Gaabriel Becket


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My partner, Ceri Shaw, and I run this site and some others, including  StoryForge Studios and StoryForge Press, and I share and sell art and trinkets on randomgaab, which is a messy work in progress for which I abjectly apologize.  With our partner in Wales, Phil Rowlands, we published eto,  a (so far) two-volume collection of short fiction and poetry by new and established Welsh and Welsh-American authors.  

Ceri and I live in Portland, Oregon. Besides Wales, I love reading and writing, painting, pretty much any kind of creating and making things, and getting outside. 

One night, years ago, camped in some teepees out in the desert and complaining about how many people we'd each met who didn't know what or where Wales was, we got this crazy idea to throw an eisteddfod in Portland, Oregon and, out of that, AmeriCymru was born.  We feel so lucky to have met so many wonderful, creative and fantastic people through this site, for all the things you've taught us, the amazing art people have shared with us and for the incredible fun it all is.  More, please!

Ceri started this page on something else we like and we hope won't bore you, trips around the state of Oregon -

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Ceri Shaw

Welsh History Timeline

Please suggest dates for addition in...
@Ceri Shaw 9 years ago - Comments: 1

Oldest human footprints outside Africa found in Britain

The earliest human footprints found...
@gaabi 9 years ago - Comments: 0

Garan Gwyn's Gorgeous t-shirt quilt!

Jen posted this as a wall comment...
@gaabi 9 years ago - Comments: 0

Sunrise 03172015, new filters

I've never used filters before, I...
@gaabi 9 years ago - Comments: 0

Sunrise shots with new graduated neutral density filter

I ended up sending the filter set...
@gaabi 9 years ago - Comments: 0

DIY Equipment

I'd love to be able to afford real...
@gaabi 9 years ago - Comments: 1

Madoc Books and Documentation

Posted by gaabi on January 21,...
@gaabi 9 years ago - Comments: 0

Prince Madoc, did he or didn't he?

Prince Madoc, did he or didn't he?...
@gaabi 9 years ago - Comments: 0

Madoc International Research Association

Madoc International Research...
@gaabi 9 years ago - Comments: 0

The Cynefin Project Calls For Volunteers

From the site :- Cynefin :...
@gaabi 10 years ago - Comments: 0

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@gaabi • 3 weeks ago • comments: 0
Updated a Blog:
From the BBC, who exactly gave the USA Ellis Island?
"The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island in New York harbour remain two of the world's iconic sites - and sights. "Ellis Island gained its historic status as...
@gaabi • 3 weeks ago • comments: 0
Updated a Blog:
From the BBC, who exactly gave the USA Ellis Island?
"The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island in New York harbour remain two of the world's iconic sites - and sights. "Ellis Island gained its historic status as...
@gaabi • 3 weeks ago • comments: 0
Posted a new blog:
From the BBC, who exactly gave the USA Ellis Island?
"The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island in New York harbour remain two of the world's iconic sites - and sights. "Ellis Island gained its historic status as...
@gaabi • 2 years ago

"A pretty old fishing village with a picturesque harbour and a resemblance to a sought-after coastal hotspot has been named one of the most beautiful villages in the UK."


@gaabi • 3 years ago

"The proposed National Forest for Wales inspired Matthew Yeomans to walk nearly 300 miles across the country, making peace with himself – and with nature"

Screenshot from 20221019 173727.png


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Goldie Lookin Chain - FEAR OF A WELSH PLANET

Goldie Lookin Chain - FEAR OF...

6 years ago - Comments: 0
The oldest Welsh Lullaby: Dinogad's Smock (Pais Dinogad)

The oldest Welsh Lullaby:...

7 years ago - Comments: 0
An explanation to Welsh sovereignty, independence and reparations

An explanation to Welsh...

8 years ago - Comments: 1
A short AmeriCymru interview with novelists Mari Griffith and Jude Johnson

A short AmeriCymru interview...

8 years ago - Comments: 0
Tom Jones dances like HELL! (Treat her right, 1968)

Tom Jones dances like HELL!...

9 years ago - Comments: 0
Horrible Histories Owain Glyndwr Song

Horrible Histories Owain...

11 years ago - Comments: 0
Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball (OFFICIAL Beef Seeds Cover)

Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball...

12 years ago - Comments: 4


12 years ago - Comments: 2
Speedflying Snowdonia 2

Speedflying Snowdonia 2

12 years ago - Comments: 1
Speedflying Snowdonia 2

Speedflying Snowdonia 2

12 years ago - Comments: 0

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Brian y Tarw Llwyd
03/21/17 01:09:32PM @brian-y-tarw-llwyd:

Milady!  Penblwydd Hapus i chi!  Happy Birthday to you!  May your day be full of good friends and family, and good cheer.
Pob hwyl

Brian y Tarw Llwyd
03/21/16 12:49:06PM @brian-y-tarw-llwyd:

To the Lady of the House:  Penblwydd Hapus i chi!  Happy Birthday to you!  May your day be full of good friends and family, and good cheer.
Pob hwyl

Ralph Jones
03/26/14 08:12:03PM @ralph-jones:

Hi Gabbi how's the book sales going do you know

Thorne Moore
03/23/14 07:50:34PM @thorne-moore:

I thought I replied, but not sure if it went through. Thanks, anyway.

Thorne Moore
03/23/14 07:39:05PM @thorne-moore:

Thanks very much gaabi. Glad you like my website. Not sure I'd like a box bed in real life. Very claustrophobic for an adult, but probably ideal for a child.

Best wishes, Thorne

Ceri Shaw
03/21/14 10:25:34PM @ceri-shaw:
Cariad Pen-blwydd Hapus
Brian y Tarw Llwyd
03/21/14 01:14:55PM @brian-y-tarw-llwyd:

I think this makes birthday #6 for you on AmeriCymru!

Penblwydd Hapus i chi! Happy birthday to you! May your day be full of good friends and family, and good cheer.
Pob hwyl

Meghan McKay
02/12/14 07:41:19PM @meghan-mckay:


Hello and thank you for the welcome! I am excited to get back to my grandfathers heritage!

As for the Wales Lacrosse Team, my brother (younger) played for the team for a few different tournaments in 2009 and for the World Championships in 2010. At that time, they asked me to be a part of the staff for that Championship. So most of our family packed our bags and spent about a week in Wales visiting family and then my brother and I were in team dorms for the duration of the tournament (2 weeks) which was held in Manchester.

This year (four years later), I will only be traveling to Denver where I will meet up with the squad. I have kept in touch with most of the team over the 4 years through social media, e-mail, and the website I was very fortunate to be asked to again join the team as their Athletic Trainer (we are similar to Physio's with more sport-specific expertise).

If you want more info, please feel free to browse the website (which they are currently updating quite a bit), check out their blog and donate!

Glad to tell you about it! Thanks for asking!



Bethan Jones-Evans
02/07/14 03:21:02PM @bethan-jones-evans:

I have a J1 visa as an exchange professional at the moment and teach at an international private school which makes a big difference. I know you have to get your college transcripts 'translated' into US equivalents. Sometimes for private schools you don't need that even. I had that done a couple years ago when I first looked at moving to the US - it's not cheap. I've been really lucky getting a job here.

Jacqueline J Davidson
02/07/14 03:21:39AM @jacqueline-j-davidson:

Hwyl, Gaabi. I will work on the Interview questions this weekend.

Diolch yn fawl
