Gaabriel Becket


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A young couple in Pembrokeshire built a cob and straw bale roundhouse on family land in Pembrokeshire -

They didn't get planning permission so the Pembrokeshire County Council has issued an order that it be demolished, on the grounds that it is 'harmful to the rural character of the locality' ."

See pictures of their roundhouse on their facebook photo stream here:

On the one hand, I completely understand and support the necessity of planning and permits - sorry, there's just too many of us for everyone to do whatever they please in every way. On the other hand, I also completely understand their position, that young people and working people can't afford to buy the housing that's available but need housing and I don't think this house violates "the rural character of the locality.". So, what's the solution to this problem?

And, personally, I want to build one!

What do you think?

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Cetlicos/Americymru has a two-page spread in this month's issue of "The American" magazine, a magazine for Americans in the UK.

We're in the right column on page 21, here:

You can see the dragon, we're tiny but we're there! This whole two-page spread is on the Celticos/AmeriCymru tour. The Celticos site, with further details, is also linked from the artcle.

The magazine is pretty interesting, too.

We have a page of audio interviews with people connected with the tour here:

We'll have further developments on the NEW Celticos/AmeriCymru Farm Trail tour, coming soon!

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Reprinted with permission from David Western's Lovespoon Blog , 2012 David Western, all rights reserved.

Come and meet two of the finest lovespoon carvers currently promoting the craft across Wales and beyond. Sin Llewellyn of Bridgend and David Western, originally from Cardiff and now living in Canada, are both passionate about their art and ensuring that an age-old tradition remains fresh and vibrant in modern-day life.

Sin was recently commissioned by the Museum to create exact replicas of a number of spoons in the collections and these will be on sale during the event.David will be promoting his recent books, History of Lovespoons and Fine Art of Carving Lovespoons , which prominently feature many of the spoons housed at St Fagans.

Call in to the Museum Shop to see them at work between 11-1 and 2-4pm at the National History Museum of Wales at St Fagans. (near Cardiff, Wales)

I'm VERY excited to be appearing with fellow carver Sin Llewellyn at the museum which is home to one of the finest collections of lovespoons in the world, and I hope that if you are in the area on May 26th, you'll stop in to say hello!!

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Here's Ceri posing with the book, it was great to get to hold it in my hand after all that work. Everyone's stories look fantastic in it, all the bios and pics. It was a blast doing this and I can't wait to do more.

If you haven't read it, you can get the ebook at and the paperback at and on - Volume 1 has stories and poems by Mike Jenkins, Paul Steffan Jones and Saul Hughes, Lloyd Jones, Chris Keil, Phil Rowlands, Jude Johnson, Jean Mead, Glyn Scott, Thomas Morris, Gaynor Madoc Leonard and John Good, a lot of whom are members of this network!

All proceeds from sales of the book go to getting Welsh authors here for exposure at Wordstock and other events.

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AmeriCymru is proud to partner with Variance Films to GIVE AWAY TWO SETS OF TICKETS to the Portland, Oregon premier run of "Hunky Dory" -

Two winners will each win a set of two tickets - win, win, WIN! and take a friend!

Showings are 7:15PM on May 6th, 8th and 9th at the Hollywood Theatre on Sandy Boulevard - The contest is open to anyone, you need not be an AmeriCymru member to win.

To be one of our TWO LUCKY WINNERS, just be the first or second person, In the Portland area or close enough to use the tickets, to answer this one, simple question correctly, by commenting on this post, below, or by emailing your answer to before May 4, 2013:

In what town in Wales does the film take place? Merthyr Tydfil? Tredegar? or Swansea?

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Get the word out on AmeriCymru! Advertising space is now available on AmeriCymru - your ad could be seen here by a half million unique visitors

You can provide us with the link you want the ad to take visitors to and graphics you want to use or we'll design a graphic ad for you at a cost of $25.00

Right-Column graphic ads
A 250x250 pixel graphic ad with a live link in the right-hand column of the site will appear on all 20,000+ pages of the site for 6 months at a cost of $50.00.

Header graphic ad with link at top of home page
This space rotates ads every three days for six months, on all 20,0000 pages of the site. Your graphic ad with a live link for six months at a cost of $150.00.

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Ceri told me to do this!

By gaabi, 2013-03-13

I like being in the background but I have to learn to do otherwise. I suck at blowing my own horn or even acknowledging that I have one. So Ceri gets to be the front man and I just work in the back and make stuff and stuff.

I started a site for things that I make and do and I resisted putting it up here because it's either things that are already on AmeriCymru or have nothing to do with Wales but some of them are interesting and if you want to know what else I do in addition to AmeriCymru - here it is - it's in progress and not complete yet, only a few things are on it but it'lll grow as I have time to work on it:

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By gaabi, 2012-12-20


Cardiff punk legends Sicknote ( ) will be topping the bill in an apocalyptic performance at Cardiff Masonic Hall, on Friday the 21 st of December 2012, from 8:00pm to 2:00am. The venue is located at 8 Guildford StreetCardiff, South Glamorgan CF10 2HL. Spaces are limited, so it is recommended to book tickets in advance (price 12) at .
With their anarchic post-punk live performances and socially responsible songs such as Death Before Employment and Tory Swing (i.e. from the end of a rope), the freakish five known as Sicknote have long been Cardiffs leading voice of social collapse. It is only fitting, therefore, that they should be providing the soundtrack to the apocalypse itself. As the Mayan Calendar draws to its end, what better way to see the world go down in fire and brimstone than at this totally irreverent rave, rather than cowering in your home-made bomb shelter with a tin of cold beans?
Set in Cardiffs Masonic Hall, the atmosphere is spot-on for occult mysteries and horrors to unfold. Just in case the world fails to explode, however, there are subversive support acts lined up to see through the whole night with a bang. Other live acts include performances by ska rave group China Shop Bull and the hilariously offensive folk-punk poetics of Captain Hotknives. Tantrum Records own Tommy Tank will be DJing the event along with electro artist Slamfish, and the master of ceremonies for the night will be Cardiffs premier prophet (and occasional drag queen) Ninjah. You couldnt ask for better company in which to meet your maker.
Though not compulsory, Steampunk dress is encouraged (You wouldnt want to look out of place in the post-apocalyptic society, after all). There will be prizes for the best and most daring steampunk outfit. Human sacrifice is unlikely, though that will probably be one of the few social taboos not violated by the end of the evening
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