Llyfr Da - A Good Book by Matt Spry
Mewn dosbarth Cymraeg. Mae’r tiwtor yn gofyn cwestiynau i Aled am lyfr mae e wedi ei ddarllen
Tiwtor: Pa lyfr ddarllenaist ti?Aled: Darllenais i ‘Yn Ei Gwsg’ gan Bethan Gwanas. Nofel i ddysgwyr yw e. Mae’n rhan o’r gyfres Amdani sy’n gyfres o lyfrau i ddysgwyr. Cafodd y llyfrau cyntaf eu cyhoeddi yn 2018.
Tiwtor: Fwynheaist ti’r nofel?
Aled: Do. Mwynheais i fe yn fawr iawn.
Tiwtor: Wnei di ddweud wrthon ni ychydig am y stori?
Aled: Wrth gwrs. Mae Dafydd yn cerdded yn ei gwsg ac un bore deffrodd e a chafodd e sioc. Gwelodd e waed dros y lle i gyd. Aeth e allan a gwelodd e olion traed gwaedlyd y tu allan i’r tŷ. Dilynodd e nhw a darganfyddodd e ei gymydog Mrs Roberts a’i Zimmerframe yn gorwedd ar ochr y ffordd wedi’i tharo gan gar. Mae’r nofel yn mynd yn ei blaen i esbonio beth ddigwyddodd.
Tiwtor: Mae’n swnio’n dywyll!
Aled: Ydy! Ond mae’n eithaf ysgafn a llawn hiwmor! Yn y diwedd llwyddodd Dafydd a’r heddlu i ddod o hyd i’r ateb ac mae diweddglo hapus!
Tiwtor: Diolch byth! Beth am lefel yr iaith? Gest ti drafferth yn deall y Gymraeg?
Aled: Naddo. Ches i ddim trafferth. Ysgrifennodd yr awdur y nofel i fod yn addas i bobl sy’n gwneud lefel Sylfaen. Mae geirfa ar waelod bob tudalen a rhestr o eiriau yng nghefn y llyfr. Arluniodd y cartwnydd Huw Aaron luniau ar gyfer y llyfr hefyd. Mae llawer o lyfrau yn y gyfres gan wahanol awduron a gweithion nhw gyda’r Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Cenedlaethol i wneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw’n addas i ddysgwyr. Mae’r cyhoeddwr, Atebol, wedi graddoli bob llyfr ar bedair lefel - Mynediad, Sylfaen, Canolradd ac Uwch.
Tiwtor: Dwedaist ti fod llawer o awduron wedi cyfrannu at y gyfres. Wyt ti’n gwybod pwy arall sy wedi ysgrifennu llyfrau?
Aled: Gad i mi feddwl! Mae llyfrau gan Manon Steffan Ros, John Gower, Mared Lewis, Elin Meek a mwy ac mae cwpl o gasgliadau o straeon byrion.
Tiwtor: Wythnos diwethaf, siaradodd Megan am nofel arall yn y gyfres ac ysgrifennodd hi adolygiad. Hoffet ti ysgrifennu adolygiad o ‘Yn Ei Gwsg’?
Aled: Hoffwn. Mae ysgrifennu yn Gymraeg yn ffordd dda o ddatblygu eich sgiliau.
Tiwtor: Dw i’n cytuno! Nawr ‘te, yn y dosbarth diwethaf edrychon ni ar y amser gorffennol. Dechreuon ni gyda’r ffurf sy’n defnyddio bôn y ferf gyda therfyniadau e.e. prynu – prynais i, prynaist ti, prynodd e, prynodd hi, prynon ni, prynoch chi, prynon nhw. Aethon ni ymlaen i edrych ar y ffurf sy’n defnyddio ‘gwneud’ e.e. wnes i brynu, wnest ti brynu, wnaeth e brynu, wnaeth hi brynu, wnaethon ni brynu, wnaethoch chi brynu, wnaethon nhw brynu. I ddechrau heddiw dyn ni’n mynd i adolygu y treigladau. Mae treiglad meddal gyda chwestiwn e.e. brynaist ti? a threiglad llaes neu feddal gyda’r negyddol e.e. phrynoch chi ddim, ddarllenais i ddim. Mae’n ychydig yn haws gyda’r ffurf sy’n defnyddio ‘gwneud’ achos fel arfer mae pobl yn defnyddio’r ferf wedi’i threiglo, heb y ‘g’, ar gyfer y cadarnhaol, y negyddol a chwestiynau e.e. wnaethon nhw gerdded, wnaethon nhw ddim cerdded, wnaethon nhw gerdded? Pawb yn barod?
