Creative Supervisors (clockwise from top left): SZWÉ, Lily Beau, Minas and Monique B
Applications are now open for new music industry project, Honey Sessions , which launches this summer to educate, mentor and inspire young songwriters, artists and producers aged 16-26 who create Hip Hop, Rap, Grime, R’n’B and Pop Music in Wales. Applications close on 31st July.
The ‘Honey Sessions’ will take place throughout August 2021, and will provide a unique opportunity for five young artists and five producers to work together to make brand new music, further their knowledge of the industry and enhance their creative portfolios by learning from a range of high profile industry professionals.
In collaboration with Forté Project, the team recognised a lack of applications from artists from Black and minority backgrounds in their previous programs and wanted to create a brand new project with emphasis on artists and producers creating MOBO - Music of Black Origin.
The ‘Honey Sessions’ has been developed in consultation with a range of industry professionals working specifically in MOBO genres in London and other cities outside of Wales. Sizwe Chitiyo, a musician and project consultant, has long felt the need for support in MOBO music in Wales:
“Young people creating music in MOBO genres have previously lacked support in many areas of the industry, ‘Honey Sessions’ has been designed to provide a platform for creativity and knowledge to those emerging musicians, as well as creating a new network of high profile industry expertise.
‘We want the Honey Sessions to provide a community with the space and the support to help them flourish!”
Not only this but unlike similar programs that exist, every single eligible applicant will receive feedback on their application and access to exclusive online workshops from industry experts in A&R, songwriting and social media expertise to help contribute to their success in the future.
Applications can be made here: APPLICATIONS
This project is a collaboration between Welsh music talent development programme, Forté Project and a new music industry initiative, Beacons, which supports young people in Wales to enter the music industry. It is made possible through funding from PRS Foundation for Music, Ty Cerdd and Youth Music.
Applications close Friday 31st July.
‘Balafô Douma’ yw’r sengl gyntaf oddi ar ‘Aros I Fi Yna ’ EP cyntaf N’famady Kouyaté . Yn wreiddiol o Guinea Conakry, mae cerddoriaeth N’famady wedi ei wreiddio yn nhraddodiadau Mandingue ei famwlad yng Ngorllewin Affrica, gyda dehongliadau newydd o fywyd ac egni yn deillio o ddylanwadau indi, pop a jazz ei gartref newydd yng Nghymru.
Cyfieithiad Cymraeg y teitl yw ‘mae’n wych cael chwarae’r balafon’, ac mae’n cynrychioli taith gerddorol N’famady, o bŵer a chryfder ei etifeddiaeth deuluol (cafodd ei ddysgu sut i chwarae’r balofon, sef xylophone traddodiadol Affricanaidd, yn blentyn) i fod yn swyno cynulleidfaoedd yn y DU ac Iwerddon ar daith gyda Gruff Rhys. Cafodd y gan ei recordio yn Rockfield, y stiwdios enwog, gyda llais wedi ei recordio yn Guinea.
Mae’r EP sydd i ddod yn cynnwys cyfraniadau gan artistiaid megis Gruff Rhys (Super Furry Animals ), Lisa Jên Brown (9Bach) , a Kliph Scurlock (ex-The Flaming Lips) . “Aros I Fi Yna” is a kaleidoscope of vibrant sounds and colours, a mesmerizing and joyous introduction to a truly international artist. Mae 'Aros I Fi Yna' yn gymysgedd llachar o synau a lliwiau, ac yn gyflwyniad swynol a bywiog at artist gwbl ryngwladol.
Rhestr Traciau
Aros I Fi Yna
Gadael y Dref
Balafô Douma
‘Balafô Douma’ is the first single from N’famady Kouyaté’s debut EP, 'Aros I Fi Yna' . Originally from Guinea Conakry, N’famady‘s music is rooted in the Mandingue tradition of his West African homeland with new interpretations, life, and energy provided by the indie, pop, and jazz influences of his new home in Wales.
