Silent Forum new 'TREAT YOURSELF' single released tomorrow via Libertino Records
By Ceri Shaw, 2023-07-11
Silent Forum release their most unashamedly poppy single to date, Treat Yourself, coming out on 11 July via Libertino Records. Treat Yourself is a mixture of revealing, uncomfortable lyrics paired with animated, uplifting pop instrumentation. You can hear the band having a great time playing around in much poppier territory than they are used to - this is as bubblegum as they're ever going to get.
Treat Yourself is the classic mixture of revealing, uncomfortable lyrics paired with animated, uplifting pop instrumentation. You can hear the band having a ball playing around in much poppier territory than they are used to. “Why don’t you treat yourself to a little self love / You matter, you matter so much / You don’t matter, you matter”.
Aaronson - 'The Great Swells That Carry Us Will Pull Us Under' Album Out 14.07 via Dirty Carrot Records
By Ceri Shaw, 2023-07-11
Cardiff based post-rock band ' Aaronson' are poised to release their brand new Album 'The Great Swells That Carry Us Will Pull Us Under' via Dirty Carrot Records.
Aaronson's 'The Great Swells That Carry Us Will Pull Us Under' album is a sonic marvel filled with beautifully arranged ambient post-rock that will season the senses.
Aaronson are a post rock band from South Wales, whose towering layers of melody and epic crescendos have seen them share a stage with Nordic Giants, Coldbones, A-Tota-So and False Hope For The Savage, finish runners up at The Big Gig Wales 2020, be nominated for a Cardiff Music Award and release their cinematic EP You Are Not A Stranger Here.
"exceptionally adept at what they do!"
- Destroy Exist
"an aural aura of being caught in between the rolling deluge of the ocean"
Amplify The Noise
“Their seismic sound could fill an aircraft hangar”, “Hands That Harvest is a spellbinding instrumental”
– Welsh Music Podcast
“Beautifully emotive post rock”, “Atmospheric post rock at its finest”
– Cardiff Events
"brilliantly craft a near perfect post rock sound"
Ear To The Ground
“Songs that incorporate plenty of slow burn and build up, resulting in gorgeous crescendos”
– The Razor’s Edge
“If this doesn’t put a smile on your face, I don’t know what will”
– Minty’s Gig Guide
Los Blancos return with new 'Christina' single which is out now via Libertino
By Ceri Shaw, 2023-07-06
(Scroll Down For English)
Libertino yn cyhoeddi sengl gyntaf Los Blancos oddi ar eu hail albwm hir ddisgwyliedig!
‘Christina’ yw’r sengl gyntaf oddi ar ail albwm hir ddisgwyliedig yr arwyr garage,
Dyma hefyd yw'r gân gyntaf lle mae Osian Owen, gitarydd arferol y band, i'w chlywed fel y prif leisydd. Mae ‘Christina’ yn adrodd stori am wrthryfel ganoloesol a dewder merch mewn cyfnod lle nad oedd gan fenywod lais mewn cymdeithas batriarchaidd. Mae ‘Christina’ hefyd yn pwyso’n drwm ar wreiddiau pync y band, riffs llawn adrenalin a lleisiau cefn angerddol.
Eglura Osian: “Mae hon yn gân am Christina de Markyate, menyw Saesneg o'r 12fed ganrif oedd yn gwrthod cael ei gorfodi i briodi gan ei theulu. Nath hi ddianc wedi gwisgo fel dyn a throi yn flaenores mewn convent, ar ôl cau ei 'suitor' cynta' yn ystafell ei hunan a chuddio o'r llall tu ôl tapestry. Nes i ysgrifennu e yn ystod lockdown ar ôl bod yn gwrando ar lot o Black Flag a Trash Talk, sydd yn dangos yn y gitars cyflym/amrwd. Da'th y lyrics ar ôl darllen un o lyfre hanes Terry Jones lle odd e'n sôn am Christina, ac o ni'n edmygu pa mor gryf a phenderfynol oedd hi.”
