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A Message From Fly Cardiff - Please Help Spread The Word - Sign The Petition!

user image 2012-04-17
By: AmeriCymru
Posted in:

" A world class airport, for a world class city" is the message behind the social media campaign group FLY Cardiff's call.

The lack of flights from Cardiff Airport has received much press locally in the last few weeks and the campaign group continuesto receive support through its website, Facebook, Twitter & online petition -

Welsh passengers fully support this call with some remarkable comments on the petition site.

Thankfully politicians at the Welsh Government HQ in Cardiff Bay have become involved in the problems of Cardiff Airport withthe First Minister forming a task group to discuss the way forward.

One of the routes that many passengers would like to see returned to the departure boards at Cardiff Airport is a transatlantic servicewhich has been missing for a number of years, making it necessary for passengers to travel outside of Wales to access flights and like wise ex-patswanting to visit family have to return to Wales via England, bizarre in the extreme. We'd all love to see JFK on our arrivals & departure board.

Please can you spread the news of this campaign to as many people as possible and ask them to sign and comment on the above petition.If you have access to any airline executives, please also make them aware of the campaign.

Every little helps!

Diolch yn fawr iawn"


Gaynor Madoc Leonard
04/17/12 10:13:55PM @gaynor-madoc-leonard:

If we want to be recognised as a real nation with our own identity, then we need airlines to use Cardiff Airport on a regular basis. Not only for ex-pats (of which there are so many around the world) but to attract business people and tourists. Otherwise our country risks being bypassed.