The title translates as ‘it’s great to be playing balafon’ and represents N’famady’s musical journey, from the power and strength of his family heritage (having been taught the traditional wooden African xylophone – the balafon – as an infant) to wowing audiences in the UK and Ireland on tour with Gruff Rhys. The song was recorded at the legendary Rockfield studios with vocals recorded in Guinea.
The forthcoming EP features guest appearances from Gruff Rhys (Super Fury Animals) , Lisa Jên Brown (9Bach) , and Kliph Scurlock (ex-The Flaming Lips).
'Aros I Fi Yna' is a kaleidoscope of vibrant sounds and colours, a mesmerizing and joyous introduction to a truly international artist.
Track Listing
Aros I Fi Yna
Gadael y Dref
Balafô Douma
Social Links:
This is not a Welsh Not
but a Welsh is and always will be
raving over higgledy piggledy slates
with fingernails of demons scraping
screeching out a lost non rock and roll
and not a low flying bomber
in sight or sound
tipsy on communion wine
and a quick fumble
in the ecumenical jungle
dog tired dog collars loosen
to a beat of life lived
and not analysed
not a sermon planned
nor an afterlife awaited
submerge into sublime harps
inherited from the elders
never understand
but defined as Corvid
avoid their Larsen traps
and their booby traps
with our Weapons of Non Destruction
Peter Hurkos a Dutch psychic
and y Mab Darogan
(the Son of Destiny)
and how about a little of Twm o’r Nant
or David R Edwards ?
we have become strange bedfellows
but at least it is touching
I am not the National Poet
and I know it
I know my place
but not where to find it
we are all the National Poet
but don’t know it
we don’t know our place
nor where to find it
this is not a Welsh Not
a Welsh Not not
not Welsh not
I am not a Welsh Not
By Ceri Shaw, 2021-07-16
LLEUWEN releases 'RHOSOD' on Label Eg
“My roses are fragile, and come with thorns. . . ”
Here is a line from 'RHOSOD' (Roses) written, composed, recorded and performed by Lleuwen Steffan in her home in Brittany. Lockdown has been a time of home recordings. She usually composes her songs with guitar, and used most of her lockdown time to learn something she always wanted – the piano. All her gigs were cancelled mid-tour in 2020 so she had the time.
Nothing beats real connection, so when she was given the opportunity to work with producer Erin Costelo, Lleuwen seized the opportunity. What started as a few polite zoom meetings snowballed into long discussions about production, mixing, mastering and talks about the lack of female music producers, or more so, the lack of recognition.
This song is just the beginning of their partnership.
Written on piano and using her zipper lighter as percussion, Lleuwen finds joy in the lo-fi. “This is a song you planted in my garden. From my garden to your radio, to your ear and back into essence”, says the song that ends with poet Sion Llewelyn’s translation of the Serenity Prayer. RHOSOD is the first of two songs composed by Lleuwen in partnership with the National Eisteddfod of Wales and National Arts Centre Canada, with Erin as producer.
If you wish to take part in their next song, we are searching for singers to join Lleuwen, so if you enjoy singing and want to take part, please follow the link below:
or for any further information contact us on before 21st July.
Rhosod is the first ever release on Label Eg and will be out on all streaming platforms from July 21st, 2021. It is available to pre-order.
'RHOSOD': Cân newydd Lleuwen i’w rhyddhau ar Label Eg
“Mae rhosod yn fregus, maen nhw’n dod efo drain . . .”
Dyma linell o RHOSOD, cân wedi ei chyfansoddi, ei recordio a'i pherfformio o gartref Lleuwen yn Llydaw ar gyfer Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru. "Mae'n un o gasgliad o ganeuon sydd wedi bod yn cysgu yn fy macbook ers dechrau’r cyfnod clo" meddai.
Pan ddaeth y cynnig iddi gyd-weithio gyda'r cynhyrchydd Erin Costelo o Ganada, bachodd ar y cyfle i ofyn i Erin gynhyrchu'r gân hon. Fodd bynnag, yn ôl Erin ‘roedd Lleuwen wedi cynhyrchu'r gân yn barod. Penderfynodd y ddwy gadw at y cynhyrchiad gwreiddiol felly gan gadw’r zipper lighter fel offeryn taro, ynghyd â theganau a’r synth o'r 80au.
