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Online Welsh Class 'AmeriCymraeg' New Term

user image 2015-12-31
By: AmeriCymru
Posted in: Cymraeg

This course is no longer available. We will post here as soon as we make alternative arrangements. We would like to take this opportunity to thank tutor John Good who has done a magnificent job over the years providing first class online Welsh language tuition. John has returned to Wales ( see this post: All Good Things - A Farewell To Sioni Dda ) and we would like to wish him every success with his future projects in Cymru. 




The new term will start on the week beginning June 19th, 2023. This course is offered in two-month terms. There are two class times available: a class for Beginning students and an Intermediate class.

This class is delivered in an invitation-only video conference on Google Hangouts. Materials and written discussion are on an invitation-only group here on AmeriCymru. To engage in the class, you must have an internet connection sufficient to engage in a Hangout, a gmail account, an AmeriCymru account and a headset with earphones and a microphone. It would be good to have a webcam on your computer so that other class members and the teacher can see you but this is not necessary, as long as you can see and communicate with the teacher.

Read our interview with student Susan Floyd here.


  • Tuition for the term is $70.00. Register with the PayPal button, below.
  • The course will run for eight weeks. You may join at any time and your tuition will be prorated if you have missed classes prior to enrollment. We will not refund missed classes after enrollment.
  • Materials will be posted in the course group on AmeriCymru.
  • There will be weekly publicly moderated homework.
  • You will need a Google account and an AmeriCymru account to participate.
  • You will need a headset with microphone and headphones to hear and participate in the online class.


The new term will start on the week beginning June 19th, 2023.

Classes are one hour in duration and times will be  5 p.m. (Pacific time) for the Beginners class and 6 p.m. (Pacific time) for the Intermediate class, as per last year. Please let us know by email at whether you are enrolling for the Beginners or Intermediate class. Use this email address also for general inquiries.


To register, click the button, below.  Every week, you will receive an invitation to join that week's Google Hangout and will log in at your class time. Homework assignments will be sent out via email.


Class Level


The classes will be conducted on Google hangouts and will be fully interactive video and voice sessions. You will need a Gmail  account to participate, this is free and only takes a minute to set up. Be sure that you have a working webcam and headset for the hangout sessions AND do not forget to send us your Gmail address ( if it is different from your AmeriCymru sign up address ) so that we can invite you. .


John Good is well known throughout the West, South, Midwest and in his native Wales as a multi-instrumentalist, Welsh piper, singer/songwriter, composer and poet. Veteran of many Celtic festivals and concerts, including Estes Park, Chicago, San Diego and Denver, he brings the subtly different flavor of traditional Welsh music to the stage. John speaks and teaches the Welsh language ( Y Gymraeg ), is a member of the traditional band Tramor and is the president of the Welsh League of Arizona .

A message from John Good:-

Hello everyone, John Good dw i, I am Sioni Dda and will be leading the newydd spon danlli /brand-spanking new flame-colored interactive, on-line Welsh course on AmeriCymru, to be known as Ameri Cymraeg .

Let me tell you a little about myself so that we can understand each other better from the dechrau. I was born in South Wales in the Afan Valley and Welsh/Y Gymraeg and English were spoken in the house. By the time I left school, I knew less Welsh than when I started … I had little interest in a dying language , and anyway the Beatles sang in English and all of my friends spoke it. Fast forward 25 years, having moved to San Francisco, LA then Phoenix all of a sudden I realized I had robbed myself of a major part of my cultural identity and I set about re-learning Yr Hen Iaith/the Old Language so that I could talk to my aging mother in the language of her youth. I achieved that and, in the last 15 years or so, have taught a surprising number of desert dwellers and others, among other things, how to pronounce popty-ping [popty /oven--that goes--ping] or microwave.

The language is now a passion of mine and I look forward to the opportunity to pass on what I cherish: The truly healthiest dying language in the world.

Y Driniaeth/The Approach

I’ve assembled my approach to teaching from a number of sources over the years: John Albert Evans, Rhodri Jones, Heini Gruffudd, and Gareth King to name but a few, but have also assembled a fairly large dossier on how not to teach Welsh. I’ll be working from my own play book, illustrated with the borrowings from the best teachers I know. As a musician I am attracted to the “by ear” method: Language as sound, much like a melody with meaning. After all young children don’t use grammar books (although for adults they have their place), they associate repeated sounds with objects and people.

Adnoddau ar-lein/On Line Resources

We are very lucky these days that there are a myriad of on-line resources that I would have killed for when I was first looking to revive my heritage. I’ll go through these in detail later on, as they all have special strong points, but for now….


English to Welsh only but an incredible bargain am rad ac yn ddim /for free! The hard copy is $84 from Amazon!!

The first -- to my knowledge -- on line Welsh/English/Welsh dictionary; written by a Welsh learner. There’s inspiration for you.

Another great free dictionary, with search features I’ll tell you about later.

                                                Free spell-checker/Sillafydd

Well, I hope this has sparked your interest. I got pumped up just writing it! I look forward to seeing you on Google Hangout (Also free!).

Hwyl am y tro/Bye for now, Sioni Dda/John Good.

01/24/19 05:30:05AM @samian:

Prynhawn da, everyone.  I registered for this beginner's course but haven't received any correspondence yet.  Is the course getting pushed back from February to March? 

Ceri Shaw
01/24/19 05:35:00AM @ceri-shaw:

Hi Samian. Yes, the course has been postponed till March. Basically John is in the process of moving house and it appears that the move will not be complete until some time in late February. Rest assured we have not forgotten your registration and we will be in touch as soon as the course date is set. Please do not hesitate to post here if you have any further questions.

01/24/19 05:35:58AM @samian:

Ah excellent news!! Diolch yn fawr!

Ceri Shaw
01/24/19 05:41:28AM @ceri-shaw:

Croeso :)

03/13/19 05:19:42AM @samian:

Bore da, Ceri! I have a quick question for you.  Has there been any news on the course yet?

Ceri Shaw
03/17/19 03:02:15AM @ceri-shaw:

Hi Samian....spoke to John today. He is closer to resolving the problems with the move and the course will re start in May. Exact date to be announced but probably around the middle of the month. Will be in touch as soon as we have an exact date.

Ceri Shaw
03/15/19 03:59:21AM @ceri-shaw:

Hi Samian

We are still waiting for confirmation of the start date for the next term of Americymraeg. The problem is that our tutor John Good has recently moved house. Unfortunately the move is not going smoothly and he is waiting for the power to be turned on at his new home. Consequently his computer, course notes, books etc are all in storage while he waits for this problem to be resolved. I will be phoning John tomorrow and hopefully will be in a position to post an update then.

03/17/19 03:04:53AM @samian:

Thank you Ceri!

Ceri Shaw
04/26/19 06:19:48PM @ceri-shaw:

Hi Samian

Just got confirmation of the new course date. The course will commence on the week of Monday May 13th. If you are registering for the beginners class that will be your start date. The intermediate and advanced classes will be Tuesday or Wednesday. I am passing on your details to tutor John Good who will be in touch some time over the next few weeks. Croeso i AmeriCymraeg :)

I Want to Learn Welsh
01/04/18 07:13:11PM @i-want-to-learn-welsh:

Prynhawn da! I just registered for the beginner course. Diolch! :)