Cerdded yn y Bryniau - Walking in the Hills by Matt Spry
Mae Huw yn ffonio Dafydd. Wnaeth e ddim gweld Dafydd yn y coleg heddiw ac mae e’n poeni amdano fe. Dydy Dafydd byth yn colli darlithoedd.
Dafydd: Helo, Dafydd sy’n siarad.
Huw: Helo Dafydd, Huw sy yma. Wnes i mo dy weld di yn y coleg heddiw a dwyt ti byth yn colli darlithoedd felly wnes i benderfynu dy ffonio di. Ydy popeth yn iawn?
Dafydd: Ydy, ydy. Wel, dw i’n iawn ond dw i mewn lot o boen.
Huw: Beth ddigwyddodd?
Dafydd: Es i am dro yn y bryniau i’r gogledd o Abertawe ddoe. Ond ces i ddamwain.
Huw: Gest ti ddamwain?
Dafydd: Do.
Huw: Gest ti dy anafu’n difrifol?
Dafydd: Naddo. Dw i wedi sigo fy mhigwrn dyna i gyd. Ond mae’n boenus iawn.
Huw: Beth ddigwyddodd ‘te?
Dafydd: Paid â chwerthin.
Huw: Wna i drio! Ond dw i ddim yn gallu addo!
Dafydd: Reit. Fel wnes i ddweud, es i am dro yn y bryniau ddoe. Daeth fy ffrind Gwyneth gyda fi. Wnaethon ni yrru i Bontarddulais, parcio yno a dechrau cerdded. Wnaethon ni grwydro o gwmpas am gwpl o oriau ond wnaeth y tywydd ddechrau gwaethygu felly wnaethon ni benderfynu ei throi hi yn ôl at y car. Wnaeth Gwyneth ddweud ei bod hi’n gwybod am ffordd gyflymach yn ôl. Llwybr llygad. Do’n i ddim mor siŵr.
Huw: Wnest ti anghytuno â hi?
Dafydd: Do. Dw i’n nabod yr ardal yn dda. Ro’n i’n gwybod bod angen i ni groesi tir fferm wartheg. A dw i ddim yn hoff iawn o’r anifeiliaid yna, yn enwedig teirw.
Huw: Beth wnest ti ‘te?
Dafydd: Wnaethon ni ddadlau am sbel ond wnaeth hi ddechrau bwrw glaw. Wnes i anghofio dod â fy nghot law felly wnes i ildio a chytuno i achub y ffordd.
Huw: Wnaethoch chi gerdded dros tir y fferm?
Dafydd: Do. Yn sydyn, wnaeth Gwyneth ddechrau rhedeg. Wnes i edrych o gwmpas a wnes i weld tarw. Doedd y tarw ddim yn edrych yn hapus a wnaeth e ruthro tuag aton ni. Wnes i ddim meddwl ddwywaith. Wnes i redeg nerth fy nhraed.
Huw: Wnest ti frifo dy bigwrn wrth redeg?
Dafydd: Naddo. Wnes i ddim brifo fy mhigwrn wrth redeg. Mae Gwyneth yn gallu rhedeg yn gyflymach na fi ac erbyn hyn roedd hi wedi cyrraedd giât a dringo drosti hi. Wnes i anelu at y giât ond roedd y tarw yn dal lan. Mewn panic llwyr wnes i neidio dros y giât, wnes i lanio yn ofnadwy o drwm ar fy nghoes dde, wnes i deimlo poen ofnadwy a wnes i gwympo wysg fy mhen i mewn i bentwr o dail.
Huw: Dw i’n trio peidio â chwerthin! Beth wnaethoch chi wedyn? Sut wnaethoch chi gyrraedd adref?
Dafydd: Do’n i ddim yn gallu cerdded yn dda felly wnes i aros yno yn wlyb, oer ac yn ogleuo o dail. Aeth Gwyneth i nôl y car. Daeth hi yn ôl o fewn hanner awr. Wnaethon ni yrru adre.
Huw: Est ti ddim i’r ysbyty?
Dafydd: Naddo. Es i ddim i’r ysbyty. Doedd hi ddim cynddrwg â hynny. Es i adre, ces i gawod a wnes i lyncu llond llaw o boenladdwyr. Dw i’n bwriadu dod yn ôl i’r coleg mewn cwpl o ddiwrnodau.