Dechrau'r cywaith hwn rhwng y ddau artist yw’r gân hon, ac Erin Costelo sydd wedi cymysgu'r trac yn ei stiwdio yn Nova Scotia. Bu'r ddwy yn cyd-weithio dros fisoedd o sesiynau zoom yn rhannu, cynhyrchu a thrafod pa mor rhyfedd yw'r ffaith bod cyn lleied o gerddorion benywaidd yn cael eu cydnabod fel cynhyrchwyr.
Mae Erin yn credu'n gryf ei bod hi’n bwysig i ferched gael cydnabyddiaeth am eu gwaith fel cynhyrchwyr, yn union fel sy'n digwydd gyda chynhyrchwyr gwrywaidd. Dywedodd Erin “braf yw cydweithio ar brosiect o statws rhyngwladol sy’n rhoi’r sylw haeddiannol i ni am ein gwaith”.
RHOSOD yw'r gyntaf o ddwy gân wedi eu cyfansoddi gan Lleuwen mewn cydweithrediad â'r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol a National Arts Centre Canada, gydag Erin Costelo wrth y llyw yn cynhyrchu. Dyma'r gân gyntaf erioed i Lleuwen greu ar y piano.
Os hoffech chi ganu ar yr ail gân, ‘rydym yn chwilio am leisiau o bob math i ymuno gyda Lleuwen. Am fwy o wybodaeth, dilynwch y ddolen hon: neu cysylltwch drwy e-bost cyn Gorffennaf 21, am fwy o wybodaeth:
RHOSOD yw'r gân gyntaf i'w rhyddhau ar Label Eg sef label cerddoriaeth newydd Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru. Mae hi’n bosib i chi rhag-archebu Rhosod o unrhyw blatfform ffrydio o'r 21ain o Orffenaf.
Towers of Defiance: The Castles & Fortifications of the Princes of Wales - Paul R Davies
By Ceri Shaw, 2021-07-08
An extremely comprehensive, fully illustrated guide to the history and evolution of the castle under Wales' native rulers (c.1066-1283). Spectacular aerial photography, plans and reconstruction drawings examine the various architectural designs and layouts that created the distinctive form of the Welsh castle. 378 pages, full colour, fully illustrated.
Canllaw cynhwysfawr dros ben, wedi'i ddarlunio'n llawn, i hanes ac esblygiad y castell Cymreig yng nghyfnod ei thywysogion cynhenid (c.1066-1283). Ceir ffotograffau trawiadol o'r awyr, cynlluniau ac ail-luniadau o'r adeiladau gan archwilio'r dyluniadau a'r amlinelliadau pensaernïol amrywiol a greodd ffurf arbennig y castell brodorol Cymreig. 378 tudalen, lliw llaw, llawn lluniau & darluniau gwych.
'Wave Upon Wave', the latest single by North Wales singer / songwriter Eve Goodman is an exploration of the healing power of the sea. Its lilting, rolling melody is one part ‘Bryter Layter’ Nick Drake, early 70s golden period Sandy Denny and the other Eve’s captivating and unflinching musical honesty. 'Wave Upon Wave'’s emotive heart balances the songs questioning yearning with the need for comfort …… the comfort of being carried along the waves towards an awaiting shore.
Eve explains the origin of the song:
"I wrote the vocal parts in one sitting, and never changed them. In fact, the entire vocal recording is the original demo that I created when trying out ideas late one night. I started off with the simple lilting melody of 'wave upon wave upon wave', and loved the way the structure of this sentence means it could go on infinitely. This idea of infinity sparked the next line, 'day upon day upon day'. The sea is vast, infinite, timeless.The song grew from there really, like a wave rolling towards the shore, building strength and power and beauty.”
The single was recorded and mixed by Luke Evans at Somewhere Studio and mastered by Katie Tavini.