Llawn egni a llawenydd direidus, mae 'Christina' gan Los Blancos allan nawr.
Los Blancos' first single from their eagerly anticipated second album is out now on Libertino!
‘Christina’ is the first single to be taken from the garage, slacker punk heroes, Los Blancos' eagerly anticipated second album. It it also the first song to have guitarist Osian Owen taking lead vocals on a tale of medieval rebellion, bravely and female empowerment in a time where women had no voice in a stifling patriarchal society.
adrenaline fuelled chords and gang vocals.
Osian explains: "The song is about Christina de Markyate, an English woman from the 12th century who refused to be forced into marriage by her family. She escaped dressed as a man and became a prioress in a convent, after locking her first 'suitor' in her own room and hiding from the other behind a tapestry. I wrote it during lockdown after listening to a lot of Black Flag and Trash Talk, which shows in the fast/raw guitars. The lyrics came from reading one of Terry Jones' history books where he talked about Christina, and I admired how strong and determined she was."
Full of passion and mischievous glee, 'Christina' by Los Blancos is out now on Libertino!
By Ceri Shaw, 2023-07-06
Whatever the complexities surrounding the flooding of Cwm Tryweryn, the construction of Llyn Celyn is widely regarded as a decisive event in Welsh history. The story resonates with Welsh people like no other, and at last, after twenty years of research, author Wyn Thomas has written a detailed study of the story published by Y Lolfa, and questions many widely held views.
Two aspects of the Tryweryn story have attracted particular attention and comment in Wales: what is deemed to be Liverpool’s dubious justification for flooding Cwm Tryweryn and the traditional belief, often strenuously expressed, that the threatened Welsh-speaking community was united in opposing Liverpool’s reservoir construction project. Tryweryn: A New Dawn? powerfully challenges both of these deeply-held opinions. The use of extensive archival testimony convincingly demonstrates that Liverpool’s need to construct a reservoir to combat the city’s municipal water and employment problem is real and genuine. As to the true extent of the cohesion felt by the threatened Welsh-speaking community in protesting Liverpool’s actions, compelling evidence is presented to challenge the existing legend – with Thomas offering an unprecedented voice to those from the former valley community who feel the time has come to put the record straight.
Wyn Thomas said: “After twenty years of research I have come to some conclusions that won’t please everyone – but I’ve interviewed scores of people and thoroughly researched the subject. Consequently, I believe this book rectifies many of the existing and predetermined opinions which surround the flooding of Cwm Tryweryn, and gives a highly readable account of all that went on in the background and much that has happened since.”
Dafydd Wigley, in a foreword to the book has said that “this significant book deserves to be read by all who study the emergence of modern Wales”.
The book chronicles the controversial flooding of the Tryweryn Valley in North Wales by Liverpool in the 1960s to increase the city’s water supply. In the process of Liverpool constructing the reservoir a proud Welsh-speaking community was removed. There are complicated factors which govern such episodes and Tryweryn: A New Dawn? provides a balanced and nuanced appraisal of this contentious affair.
Dr Wyn Thomas works freelance in academia, the media and as a respected songwriter and musician – releasing the album Orion’s Belt in 2022. His books John Jenkins: The Reluctant Revolutionary? (Y Lolfa, 2019) and Hands Off Wales (Y Lolfa, 2022) are considered essential reading for anyone with an interest in Welsh history and UK politics. He is married, has two daughters, and lives in Mid Wales. For more information see:
AmeriCymru: Hi Glenn and many thanks for agreeing to this interview. Care to introduce the Attic Film Festival for our readers?
Glenn: The inaugural Attic Theatre International Film Festival is organised by the Attic Theatre, a group of artists, actors, writers, film-makers and technicians based in Newcastle Emlyn, West Wales, who are captivated by the medium of film.
