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Gwyl Safiad Merthyr Rising Festival 2014

user image 2015-12-02
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: Blogging" target="_blank">


Bydd Mai 31ain yn gweld gŵyl sydd yn dathlu un o’r safiadau cynharaf gan weithwyr mewn protest yn erbyn cyflogau isel ac amodau echrydus yn y gweithfeydd haearn a phyllau glo, sef Gwrthryfel Merthyr 1831.Nod yr Ŵyl hon yw dathlu hanes a diwylliant radicalaidd y dre, gan gynnig cyfle i drafod yr heriau sydd yn wynebu pobl Merthyr, Cymru a’r byd heddiw.

Bydd yr Ŵyl yn cynnwys ystod eang o siaradwyr, perfformwyr, cerddorion, gwneuthurwyr ffilm ac awduron o Gymru a thu hwnt. Ymhlith yr uchafbwyntiau bydd cyngerdd gyda’r athrylith Gruff Rhys gyda chefnogaeth cantorion lleol Kizzy Crawford, Fingertrap a Delyth McLean.Yn y prynhawn fe fydd yr economegydd John Weeks yn siarad ar y thema ‘Economeg yr 1%’ ac fe fydd y gwneuthurwr ffilm lleol Jon Owen yn dangos ei ffilm gomedi newydd ‘Svengali’. Bydd 30 mlynedd ers streic y glowyr yn cael ei nodi trwy ddangos gwaith pwerus Karl Francis ‘Miss Rhymney Valley 1985’ a pherfformiadau gan Y Beirdd Coch a’r canwr lleol Jamie Bevan.

  Canolbwynt yr Ŵyl fydd Canolfan a Theatr Soar gyda digwyddiadau ymylol o gwmpas y dre.Mae croeso i gynrychiolwyr sefydliadau gymryd stondin yn yr Ŵyl ac mae’r gost o £10 yn caniatáu mynediad i’r digwyddiadau dydd.







The Merthyr Rising Festival will be held on 31 May 2014, a date which marks the beginnings in 1831 of the original Merthyr Rising. The 1831 Rising was one of the earliest organised actions of industrial workers in 19th Century Britain and was sparked by anger against low pay, debt and appalling working conditions in the iron works and mines of the Valley town.The Merthyr Rising Festival 2014 aims to be a celebration of the town's proud history of radicalism and creativity, providing a platform for discussion of the problems facing the people of Wales and the world – as well as being a great day out in the wonderful and historic town of Merthyr.The Festival will include speakers from a variety of progressive organisations, as well as providing a showcase for many talented artists, musicians, writers and filmmakers from Wales and beyond.
The festival features musicians such as the truly unique Welsh genius Gruff Rhys (Super Furry Animals), as well as local rising stars Kizzy Crawford, Fingertrap and Delyth Mclean.Economist John Weeks (SOAS) will be speaking on the theme of ‘the Economics of the 1%’ at a discussion event in the afternoon called the Waun Common Assembly, named after the gathering place of the original 1831 Merthyr Rising. Local legend Jon Owen will show his new hit comedy film Svengali and the festival will also mark the 30th anniversary of the Miner’s Strike with a showing of Karl Francis’s powerful documentary Miss Rhymney Valley 1985. there will be performances from the Red Poets and Merthyr singer-songwriter Jamie Bevan. The Festival will be centred at Merthyr’s Soar Arts Centre.
Any organisation which would like to send representatives to the Merthyr Rising Festival will be promised a warm Valleys welcome and a great day out. If the organisation books a stall at the festival (Priced £10) they will also receive two tickets for the events in the day with John Weeks, Karl Francis and Red Poets and will also have their logo and website link included on the Partner Organisation list of the festival website and programme.Alternatively, if any organisation wishes to sponsor one of the events in the programme, or the festival generally, we can also organise ticket packages, as well as acknowledgement of their contribution on the website and at the event itself.

The website can be fund here:" target="_blank"> http://merthyrrising2014.wix. com/merthyr-rising-2014