• croeseiriau cymraeg.jpg

  • Course 2: The Past  Lesson Nine /  Gwers Naw

    Croeso yn ôl i Groeseiriau  Cymraeg .

    This week we will continue revising the various forms of the past tense. Below you will find practice sentences, passages and of  course  the weekly crossword.

    Whatever you do....enjoy / mwynhewch.

    1. Practice Examples

    If there are is any vocabulary you need to look up go here:  Geiriadur You will find the answers at the bottom of the page.

    We didn't know at the time. =   Doedden ni ddim yn gwybod ar y pryd.

    We travelled to Cardiff. (short form) =  Teithion  ni i Gaerdydd.

    They paid for their tickets. (short form) =   Dalon nhw am eu tocynnau.

    Did you come here yesterday? (short form) =  Ddaethoch chi yma ddoe?

    Did she come back from the pub? (short form) =  Ddaeth hi'n ôl o'r dafarn?

    We knew it was true. =   Ro'n ni'n gwybod ei bod yn wir.

    We walked here. (short form) =  Cerddon ni yma.

    We walked here. (long form) =  (Fe) Wnaethoch chi gerdded yma.

    Translation Exercise 1

    Translate the following paragraph into English:

    Ro'n ni'n cerdded yn y Carneddau pan ddechreuodd fwrw glaw. Rhedon ni am orchudd. Ro'n ni'n wlyb. Ro'n ni'n oer hefyd.

    The solution can be found here:  Solutions

    3. Translation Exercise

    Translate the following passage into Welsh:

    I went to the pub last night. I drank five beers. In the morning I felt a little slow. But I felt better in the afternoon.

    The solution can be found here:  Solutions

    5.    Practice Crossword

    This weeks' Croesair  Cymraeg  is designed to help you practice the past tense , imperfect and pluperfect. Examine the sample sentences below and fill in the appropriate form of the verb. There is a link below to the solution and you can print the crossword and clues (.pdf) here:-   Yr Amser Gorffennol - Revision Crossword 3

    unnamed 5.jpg


    You will find the answers here:-  Yr Amser Gorffennol - Revision Crossword 3 Solution

    That's it for week nine. We hope that you have enjoyed this instalment of the  course and that your knowledge of the Welsh language has improved. Next week we will continue working on the past tense

    Practice Sentences: Answers

    We didn't know at the time. =   Doedden ni ddim yn gwybod ar y pryd.

    We travelled to Cardiff. (short form) =  Teithion ni i Gaerdydd.

    They paid for their tickets. (short form) =   Dalon nhw am eu tocynnau.

    Did you come here yesterday? (short form) =  Ddaethoch chi yma ddoe?

    Did she come back from the pub? (short form) =  Ddaeth hi'n ôl o'r dafarn?

    We knew it was true. =   Ro'n ni'n gwybod ei bod yn wir.

    We walked here. (short form) =  Cerddon ni yma.

    We walked here. (long form) =  (Fe) Wnaethoch chi gerdded yma.