Gaabriel Becket


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Category: Welsh Language Cymraeg

Dear Mr Ambassador Barzun,

       We, here at AmeriCymru, have loved and been charmed by your wonderful videos on learning some Welsh language phrases to welcome President Obama to Wales.  We want to help you out in making the proper impression! 

       First, you will need a traditional Welshman's hat and a beer, as seen above. As we are in the US, we used an American beer. In Wales, you should use Brains.

       When offering the beer to the President, you will need to blow smoke on it like a dragon, as seen below.  If you were not born in Wales, you may have to use a cigarette to create this same effect.

 You may also respectfully greet the President by engaging in traditional wing flapping, please see the included instructional video, below.

       Again, we thank you for your wonderful videos and wish you a successful Presidential visit, may all go well!



Posted by the US Embassy in London

thanks, people! : )