'Shedding Paper Skin' by Mike Jenkins
#fff; line-height: 125px; text-align: center; background: #859fbe;" a="" target="_blank" href="http://www.amazon.com/Shedding-Paper-Skin-Mike-Jenkins/dp/184527508X%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJVIGQN4FG3JO2YYQ%26tag%3Damericymrucom-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D184527508X"> BUY! | ........ | #fff; line-height: 125px; text-align: center; background: #859fbe;"> BARKIN! | .... | #fff; line-height: 125px; text-align: center; background: #859fbe;"> Interview | .... | #fff; line-height: 125px; text-align: center; background: #859fbe;" a="" target="_blank" href="http://www.mikejenkins.net/"> Blog |
"The title poem marks Mike Jenkins transition from the teaching profession to a free-ranging life hereafter"
I n this new collection of his work, there's a wide variety of subject matter and approach. His longer poem, 'Journey of the Taf', traces the river's journey from watershed to sea; a sequence of poems on the Troubles of Northern Ireland takes many viewpoints, including that of a car and a chair! He pays homage to poets, dead and alive and there's verse voicing concern about threats of a seagull (see below) on Cardiff Central station. Through all his work the poet's wit and passion is pervasive."
Mike Jenkins is a retired teacher who lives in Merthyr Tydfil. He conducts creative writing workshops and blogs weekly on www.mikejenkins.net .
BARKIN!, his previous book of poems and stories, written in the Merthyr dialect, was shortlisted for Wales Book of the Year in 2014. He has been the editor of Red Poets for 20 years.
Kairdiff Central Seagull
I've never felt threatened by a seagull before,
but this one's got 'STREET'
written along its beak,
which suddenly looks sharp
as a Stanley knife.
I wouldn't be surprised
by its swagger and attitude
if it wasn't into NWA or Tupac.
It eyes up my food
as if it already owns it
and I recall those stories of seabirds
snatching pasties or putting eyes out.
Those days spent by Aber pier
throwing crusts to balletic birds
seem a century away,
this creature's Kairdiff Central
born and bred, could pick
a packet from the rails
just before the inter-city's in.
It struts around me:
I am surrounded by a single bird!
Its pupils are two barrels
aiming straight at my cheese and celery.
I gulp the sandwich whole
like a heron with a fish.
Bro seagull saunters off
to mug a kid with a burger.
© Mike Jenkins 2015 (reproduced by kind permission of the author)