About the Song: "I wrote the vocal parts in one sitting, and never changed them. In fact, the entire vocal recording is the original demo that I created when trying out ideas late one night. I started off with the simple lilting melody of 'wave upon wave upon wave', and loved the way the structure of this sentence means it could go on infinitely. This idea of infinity sparked the next line, 'day upon day upon day'. The sea is vast, infinite, timeless. The song grew from there really, like a wave rolling towards the shore, building strength and power and beauty.I particularly love the autoharp.
The sounds of the strings as they are played sound like the gentle pull and creaks of the mast, and it feels like you're on a boat. Luke did a beautiful job of building a soundscape for the vocals to float on."
"Eve Goodman transmutes the personal into the universal and reveals a deep connection to what it is to be human in these troubled, inspiring times.”Caspar Walsh- Poet and Author
"Eve Goodman possesses a rare magic"- From The Margins
Wave upon wave upon wave upon wave
Day upon day upon day upon day
Sea shore
I came here to see more
I came here feel more
I came here to be more
Sea shore
Make my way up from the rocks
Make my way with little steps
Wring my clothes out on the sand
Breathing, breathing, here’s dry land
Sometimes I get lost at sea
Lighthouse, lighthouse, shine for me
Hold me in your trembling arms
Hold me til my seas are calm
Led by Welsh-native producer and vocalist Ryan A. James, Man Without Country incorporates modern electronic precision with a love of timeless melodies, and an emphasis on lyrics that cannot be compared to many of his peers.
MWC first emerged in 2007, originally as a duo alongside Tomas Greenhalf. The pair produced two acclaimed studio albums - the confrontational Foe (2012) and the maximalist Maximum Entropy (2015) under Cooperative Music(Universal / PIAS). After parting ways the project resurfaced in late 2017, essentially as a solo act.
In 2018, and following a successful crowd-funder with PledgeMusic, James caught the attention of Camden-based indie Killing Moon Records, who released the ambitious Infinity Mirror in October of that year.
“The fact that Infinity Mirror is primarily the work of just one musician is incredible. There is so much craft and melody on show here you will struggle to hear a better electronic album this year - this is absolutely outstanding.”-
James’ abilities have also seen him collaborate with some prominent names. His vocal-feature on ‘Sordid Affair’ by multi-platinum-selling Norwegian electro-veterans Röyksopp was the first single taken from their 2014 studio album The Inevitable End. In 2019, the duo revealed ‘In the End’ as part of their Lost Tapes series. Originally recorded in 2014, the song features a vocal duet between James and Susanne Sundfør.
Over the course of his career James has also accumulated quite the remix CV, which lists official remixes and co-remixes for the likes of ionnalee (iamamiwhoami), Interpol, Chad Valley, Empathy Test, Carlosh Garzat, School of Seven Bells, Band of Skulls, Röyksopp, M83, Moby and many others.
Now a father halfway through his thirties, James returns with the Nostalgia-tinged Bloods, Side A- his new EP inspired by human relationships. Drawing influence from Com Truise and The Japanese House, lead single ‘Gardener in a War’ blends warped synthesizers and elastic bass-lines with fragile vocals and self-deprecating lyrics (“I was the Petri-dish for you. You’ll be a better man than me”).
The EP’s second track ‘Savannah’ presents a conflicting juxtaposition of bouncing arpeggios, beneath Yazoo-style vocals that recount episodes of sleep regression and feelings of claustrophobia. Whereas closing track ‘Ultra-Nightmare’ is dark and moody, evoking a sense of sadness and unease.
Bloods, Side A is due July 16th on all digital streaming platforms.
3.Gardener in a War
4.Our Silences
6.Gardener in a War - Edit
7.Ultra-Nightmare - Edit
Psych Rock Phenomena 'No Thee No Ess' announce new 'Dimmer Switch' LP and share 'Chorus' single with the World
By Ceri Shaw, 2021-07-07
Cardiff Psych Rock phenomena 'No Thee No Ess' are poised to release their first brand new single from anticipated new 'Dimmer Switch' album out via Surk Recordings this September. 'Chorus' is the first to be lifted from the new LP and will be released on Friday 16th July.