Our designated event team for ATIFF are;
Carole King: an artist, bookbinder and printmaker -and the reluctant leading lady in the film ‘Tatsuko’, which will be shown as part of the Sunday screenings. She holds a particular interest in narrative film and documentary material.
Melanie Davies: an actor and playwright who won the 2022 Cynon Valley Film Festival Director’s award for devising and acting in ‘Thoughtpolice 4891’. “As an actor/writer/director of theatre, it has always been the telling of the story that has excited and intrigued me. And it seems that with current technology we can hear and see stories now, that have been left untold. The democracy of film making is liberating for many voices and small film festivals like ours help to give audiences for those stories. Sharing a good story is a universal need it seems to me and participating in that is a great joy. Peter Mount: is the theatre company’s sound and visual effects technician and is a big fan of black and white film. ”Like millions of others, I’ve watched films all my life. We watch them to find out about the world and to see it through other people eyes. Life without the enrichment of film, would just be so much duller.”
Glenn Ibbitson: artist and former scenic artist for film and television, through which I enjoyed a brief acting scene with the late and much lamented Robin Williams -which oddly ended up on the cutting room floor, but that’s a story for another time. I hold a passion for silent film -the world’s only truly international language.
Visual interest is our shared criteria, though of course that is subjective; we felt that four directors could better able to argue the merits of each submission and prevent one personal taste predominating.
Together, our aim is to encourage excellence in film-making and to present the medium of movie to our audiences through a free weekend-long event. We invite submissions of short film from a few seconds long [this is the age of TikTok after all] to a maximum running time of about 20 minutes. We are a genre fluid event with no particular theme. We already have submissions which are silent films, music videos, documentaries, animation.
Our submission fee is kept at a nominal level. This is simply to cover festival expenses. We are not out to make a profit.
Our main concern was to make this a free event for our visitors. The public can use this as a drop-in event; watch a couple of films, take a break and return for more , or stay for a whole day session. This guarantees that our selected filmmakers are showing their work to an actual live audience.
AmeriCymru: What can you tell us about the venue - the Attic Theatre?
Glenn: The theatre/cinema is sited in the elegant Grade Two listed Town Hall above the Market Buildings. The building dates from1892.
The raked auditorium itself has a capacity of 80. The plush seats were retrieved from a cinema in Pembrokeshire They give our audiences the authentic and comfortable theatrical experience. We have a digital projector and a large screen, so this is a genuine big-screen experience.
AmeriCymru: How many entries are you aiming for and what are the competition categories?
Glenn: We really don’t know how many entries to expect to be honest. The rate of submissions has accelerated in recent weeks; a viewing/selection process which last month seemed quite relaxed is now looking more like a task -one which as fans of film, we are more than happy to address.
Films considered for completion will be shown on Friday evening of the 13th October and Saturday 15th from 2pm-9pm. With intervals between hourly blocks of film, we expect to offer 6hours of film. Sunday is reserved for invited works and those made by colleagues at the Attic theatre. These have been excluded from competition to avoid any conflict of interest. This will comprise another 4 hours or so of movie.
The Festival Categories eligible for awards are:
Best Made in Wales
Black & White
The ATiFF Award -this will be a film chosen for special mention by the co-directors of the festival.
The actual design of the award statuette has not been finalised as yet. We are split between a figurine and a stylised clapperboard! Watch this space for an update!
AmeriCymru: What is the deadline for the receipt of submissions?
Glenn: August 19th for the regular deadline and September the 8th for the last minute deadline. This allows us just enough time to get a comprehensive festival programme to print.
AmeriCymru: Submissions are welcome from around the world, correct?
Glenn: Yes; so far most submissions have been from the UK, but films have come in from from Canada, the U.S, Japan, India -and Cardigan, which is 10 miles down the valley!
AmeriCymru: Will this become an annual event?
Glenn: I would hope so; the impetus for this event -quite apart from our enthusiasm for film, was the feeling that our venue could be used for a greater variety of events throughout the calendar. My personal hope is that ATIFF can occupy a regular Autumn slot on an annual basis from now on.
