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  • Course 3: The Future  Lesson Three / Gwers Tri

    Both wna i aros and bydda i'n aros mean I will stay. But this does not mean that the two forms of the future tense are entirely interchangeable. Both tend to be used in different contexts and to convey slightly different meanings.

    Bydda i'n aros = I will stay. / I will be staying .

    Wna i aros I will stay.

    Consequently if you are referring to an action that will be ongoing at some point in the future you might want to use bydda i'n.

    e.g. Bydda i'n aros yn y gwesty. = I will stay / be staying at the hotel

    If on the other hand you wish to express an intent to carry out a specific action at a specific time you might more naturally employ wna i .

    e.g. Wna i aros yma heno. = I will stay here tonight.

    As you can see from the above examples these forms of the future mirror the difference in the English future tense between I will and I will be . Whilst these differences do not, perhaps, prevent the two forms from being more or less interchangeable there are contexts and circumstances where one or the other is required.

    Since it means I will be , bydda i'n can be used with adjectives e.g.

    Bydda i'n dawel. = I will be quiet.

    Byddwch chi'n falch. = You will be pleased / proud.

    ( Note the soft mutation after yn )

    Similarly bydda i  can be used with prepositions. e.g.

    Byddwch chi ar y bws. = You will be on the bus.

    Bydda i gyda chi. = I'll be with you.

    ( There is no connecting yn )

    3. Wna i can be used to make polite requests or ask for favours. e.g.

    Wnewch chi ofyn y cwestiwn? =
    Will you (please) ask the question?

    If we substitute bydda in this context we would merely be enquiring whether someone was going to ask the question, not politely requesting that they do. e.g. 

    Fyddwch chi'n gofyn y cwestiwn? = Will you ask / be asking the question?

    Clearly the two forms of the future tense serve different purposes in this context.

    4. Wna i can also be used to express resolve or determination, similar to English 'I will do my homework.' e.g.

    Wna i orffen y ras . = I will finish the race.


    1.  Practice Examples

    Here are some practice examples. If there are is any vocabulary you need to look up go here:  Geiriadur You will find the answers at the bottom of the page. 

    Neu efallai wna i ddim. = Or maybe I won't.

    Wna i ddim stopio gobeithio am dywydd gwell. = I won't stop hoping for better weather.

    Wnawn ni ddim cadw eich gwybodaeth. = We will not keep your information.

    Wnân nhw edrych ar eich cais. = They will look at your application.

    Wnân nhw ddim dod yn ôl. = They won't come back.

    Wnewch chi ffonio fi?  = Will you call me?

    Wnewch chi ddim difaru! = You won't regret it!

    Dwi'n siwr wnaiff hi fwynhau astudio hanes. = I'm sure she will enjoy studying history.

    Wnaiff hi ddim eich clywed! = She won't hear you!

    2. Translation Exercise

    Translate the following short conversation. If there are is any vocabulary you need to look up go here: Geiriadur You will find the answers at the bottom of the page. 

    "Will you be ordering now?"

    "I think we'll have a coffee please.

    We'll have biscuits as well please."

    "Okay. I'll fetch your drinks and biscuits."

    4.   Practice Crossword 

    This weeks' Croesair  Cymraeg is designed to help you practice the future tense. Examine the sample sentences below and fill in the appropriate form of the verb. There is a link below to the solution and you can print the crossword and clues (.pdf) here:-  Yr Amser Dyfodol - Revision Crossword 1



    You will find the answers here:- Yr Amser Dyfodol - Revision Crossword 1 Solution

    That's it for week three. We hope that you have enjoyed this instalment of the course and that your knowledge of the Welsh language has improved. Next week we will continue working on the future tense

    Practice Sentences: Answers

    Neu efallai wna i ddim.
    = Or maybe I won't.

    Wna i ddim stopio gobeithio am dywydd gwell. = I won't stop hoping for better weather.

    Wnawn ni ddim cadw eich gwybodaeth. = We will not keep your information.

    Wnân nhw edrych ar eich cais. = They will look at your application.

    Wnân nhw ddim dod yn ôl. = They won't come back.

    Wnewch chi ffonio fi?  = Will you call me?

    Wnewch chi ddim difaru! = You won't regret it!

    Dwi'n siwr wnaiff hi fwynhau astudio hanes. = I'm sure she will enjoy studying history.

    Wnaiff hi ddim eich clywed! = She won't hear you!


    "Fyddwch chi'n archebu nawr?"

    "Dw i'n meddwl wnawn ni gael coffi os gwelwch yn dda.

    Wnawn ni gael bisgedi hefyd os gwelwch yn dda."

    "Iawn. Wna i nôl eich diodydd a bisgedi."