
An interesting basic factual account of Welsh history in the Viking era. Part 1 of this series can be found here:   Celtic Britons: the Origins of Medieval Wales - YouTube

The channel features several videos on the history of the Celts in Europe and Britain. Click here for a complete listing.


Following on from their second album (Divine Invasions), collaborations with Welsh poet Autumn Juvenile and Polish Artist Michal Iwanowski, plus an R.E.M cover, electronic post-rock duo Ritual Cloak are back with a brand new single. ‘Shell’ will be released on 23rd November across all digital platforms.


Shell is about being in a dream where you’re constantly searching for someone but never quite finding them.


It’s an idea that’s been floating around for a few years and gone through a number of different versions before becoming what it is now. Originally Shell was written for acoustic guitar and had a completely different feel. Dan remembers re-listening to Metals by Feist and being inspired by the dramatic intimacy of the album, leading to Shell being rewritten for piano. When the song was brought to the studio Sanders suggested taking the vocals outside of the usual comfort zone.


The inspiration for this method of production was taken from Bon Iver and Mogwai, experimenting with vocoder and the deliberate use of autotune for the first time. As a result the song entered new musical territories, and served as a reminder to ourselves that there are no rules in what we do.

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Bethan Lloyd is a Welsh artist whose trance inducing vocals expand over an ocean of rave inspired production, harmonic layering and otherworldly ecstasy. Working within the unseen realms, Bethan has engaged deeply in the art of relinquishing control.


Bethan takes her intense explorations of the spirit and emotional realms and blends them into something playful and danceable, a gritty experimental pop.

Cutting Circuits is a celebration of relinquishing control, both internally and externally. Changing the pathways of one’s life and opening up to genuine and powerful experiences of awe. This song is a blueprint for cutting the circuits of control and returning to true purpose, to the web and to the void.

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The War on Terror AD 493

By Paul Steffan Jones AKA, 2022-11-21

(For Owain Ddantgwyn

our Owen of the white tooth

in battle a bear 


to his family a comfort

to his kingdom

a worthy leader

warlike as the age demands) 

so meet me at the forum

in old Viroconium city 

that vacated shell we fitted 

like a glove of mail 

of might 

of shade of light

those men of Rome left in a hurry

and tonight we can have our fill

from their amphora

so have a glass with me

a toast for declining empires

in the morning we will sharpen 

our minds and our blade edges

ready for the latest wave of pagan invaders 

to imprint the sand of our beaches

with such heavy footfall 

and cruel design

we will meet them at the heights of Badon

and claim a hopeful victory

split wrong heads asunder 

in a war that we will ultimately lose

and which will be forgotten 

as those who will subjugate us

in turn will kneel in obedience 

and kiss the ring of their oppressor

leaving us to be onlookers

in our own isle

sulky in our ale


in the far margins

the unforgiving terrain 

where seed fails to shine

in the harshness of our tears’ rain

not knowing that scant numbers

of dreamers and word launchers 

will meditate on our time

in their leaderless day

believing as we did 

that they are near to the end of all time

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New music from Paul Hazel & Jeremy Gluck

By Ceri Shaw, 2022-11-18

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“What Jeremy Gluck has brought and continues to bring to music is what nobody else can bring, i.e. lyrical innovation and artistic integrity that goes far beyond the constraints of a business model.” Brendon Moeller (Beat Pharmacy, Echologist)

Released in the wake of their debut collaboration on Plan for a Performance for Gluck's album The Self , and the subsequent SWND single Love/I Left the Left Page Blank, their new single The Benefactor is both intense and uncompromising, comprising one eleven-minute spoken word ambient electronic soundscape that builds to a juddering climax. This powerful new work cements a working relationship between Gluck and Hazel that sees the release of a full album early in 2023.

Lead singer of cult surf-punk band The Barracudas - the subject shortly of a 3CD retrospective on Cherry Red Records - Jeremy Gluck as a solo artist has had songs covered by artists including Lydia Lunch and Rowland S. Howard (The Birthday Party, Crime and the City Solution, These Immortal Souls), and Nikki Sudden (Swell Maps), with whom two latter artists in 1987 he recorded the first supergroup album, ‘I Knew Buffalo Bill’ .

