Ceri Shaw



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Category: Cymraeg


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Beth am brofi’r bywyd Cymreig trwy fynychu Cwrs Dwys Haf Caerdydd sydd yn rhedeg ers dros 40 mlynedd!

Mae modd i chi fynychu’r cwrs am ddwy, pedair, chwech neu wyth wythnos a dych chi’n gallu ceisio am fwrsariaeth i’ch helpu chi gyda’ch ffi.

Os dych chi’n ddechreuwr pur a dych chi’n dod draw i Gymru dros yr haf, beth am ymuno â’n cwrs Croeso i Gymru i ddysgu mwy am y wlad hyfryd hon.

Os hoffech chi fod yn rhan o Gwrs Haf 2016, gwelwch yr ho ll fanylion yma .


  +44 (0)29 2087 4710


Posted in: Cymraeg | 0 comments

Dwy Afon / Two Rivers - Mike Jenkins

By Ceri Shaw, 2013-10-27

In the second of an occasional series for Welsh learners we are pleased and proud to present Dwy Afon / Two Rivers by Mike Jenkins. Mike is an acclaimed poet from Wales who is himself a Welsh learner and he has agreed to provide an occasional poem for the site in both Welsh and English to help AmeriCymraeg students and independent learners. Mike has been in Portland recently for the AmeriCymru/PSU event 'Culture Wars' and the Wordstock literary festival. Go to this page for a video of the Culture Wars panel discussion. Meanwhile you will find a selection of Mike Jenkins works on the Welsh American Bookstore here:-

Interview With Mike Jenkins


Enw yr un afon yw Gorffennol

ac mae en symud

yn araf ac yn ofalus

fel hen ddyn yn y pentref,

gwisgo cot brown, het llwyd

a siarad mewn llais sibrwd.

Mae en cymryd llawer lawr :

meddyliau am y rhyfel,

am y daith ir ddinas,

am yr hen iaith oedd yn ddiwerth,

y dociau oedd yn tyfu;

rhifo pob rhan or glo.

Enw yr ail yw Dyfodol

ac mae en brysio

yn gyflym ac yn ddiofal

fel bachgen ifanc yn y dre,

gwisgo siaced wyn, cap glas

a siarad mewn llais uchel.

Mae en cymryd llawer eto :

meddyliau am ffindio gariad,

am y daith ir tywyllwch

pan fydd en gadael adre,

y cwrdd yn yr aber

ac ar ol, y mor anferth.





The name of the first is The Past

and it always moves

ponderously and carefully

like an old man in the village

wearing a brown coat, grey hat

and speaking whisperingly.

It carries a heavy weight :

thoughts of the wars,

a journey to the city,

the old language fading away

as the docks spring up ;

counting the cost in coal.

The name of the other is The Future

and it always hurries

quickly and carelessly

like a young boy in the town

wearing a white jacket, blue cap

and speaking in a loud tone.

But it also carries a load :

thoughts of finding love,

the journey into darkness

when it will leave home,

the meeting at the mouth

and , afterwards, the great ocean.

(non-literal translation by the author)

Posted in: Cymraeg | 0 comments

In the second of an occasional series for Welsh learners we are pleased and proud to present Dwy Afon / Two Rivers by Mike Jenkins. Mike is an acclaimed poet from Wales who is himself a Welsh learner and he has agreed to provide an occasional poem for the site in both Welsh and English to help AmeriCymraeg students and independent learners. Mike has been in Portland recently for the AmeriCymru/PSU event 'Culture Wars' and the Wordstock literary festival. Go to this page for a video of the Culture Wars panel discussion. Meanwhile you will find a selection of Mike Jenkins works on the Welsh American Bookstore here:-

Interview With Mike Jenkins

Y Llyfrgell Ym Mhargod / Bargoed Library

Capel o geiriau,

cynulleidfa o lyfrau

y seddau gyda'u cefnau galed;

weithiau, dyma'r ysgrythur newydd

piben yr organ ond dim swn,

cerddoriaeth yn y brawddegau ym mhobman

llechen yw'r cyfrifiadur:

chiliwio am y gwirionedd yna

mae'r drws ar agor i bawb nawr,

meddyliau yn eistedd yn lle y cor.

Chapel of words.

congregation of moods

the pews with their hard backs;

new scriptures sometimes stacked

organ pipes yet no sound,

music from sentences all around

tablet of the computer:

searching for truth there

you'll find an always open door,

your thoughts can sit in place of the choir.

( written first in Welsh & non-literally translated by the author )

Posted in: Cymraeg | 0 comments
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