Pawb: Ydyn!
Tiwtor: Gadewch i ni ddechrau ‘te!
This is the ninth in a new series of revision translation exercises written by Matt Spry ( Eisteddfod Welsh Language Learner 2018). These exercises utilize the vocabulary and grammar that you have already learned on the Croeseiriau Cymraeg course so far (Parts 1 & 2). There may be one or two words that you are unfamiliar with but you can always look them up.
As you can see above the English and Welsh texts are on separate tabs SO you can translate from Welsh to English or vice versa. You can also use the Welsh text as a reading and comprehension exercise if you don't feel fully confident to translate it straight off the bat. We are sure that this resource will prove invaluable however you decide to use it. Mwynhewch!
Translation Exercises
Course 1 & 3 translation exercises can be found here and here.
Diwrnod yng Nghaerdydd - A Day in Cardiff
Cwpl o Ddiwrnodau yn Eryri - A Couple of Days in Snowdonia
Llyfr Da - A Good Book by Matt Spry
In a Welsh class. The tutor is asking Aled questions about a book he has read
Tutor: Which book did you read?Aled: I read ‘Yn Ei Gwsg’ by Bethan Gwanas. It's a novel for learners. It’s part of the Amdani series which is a series of books for learners. The first books were published in 2018.
Tutor: Did you enjoy the novel?
Aled: Yes. I really enjoyed it.
Tutor: Will you tell us a bit about the story?
Aled: Of course. Dafydd sleepwalks and one morning he woke up and had a shock. He saw blood all over the place. He went out and saw bloody footprints outside the house. He followed them and found his neighbor Mrs Roberts and her Zimmerframe lying on the side of the road having been hit by a car. The novel goes on to explain what happened.
Tutor: It sounds dark!
Aled: Yes it does! But it's quite light and full of humor! In the end, Dafydd and the police find the answer and there’s a happy ending!
Tutor: Thank goodness! What about the level of the language? Did you have trouble understanding the language?
Aled: No, I didn’t. I had no trouble. The author wrote the novel to suit people doing Foundation level. There’s a glossary at the bottom of each page and a list of words at the back of the book. The cartoonist Huw Aaron drew pictures for the book as well. There are many books in the series by different authors and they worked with the National Centre for Learning Welsh to make sure they are suitable for learners. The publisher, Atebol, has graded each book at four levels - Entry, Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced.
Tutor: You said that many authors contributed to the series. Do you know who else has written books?
Aled: Let me think! There are books by Manon Steffan Ros, John Gower, Mared Lewis, Elin Meek and more and there are a couple of collections of short stories.
Tutor: Last week, Megan talked about another novel in the series and wrote a review. Would you like to write a review of ‘Yn Ei Gwsg’?
Aled: Yes, I would. Writing in Welsh is a good way to develop your skills.
Tutor: I agree! Now then, in the last class we looked at the past tense. We started with the form that uses the stem of the verb with endings e.g. prynu - prynais i, prynaist ti, prynodd e, prynodd hi, prynon ni, prynoch chi, prynon nhw. We went on to look at the form that uses 'gwneud' e.g. wnes i brynu, wnest ti brynu, wnaeth e brynu, wnaeth hi brynu, wnaethon ni brynu, wnaethoch chi brynu, wnaethon nhw brynu. To start today we're going to review the mutations. There is a soft mutation with a question e.g. brynaist ti? and an aspirate or soft mutation with the negative e.g. phrynoch chi ddim, ddarllenais i ddim. It's a little easier with the 'gwneud' form because people usually use the mutated verb, without the 'g', for the positive, the negative and questions e.g. wnaethon nhw gerdded, wnaethon nhw ddim cerdded, wnaethon nhw gerdded? Everyone already?
All: Yes!
Tutor: Let's start then!
This is the ninth in a new series of revision translation exercises written by Matt Spry ( Eisteddfod Welsh Language Learner 2018). These exercises utilize the vocabulary and grammar that you have already learned on the Croeseiriau Cymraeg course so far (Parts 1 & 2). There may be one or two words that you are unfamiliar with but you can always look them up.
As you can see above the English and Welsh texts are on separate tabs SO you can translate from Welsh to English or vice versa. You can also use the Welsh text as a reading and comprehension exercise if you don't feel fully confident to translate it straight off the bat. We are sure that this resource will prove invaluable however you decide to use it. Mwynhewch!
Translation Exercises
Course 1 & 3 translation exercises can be found here and here.
Diwrnod yng Nghaerdydd - A Day in Cardiff
Cwpl o Ddiwrnodau yn Eryri - A Couple of Days in Snowdonia