Currently a recording artist, NFT artist, spoken word artist, and prolific electronic music and video art collaborator, Gluck continues his journey into experimental electronica...

Paul Hazel has had many releases on labels such as Rising High, Rotation, Inspiral, 2Kool, Masters At Work, Welsh Modular Alliance, and SWND. He has composed and produced the music for a number of commercial films and TV programmes and exhibited several short films of his own in Japan, Venice, and at several galleries across Wales.

The video for The Benefactor is a generative art piece created by American live coder Northwoods (Charlie Kramer), with whom Gluck and Hazel have collaborated before. Taking the audio and text and feeding it into software to algorithmically trigger imagery, an otherworldly ‘scape emerges evoking The Benefactor in binary, mind and spirit.


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Jack Ellis Antidote - Out now

By Ceri Shaw, 2022-11-17

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'Triongl Dyfed' oedd enw'r ardal o orllewin Cymru lle gwelwyd sawl UFO yn y 1970au a'r 1980au. Cysyniad canolog y gân yw damcaniaeth ddychmygol fod ymosodiadau bwriadol Meibion ​​Glyndŵr i losgi bythynnod gwyliau wedi’u cyflawni gan estroniaid.

Yn cael ei chanu yn bennaf o safbwynt yr estroniaid - mae'r gân yn benthyg o 'Mae Gen i Het Tri Chornel', yn dyfynnu rocwyr y 70au Edward H Dafis 'Mae'n Braf Cael Byw Mewn Tŷ Haf', ac yn enwi'r canwr ac actor chwedlonol Bryn Fôn, a gafodd ei arestio ar gam ar amheuaeth o fod yn aelod o Meibion ​​Glyndwr, yn ogystal ag Owain Glyndŵr ei hun. Roedd Edward H a ​​Bryn Fôn ill dau yn barod iawn i ganiatáu'r band i gyfeirio atynt – mae tawelwch Owain Glyndŵr ar y mater yn fyddarol.

Fel yr albwm cyfan, cafodd ei recordio yn Stiwdios Tŷ Drwg, Grangetown gyda Frank Naughton ac mae’n cynnwys perfformiadau gan Llŷr Parri ar y drymiau a Harri Rees ar y clarinet gyda phopeth arall yn cael ei berfformio gan Bethan ac Ynyr.

“Rydym yn credu bod yr argyfwng ail gartrefi yng Nghymru yn wirion bost ac rydym yn credu y dylai’r llywodraeth ymyrryd i atal prisiau tai rhag codi mor ddramatig ac i ganiatáu i bobl ifanc gafodd eu magu yn yr ardal fedru brynu tŷ fforddiadwy lle maen nhw’n byw” meddai'r band.

*Rhag ofn i'r geiriau gael eu camddehongli; yn bendant nid yw Rogue Jones yn awgrymu mai llosgi ail gartrefi yw’r peth iawn i’w wneud – cân yw hon am estroniaid yn dod i lawr o’r gofod i losgi tai haf*



'Triongl Dyfed' (The Dyfed Triangle), was the name for the area of west Wales in which there were multiple UFO sightings in the 1970s and 1980s. The central concept of the song is an imagined conspiracy theory that the Meibion Glyndwr holiday cottage arson attacks were carried out by aliens.

Mostly sung from the point of view of the extra-terrestrials – the song borrows from ‘Mae Gen i Het Tri Chornel’ an old welsh nursery rhyme, quotes 70s rockers Edward H Dafis’ hit ‘Mae’n Braf Cael Byw Mewn Tŷ Haf’ (‘It’s nice to live in a holiday home’) and name-checks the legendary singer and actor Bryn Fôn, who was falsely arrested on suspicion of being a member of Meibion Glyndwr, as well as Owain Glyndŵr himself. Both Edward H and Bryn Fôn were extremely accommodating in allowing the band to reference them – Owain Glyndŵr’s silence on the matter is deafening.

As with the whole album, it was recorded in Tŷ Drwg Studios, Grangetown with Frank Naughton and features appearances from Llŷr Parri on drums and Harri Rees on clarinet with everything else performed by Bethan and Ynyr.