No Thee No Ess is a collaboration between Paul Battenbough (The Cosmic Array, King of Despair) and Andy Fung (Derrero, Cymbient). The two musical and visual artists first met whilst working in the kitchen of a Cardiff arts centre and bonded through a shared love of The Beach Boys, Neil Young, and West Coast psychedelia.
The partnership creates spontaneously, conceiving songs and ideas in the studio and then recording straight away to preserve their freshness and immediacy. The eighth No Thee No Ess album, 'Dimmer switch' was recorded with musician/producer Frank Naughton at his legendary Cardiff studio, ‘Ty Drwg.’
Naughton contributes additional instrumentation, bringing new lysergic colours to songs like “kaleidoscopic” and "Chorus.” The result is among no thee no ess’ most adventurous works to date, rich with experimental energy while retaining their characteristic blissed out vision. Dimmer switch will be released by Surk Recordings on vinyl, CD, streaming, and digital download in August 2021.
Artist: No Thee No Ess
Single Title: 'Chorus'
Single Release Date: Friday 16th July 2021
Single Format: Digital / CD
Album Title: 'Dimmer Switch'
Album Release Date: Friday 17th September 2021
Album Format: Digital / Vinyl LP
Label: Surk Recordings
Genre: Psych Folk Rock
Social Tags: @thee_ess @Beastpruk
The History of Wales in Twelve Poems - M. Wynn Thomas - Illustrations by Ruth Jên Evans - Sept 2021
‘I can think of no more deft and authoritative introduction to the literatures of Wales than this gem of a book tracing a path through the riches of the tradition with flair, clarity and wit. This is a must-have guide for the curious and those new to the poetic panorama of Wales through the centuries.’
Gwyneth Lewis , National Poet of Wales 2005–6
Down the centuries, poets have provided Wales with a window onto its own distinctive world. This book gives a sense of the view seen through that special window in twelve illustrated poems, each bringing very different periods and aspects of the Welsh past into focus. Together, they give the flavour of a poetic tradition, both ancient and modern, in the Welsh language and in English, that is internationally renowned for its distinction and continuing vibrancy. This collection is useful to students, academics and the general reader who are interested in Welsh studies. It is very accessibly written, appealing to education/new curriculum market combining poetry with the national, social and cultural history of Wales.
M. Wynn Thomas is Professor of English, and Emyr Humphreys Professor of Welsh Writing in English, at
Swansea University.Ruth Jên Evans is a professional artist whose works combine media, specialising in printmaking from her studio in an old shoe shop in Tal-y-bont, Ceredigion.
1. ANEIRIN Y Gododdin (extract)
2. ANON. Pais Dinogad
3. ANON. Stafell Gynddylan (from Canu Heledd)
4. GRUFFUDD AB YR YNAD COCH Marwnad Llywelyn ap Gruffudd
5. DAFYDD AP GWILYM Trafferth mewn tafarn
7. ANON. Hen Benillion
8. ANN GRIFFITHS (DOLWAR FACH) Wele’n sefyll rhwng y myrtwydd
9. GWENALLT Y Meirwon
10. DYLAN THOMAS Fern Hill
11. GILLIAN CLARKE Blodeuwedd
12. MENNA ELFYN Siapau o Gymru
Nothing to see
not much here just a disarray of stone
and multi coloured corrugated iron
splashes of spilt paint among
the day to day ordinary rust
it is our land where we always were
out of the way but easily found
when loot and recruits were demanded
(Geraint Jarman sang of Ethiopia Newydd
but where is that now?)
it's a Sunday afternoon
a half century ago
at the home of a relative
who was already old then
they treat me well
dose me up on sugar lumps
and familial kindness
it's sunny and dream-like
and fruit fattens on slender branches
but they failed to warn me
about the rising wind and sea levels
about the idea of a future
and how sweetness flatters then corrodes
and that thorns never really leave your skin