation but are more common in literature. Whilst these two forms of the future tense are more or less interchangeable there are circumstances under which the short form is preferable or more commonly used:

    With os and os na  e.g.

    Os anghofiwch y tocyn fyddan nhw ddim yn eich gadael i mewn. = If you forget the ticket they will not let you in.

    Os prynwch chi'r llyfr, wna i'i ddarllen e. = If you buy the book I will read it.

    Beth os na/nad ewch chi? = What if you don't go?

    2. After pan when it has a future meaning e.g.

    Siaradwn ni pan gyrhaeddwch. = We will talk when you arrive.

    The negative form causes either an aspirate or soft mutation whilst the interrogative form causes a soft mutation. There are irregular verbs and the more important ones are listed  here


    cana i                                     I will sing
    cani di                                    you (familiar) will sing
    canith / caniff e/o/hi              he / she / it will sing
    canwn ni                                we will sing
    canwch chi                            you (formal / plural ) will sing  
    canan nhw                              they will sing


    chana i ddim                                     I will not sing
    chani di ddim                                    you (familiar) will not sing
    chanith / chaniff e/o/hi ddim            he / she / it will not sing
    chanwn ni ddim                                we will not sing
    chanwch chi ddim                            you (formal / plural ) will not sing  
    chanan nhw ddim                              they will not sing


    gana i?                                       will I sing?
    gani di?                                      will you (familiar) sing?
    ganith / caniff e/o/hi?                will he / she / it sing?
    ganwn ni?                                  will we sing?
    ganwch chi?                              will you (formal / plural ) sing?  
    ganan nhw?                                will they sing?

    1.  Practice Examples

    Here are some practice examples. If there are is any vocabulary you need to look up go here:  Geiriadur You will find the answers at the bottom of the page. 

    Cana i gyda'r côr heno. = I will sing with the choir tonight.

    Cerdda i i'r llyfrgellh yfory . = I will walk to the library tomorrow.

    Rheda i i'r gwaith yn y bore. = I will run to work in the morning.

    Nofia i yn y pwll. = I will swim in the pool.

    Os dilynwch chi ein cyngor arbenigol byddwch chi'n iawn. = If you follow our expert advice you'll be fine.

    They won't be in chapel tomorrow. = Chanan nhw ddim yn y capel yfory.

    We will learn how to make a cake. = Dysgwn ni sut i wneud cacen.

    They will wait until two o'clock. = Arhosan nhw tan dau o'r gloch.

    I will drink for a couple of pints tonight. = Yfa i gwpl o beintiau heno.

    2. Translation Exercise

    Translate the following short conversation. If there are is any vocabulary you need to look up go here: Geiriadur You will find the answers at the bottom of the page. 

    Os ewch i'r dref,  wnewch chi nôl llyfr i mi?
    Os dywedwch y teitl wrtha i.
    Wrth gwrs! Os galla ei gofio.
    Trïwch / Ceisiwch os gwelch chi'n dda / plis.

    3.   Practice Crossword 

    And so to our weekly crossword. The theme is -  'Present Short Form'

      • Click through the slides below and learn the words as you go.

      • Optional: If you want help with pronunciation or wish to check out other vocabulary entries on the wordcard, click the pic or text below to be taken to the appropriate Geiriadur listing page. 

    That's it for week five. We hope that you have enjoyed the fifth instalment of the course and that your knowledge of the Welsh language has improved. 

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    * Don't worry if some of the sample sentences are at a more advanced level. Concentrate on the simpler ones unless of course you are feeling adventurous and want to read ahead.

    Practice Sentences: Answers

    Cana i gyda'r côr heno.
    = I will sing with the choir tonight.

    Cerdda i i'r llyfrgellh yfory . = I will walk to the library tomorrow.

    Rheda i i'r gwaith yn y bore. = I will run to work in the morning.

    Nofia i yn y pwll. = I will swim in the pool.

    Os dilynwch chi ein cyngor arbenigol byddwch chi'n iawn. = If you follow our expert advice you'll be fine.

    They won't be in chapel tomorrow. = Chanan nhw ddim yn y capel yfory.

    We will learn how to make a cake. = Dysgwn ni sut i wneud cacen.

    They will wait until two o'clock. = Arhosan nhw tan dau o'r gloch.

    I will drink for a couple of pints tonight. = Yfa i gwpl o beintiau heno.

    Os ewch i'r dref,  wnewch chi nôl llyfr i mi? = If you go to town, will you fetch me a book?

    Os dywedwch y teitl wrtha i. = If you tell me the title.

    Wrth gwrs! Os galla ei gofio. = Of course! If I can remember it.

    Trïwch / Ceisiwch os gwelch chi'n dda / plis. = Please try.