"We believe that the second home crisis in Wales is completely out of hand we believe that government should intervene to prevent house prices from rising so dramatically and to allow young people who grew up in the area to buy an affordable home where they live" said the band.

*In case the lyrics get misconstrued; Rogue Jones are categorically not suggesting that burning second homes is the right thing to do - this is a song about aliens coming down from outer space to burn holiday homes*


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With Support coming from  Gideon Coe on  BBC 6 Music Bethan Elfyn  and  Adam Walton BBC Radio Wales  &  Huw Stephens BBC Radio Cymru, Frankie Francis and Charlie Ashcroft on Amazing Radio.



Celebrated Welsh band  Derrero  continue an unstoppable 26-year trajectory with their new album  Curvy Lines .

Recorded back in Nov 2021 the album sees  Derrero  exploring new ways of working to expand upon their sonic palette and distinctive use of cut and paste song writing. Many ideas were traded across the web and new material was rapidly realised during 4 days of marathon studio sessions.

Maintaining a resolutely DIY approach to music making Curvy Lines demonstrates a strident and confident band who remain steadfastly unafraid to swim against the tide and self-produce and self-release uncompromising music outside of the mainstream

The members of  Derrero  all met at Falmouth Art college in 1993: after studies, they evolved in Brighton before settling in Newport, Wales. There they released their debut single Tiny Shoes on Size 8 Records in 1997 and also their debut LP later that same year after signing to  Big Noise records  in Cardiff.

Since the bands foundation Derrero have released 4 critically acclaimed albums and toured with the likes of  Super Furry Animals, Catatonia, Sebadoh  and  Granddaddy  as well as collaborating on the film ‘Beautiful Mistake’ with  John Cale.

The band also recorded three sessions for the legendary  John Peel

Curvy Lines is released on 30.10.22 and will be preceded by two digital singles, 'Morning Star' on the 07.09.22 & 02.10.22


Curvy Lines Album Tracklisting


1. Ancient Names
2. Internal Dialogue
3. Leaves on the Wing
4. Crease in the Flex
5. Morning Star
6. Numbahh Wahnn
7. High Side
8. Destinations Unknown
9. Long are the Days
10. Salamander
11. Kelp
12. Sign of Life

'Curvy Lines' Album will be available to pre-order from 26.08.22

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My Name is Ian - 'Spooky Holiday' Single

By Ceri Shaw, 2022-10-21

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Whilst the Cardiff three-piece multi-genre band  My Name is Ian  prepare for their upcoming brand new album - due out next year - we’ve got a little 2 minute nugget of Halloween pop-punk fun for you.


'Spooky Holiday'  is out across all digital platforms from 21st October.

Creatures of Cardiff,  My Name Is Ian  have already built a back catalogue that would have taken The Stone Roses millennia to mirror. Since 2010 their output of thirteen releases have dealt with break-ups, breakdowns, mysterious lion paintings and characters from the Tom Hanks movie Big.


This restless productivity has seen genres including but not restricted to
lo-fi, bedroom punk, garage rock, prog and anti-folk, all filtered through the pop-oriented
cranium of frontman  Reginald Foxwell .


Impressively prolific and prolifically impressive, bittersweet but unbroken,  My Name Is Ian  require your immediate attention.



Spooky Holiday Lyrics
It’s a spooky holiday everybody
All the ghost and ghoulies scare everybody
It’s a spooky holiday. Spooky holiday.

Frankenstein not frankincense
Yeah it’s only October so you know it makes sense.
A carved pumpkin and a load of candy
I'm ready for the monsters who trick or treat.

I got my costume on
I’m a zombie vet
Euthanize the chinchilla
Eat the owners flesh
Don’t answer the phone
Whatever you do
Watch out for the killer
They’re behind you!

Hold on now, You don’t believe in ghosts
I’ve heard bad enough screams from baby goats
there’s a lot that we don’t know so I’ll just play it safe
Save the ouija board for another day.

Funny bones
Yeah doing a dance
That vampire costume is missing some fangs
Black cats
Dead Mickey Mouse
Let’s have a graveyard party
Or just go to a house!

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