AmeriCymru: Any clips that you would care to share?
Glenn: We have no trailers as yet; it may be a little too early for that kind of pre-publicity, but we have stills from several submissions and invited films which I have enclosed [labelled with title and director’s name] together with photographs of the venue and posters.
AmeriCymru: Any final message for the readers and members of AmeriCymru?
Glenn: If you have a camcorder, if you have a stills camera with a movie mode option on its function dial, -if you have a mobile, you can make movie. If you think you have something to share with an enthusiastic audience, let’s see it -you could be walking off with an award come October. Ffilm hapus!
The text for Taopolis has its genesis in a series of dates Jeremy Gluck's band The Barracudas played in Tokyo in 2013. Enthralled by the city and in his hotel room in Shinjuku, the words flowed to try and capture the spirit of a city that after only four days he never wanted to leave.
We invited renowned Tokyo Dadaist Jack Seiei to produce a video for the track,his expertise in collage and video art bringing a fresh and innovative perspectiveto the project.
Recording artist, digital fine artist, and prolific electronic music and video art collaborator, Jeremy Gluck is perhaps best known as lead singer of cult surf-punk band The Barracudas, the subject of a recently released 3CD retrospective on Cherry Red Records. As a solo artist he has had songs covered by artists such as Lydia Lunch and Rowland S. Howard (The Birthday Party, Crime and the City Solution, These Immortal Souls), and Nikki Sudden (Swell Maps), with whom two latter artists he recorded the first supergroup album, ‘I Knew Buffalo Bill’ in 1987. In 1997 Gluck began a journey into experimental electronica that led to him working with some of the genre’s leading lights, including Martin Rev, Brendan Moeller, Dub Gabriel, and Youth.
Paul Hazel is a music producer and multi-instrumentalist. He has studied electroacoustic composition with Simon Emmerson and completed the ‘Search and Reflect’ method with free jazz drummer John Stevens. He has had many releases on labels such as Rising High, Rotation, Inspiral, 2Kool, Welsh Modular Alliance, and SWND. As part of the band Blue Train he hit the Billboard dance charts with Get Movin’, released on Masters At Work. He has composed and produced the music for a number of commercial films and TV programmes. Short films of his own have been exhibited in Japan, Venice, and at several galleries across Wales.
GIITTV's 20th Anniversary event: Adwaith, Chroma, Carwyn Ellis, The Honest Poet, papaya noon, Half Happy, Kaptin (DJ) - The Gate, Cardiff, Saturday 30th of September
By Ceri Shaw, 2023-06-21
Today, we are excited to announce that joining our 20th anniversary event at The Gate in Cardiff on Saturday 30th of September 2023, are one of Wales’s best-kept secrets, righteous bilingual noise pop trio Chroma, as main supports.
They are gearing up for the release of their debut album and will be joined by master Welsh songsmith Carwyn Ellis of Rio 18, Colorama and The Pretenders live band, who will be playing an exclusive stripped back set, and practitioners of soulful lo-fi pop Papaya Noon , who will ease you into the late afternoon. Finally, on the decks we have former Boomtown booker and local legend Kaptin who will be bringing the party with his encyclopedic collection of hip hop, soul, disco music and beyond.
They join a bill that already boasts three awesome acts. Two-time Welsh Music Prize winners and GIITTV favourites Adwaith who will be headlining, emerging artist The Honest Poet , who blends soul, hip hop, and pop into personal songs full of heart. Opening the show are one of our tips for 2023, Half Happy , a wonderful bittersweet indie pop band who have captured our hearts in recent months.
Doors are 3pm with the acts starting at 4pm. Tickets are twenty pounds in advance and more on the door, book here.
This event is in conjunction with our friends at Joyzine who are also celebrating their 20th anniversary this year, we will be helping promote events around this landmark in due course. Also the charity Hope Not Hate and the fine online publication the Zine .
