Gaabriel Becket


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Ceri told me to do this!

user image 2013-03-13
By: gaabi
Posted in:

I like being in the background but I have to learn to do otherwise. I suck at blowing my own horn or even acknowledging that I have one. So Ceri gets to be the front man and I just work in the back and make stuff and stuff.

I started a site for things that I make and do and I resisted putting it up here because it's either things that are already on AmeriCymru or have nothing to do with Wales but some of them are interesting and if you want to know what else I do in addition to AmeriCymru - here it is - it's in progress and not complete yet, only a few things are on it but it'lll grow as I have time to work on it:

Harold Powell
03/13/13 01:41:55PM @harold-powell:

Thanks Gaabi, the link took me to the photo but I pasted into my browser and went to your page.