Gaabriel Becket


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AmeriCymru/Celticos has a link in this month's "The American" magazine

user image 2013-05-31
By: gaabi
Posted in:

Cetlicos/Americymru has a two-page spread in this month's issue of "The American" magazine, a magazine for Americans in the UK.

We're in the right column on page 21, here:

You can see the dragon, we're tiny but we're there! This whole two-page spread is on the Celticos/AmeriCymru tour. The Celticos site, with further details, is also linked from the artcle.

The magazine is pretty interesting, too.

We have a page of audio interviews with people connected with the tour here:

We'll have further developments on the NEW Celticos/AmeriCymru Farm Trail tour, coming soon!

Philip evans
05/31/13 08:08:26PM @philip-evans:
All progress is good....boz
Harold Powell
05/31/13 06:49:38PM @harold-powell:
