Ceri Shaw



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user image 2021-07-23
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: NAFOW

The Eisteddfod of The North American Festival of Wales is on, with a wide range of opportunities to participate!   Poetry Composition is back and available to anyone, anywhere, while for the Festival itself in Utica (Sept. 2-5, 2021) the Visual Arts competition returns along with some stage competitions.

For Poetry Composition (Welsh Language and English Language), send in your work (via email) by the deadline of August 8, 2021, on the theme of "Hiraeth", for a single grand prize in each competition... the David Llewelyn Williams Prizes (US $250 each), honoring the memory of a great friend and huge contributor to the NAFOW Eisteddfod. 

The deadline for entering the other competitions (Visual Arts and stage competitions) is August 20, 2021.
For Visual Arts (painting, sketch, sculpture, etc.), only a description of your work is needed by that date, then bring your work to the Festival hotel (Delta Hotels by Marriott Utica) on Friday, Sept. 3; this year, the competition also includes a theme of "Hiraeth". 

Stage competitions will take place on Saturday, Sept. 4 at the hotel.  The Solo Voice competition welcomes singers of all ages, with a special Youth Prize available for an outstanding youth entrant; hymns are also a possibility as performance pieces. 

The two Recitation competitions (Welsh and English) offer as set pieces the winners from last year's inaugural Poetry Composition Competitions... "gobaith" by Christine James and "Alphabet" by Robert Walton.  For Welsh, entrants of all levels are welcome, and adjudicators will recognize anyone's status as a "Learner" if so declared. 

Click on the link below for online entry forms and detailed information on all of the competitions, as well as an email link if you have further questions... and we'll see you soon!