Huw: Cymer ofal a brysia wella!
This is the twelfth in a new series of revision translation exercises written by Matt Spry ( Eisteddfod Welsh Language Learner 2018). These exercises utilize the vocabulary and grammar that you have already learned on the Croeseiriau Cymraeg course so far (Parts 1 & 2). There may be one or two words that you are unfamiliar with but you can always look them up.
As you can see above the English and Welsh texts are on separate tabs SO you can translate from Welsh to English or vice versa. You can also use the Welsh text as a reading and comprehension exercise if you don't feel fully confident to translate it straight off the bat. We are sure that this resource will prove invaluable however you decide to use it. Mwynhewch!
Translation Exercises
Course 1 & 3 translation exercises can be found here and here.
Diwrnod yng Nghaerdydd - A Day in Cardiff
Cwpl o Ddiwrnodau yn Eryri - A Couple of Days in Snowdonia
Cerdded yn y Bryniau - Walking in the Hills by Matt Spry
Huw is phoning Dafydd. He didn't see Dafydd at college today and he is worried about him. Dafydd never misses lectures.
Dafydd: Hello, Dafydd talking.
Huw: Hello Dafydd, Huw here. I didn't see you at college today and you never miss lectures so I decided to call you. Is everything okay?
Dafydd: Yes, yes. Well, I'm fine but I'm in a lot of pain.
Huw: What happened?
Dafydd: I went for a walk in the hills north of Swansea yesterday. But I had an accident.
Huw: You had an accident?
Dafydd: Yes.
Huw: Did you get seriously injured?
Dafydd: No. I've sprained my ankle that's all. But it is very painful.
Huw: What happened, then?
Dafydd: Don't laugh.
Huw: I'll try! But I can't promise!
Dafydd: Right. As I said, I went for a walk in the hills yesterday. My friend Gwyneth came with me. We drove to Pontarddulais, parked and started walking. We wandered around for a couple of hours but the weather started to get worse so we decided to head back to the car. Gwyneth said she knew a faster way back. A short cut. I wasn't so sure.
Huw: Did you disagree with her?
Dafydd: Yes. I know the area well. I knew we needed to land of a cattle farm. And I don't like those animals, especially bulls.
Huw: What did you do?
Dafydd: We argued for a while but it started raining. I forgot to bring my rain coat so I yielded and agreed to take the short cut.
Huw: Did you walk across the farmland?
Dafydd: Yes. Suddenly, Gwyneth started running. I looked around and saw a bull. The bull didn't look happy and he rushed towards us. I didn't think twice. I ran as fast as I could
Huw: Did you hurt your ankle while running?
Dafydd: No. I didn't hurt my ankle while running. Gwyneth can run faster than me and by then she had reached a gate and climbed over it. I aimed for the gate but the bull was catching up. In complete panic I jumped over the gate, landed awfully hard on my right leg, felt terrible pain and fell headfirst into a pile of manure.
Huw: I'm trying not to laugh! What did you do then? How did you get home?
Dafydd: I couldn't walk well so I stayed there wet, cold and smelling of manure. Gwyneth went to get the car. She came back within half an hour. We drove home.
Huw: You didn’t go to hospital?
Dafydd: No. I didn't go to hospital. It wasn't as bad as that. I went home, had a shower and swallowed a handful of painkillers. I plan to come back to college in a couple of days.
Huw: Take care and get well soon!
This is the twelfth in a new series of revision translation exercises written by Matt Spry ( Eisteddfod Welsh Language Learner 2018). These exercises utilize the vocabulary and grammar that you have already learned on the Croeseiriau Cymraeg course so far (Parts 1 & 2). There may be one or two words that you are unfamiliar with but you can always look them up.
As you can see above the English and Welsh texts are on separate tabs SO you can translate from Welsh to English or vice versa. You can also use the Welsh text as a reading and comprehension exercise if you don't feel fully confident to translate it straight off the bat. We are sure that this resource will prove invaluable however you decide to use it. Mwynhewch!
Translation Exercises
Course 1 & 3 translation exercises can be found here and here.
Diwrnod yng Nghaerdydd - A Day in Cardiff
Cwpl o Ddiwrnodau yn Eryri - A Couple of Days in Snowdonia
