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Dybyl Jin a Tonic - Meinir Gwilym (geiriau / lyrics)

Category: Music
Duration: 00:02:30
Can/Song: Dybl Gin a Tonic (Double Gin and Tonic)
Canwr/Singer: Meinir Gwilym
Album: Dim Ond Clwydda (Nothing but Lies)

Prynwch 'Dim ond Clwydda' / Buy 'Dim ond Clwydda' (they ship internationally)

Welsh Music Blog / Blog Cerddoriaeth Cymraeg:


Cerdded strydoedd sy'n ddiarth, un o'r gloch y bore
A'r unig le sy'n agored ydi Sanjay's Cafe-bar
Ma mhen i'n troi yn chwil a dwi'n sdagro at y bar
"Cariad gini sgriw yn rhydd, oes gen ti un sbar?"
"Y ddinas yn fy nghuro'n oer, dwi rioed di bod mor alltud"
"Na finna" medda fo reit swil "ond gwranda di yn astud; tria di dy ora
I fod yn glen bob bora ag mi weli cyn bo hir y bydd petha'n dod yn well"
Ag wrth dynnu ar i sigaret a rwbio'i llgada cochion
Tynnu'i law drwy'i wallt hir brown a dangos ei ddannedd budron
Mae'n deud "os ti'n byw'n y ddinas rhy hir, ti'n clywed lleisiau"
Ar fy ngwir. Dybyl jin a tonic, sgwrsio efo sgitsoffrenic
Dim ond fo a fi yn y bar, yn chwerthin ar y boi efo'r gitar.

Walking strange streets, at one o'clock in the morning
The only place that's open is Sanjay's Cafe bar
My head is spinning and I stagger towards the bar
"Love I have a screw missing, have you got a spare?"
"The city beats me cold, I've never been so exiled"
"Me neither" he says quite shy "but listen closley, try your best
To be kind every morning and you'll see soon enough that things will get better"
And by lighting his cigarette and rubbing his red eyes
Brushing his hand through his long brown hair and showing his dirty teeth
He says "if you live in the city too long, you'll start hearing voices"
And on my word. Double gin and tonic, chatting with a schizophrenic
Only him and me in the bar, laughing at the guy with the guitar.