This resource is provided by AmeriCymru and is intended for Welsh learners who are not yet ready to commit to a full time course. With Croeseiriau Cymraeg you can devise your own schedule and learn at your own pace. Before you start please go to this page: Croeseiriau Cymraeg and read the 'Introduction' and 'How to Use' sections.

If you are ready to commit to a full time course we recommend the following options:

AmeriCymraeg This is an online course with tutor John Good, which is offered in two-month terms. Go here for more information and to register: AmeriCymraeg

SSIW Want to learn quickly? Then you might want to check out the SSIW High Intensity Language Program here: SSIW

Online Welsh language course





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Croeseiriau Cymraeg - 4.4 Present / Future Short Form

  • Hitherto we have been used to forming the present tense with the auxiliary verb bod (to be). e.g. dwi'n canu - I sing / I am singing

    BUT Welsh verbs do have a present tense short form which is usually employed with a future meaning. e.g. cana i - I will sing (equivalent in meaning to bydda i'n canu - I will sing)

    The short form is more commonly heard in the south Walian dialect. It should also be noted that the short forms are not often used in conversation but are more common in literature.

    The negative form causes either an aspirate or soft mutation whilst the interrogative form causes a soft mutation. There are irregular verbs and the more important ones are listed at the bottom of this section.


    cana i                                    I will sing
    cani di                                   you (familiar) will sing
    canith / caniff e/o/hi             he / she / it will sing
    canwn ni                               we will sing
    canwch chi                           you (formal / plural ) will sing  
    canan nhw                            they will sing


    chana i ddim                                    I will not sing
    chani di ddim                                   you (familiar) will not sing
    chanith / chaniff e/o/hi ddim           he / she / it will not sing
    chanwn ni ddim                               we will not sing
    chanwch chi ddim                           you (formal / plural ) will not sing  
    chanan nhw ddim                            they will not sing


    gana i?                                      will I sing?
    gani di?                                     will you (familiar) sing?
    ganith / caniff e/o/hi?               will he / she / it sing?
    ganwn ni?                                 will we sing?
    ganwch chi?                             will you (formal / plural ) sing?  
    ganan nhw?                              will they sing?


    gwna(f) i                  I will
    gwnei di                  You will (familiar)
    gwnaiff e/hi              He/She will
    gwnawn ni                We will
    gnewch chi              You (formal & plural) will
    gwnân nhw              They will

    Gwneud means 'will' when used periphrastically i.e. with other verbs. e.g. The initial 'g' is frequently dropped in everyday speech.

    Gnawn ni wrando . - We will listen.


    do(f) i                   I will come
    doi di                   You will (familiar) come
    daw e/hi                He/She will come
    down ni                We will come
    dowch chi            You (formal & plural) will come
    dôn nhw              They will come

    Down ni os dowch chi. -
    We will come if you (will) come.


    a(f) i                    I will go
    ei di                    You will (familiar) go
    aiff e/hi                He/She will go
    awn ni                We will go
    ewch chi            You (formal & plural) will go
    ân nhw                They will go

    Awn ni i'r caffi i lawr y stryd - We will go to the cafe down the street.


    ca(f) i                    I will have/get
    cei di                    You will (familiar) have/get
    caiff e/hi                He/She will have/get
    cawn ni                We will have/get
    cewch chi            You (formal & plural) will have/get
    cân nhw                They will have/get

    Cawn ni bysgod a sglodion -
    We will have fish and chips