Ceri Shaw



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Why not come along to the Cardiff Intensive Welsh Summer Course!?

user image 2015-12-14
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: Cymraeg


Why not experience the Welsh life by attending the Cardiff Intensive Welsh Summer Course which has been running for over 40 years !

You can attend the course for two, four, six or eight weeks and you’re able to apply for a bursary to help with your fee.

If you are a complete beginner and are coming over to Wales in the summer, why not come to our Welcome to Wales course to learn more about this beautiful country.

If you would like to be part of the 2016 Summer Course, find out all of the details  here.


  +44 (0)29 2087 4710


Beth am brofi’r bywyd Cymreig trwy fynychu Cwrs Dwys Haf Caerdydd sydd yn rhedeg ers dros 40 mlynedd!

Mae modd i chi fynychu’r cwrs am ddwy, pedair, chwech neu wyth wythnos a dych chi’n gallu ceisio am fwrsariaeth i’ch helpu chi gyda’ch ffi.

Os dych chi’n ddechreuwr pur a dych chi’n dod draw i Gymru dros yr haf, beth am ymuno â’n cwrs Croeso i Gymru i ddysgu mwy am y wlad hyfryd hon.

Os hoffech chi fod yn rhan o Gwrs Haf 2016, gwelwch yr ho ll fanylion yma .


  +44 (0)29 2087 4710