An independent publication, GIITTV, started in 2003. This was an era even before blogs, before YouTube, and Twitter. Inspired by webzines like Drowned in Sound and the punk zine spirit of Repeat fanzine, I started posting my early reviews from the Cardiff University newspaper, Gair Rhydd on a basic Yahoo Geocities page. Over the years I was then joined by writers from around Britain and the world, GIITTV has evolved through many incarnations and evolutions as a website and publication, now boasting a passionate and hardworking editorial team, over 200 writers, and the contributions of artists and web designers, without whom this website would not have grown and thrived for so many years. With a solid following, we hope we have grown into one of the most lasting online portals for music and culture around. We have always championed the artists that excite us no matter their level or label from throughout the country and beyond, providing a platform for emerging artists and groups. The site also has a special focus on Welsh music over the last decade, championing the new Welsh wave of artists. We have developed this by spotlighting as many genres as we can in the principality, sponsoring a stage at the Focus Wales festival and by featuring the likes of The Anchoress, Adwaith, Carwyn Ellis, Aderyn and many more on our podcast Show Me Magic.
As well as delivering a stream of quality writing, our achievements over the years include raising £5000 for Help Musicians from a R.E.M. Covers compilation that was endorsed by the band, helping to promote several charity shows including G Spot in London and Mind Fest in Cardiff, staging shows by the likes of Frightened Rabbit, My Sad Captains, Orphans and Vandals, HMS Morris and Vessels and many more. Our deputy editor, Simon Godley, received an award for best festival journalist at the Festival Congress.
With an independent voice free of corporate constraints, we have always believed in giving new artists and writers a platform to gain experience, hone their craft, and explore their passions. We are powered by the goodwill, knowledge, and passion of our writers, the support of labels and artists, and the readers. We hope this event marks this special occasion in style, with an event celebrating some of Wales’s finest artists and acting as a thank you to everyone involved, set in the heart of Cardiff at one of the city’s most impressive venues- a converted church with listed status as a building.
Tickets here:
Rogue Jones - 'Off By One'
Wedi'i gymryd oddi ar eu halbwm arbennig 'Dos Bebés', gafodd ei rhyddhau ar Libertino fis Mawrth, 'Off By One' yw sengl ddiweddaraf Rogue Jones.
Eglura'r band: “Mae recordio gyda Frank Naughton (cynhyrchydd Rogue Jones) yn Nhŷ Drwg yn golygu llawer mwy na recordio caneuon. Ein hoff ran o recordio gyda Frank yw pan rydym ni'n yfed tê ac yn sgwrsio gyda fe am rai o'r pethau anhygoel sydd yn ei ben. Arweiniodd un o’r sgyrsiau hyn i ni ddod i wybod am y camgymeriad ‘Off By One’.
Dydyn ni ddim yn siŵr os gallwn ei esbonio'n iawn ond i'n meddyliau anwyddonol ni, mae'n gamgymeriad sy'n cael ei wneud wrth gyfrifo - a ddylai'r dilyniant ddechrau ar 0 neu 1. Ydych chi'n cyfrif y pyst neu'r bylchau sydd rhwng y pyst? Ta waeth, roedden ni'n hoffi'r syniad fod rhywbeth mor syml yn gallu chwalu'n meddyliau ni - ac o fanno daeth y gân.
Fi (Ynyr) daeth lan gyda strwythur y cordiau a'r geiriau ar gyfer y gytgan, lle bu Bethan yn rhoi cig ar asgwrn yn ysgrifennu’r penillion. Roedd 3 pennill ychwanegol ond yn anffodus roedd rhaid anghofio amdanynt fel bod yr albwm gallu ffitio ar un ddisg 12". 'Da ni'n falch bod y fersiwn hir honno, o'r diwedd, yn cael ei rhyddhau’n ddigidol ynghyd â’r fersiwn sydd ar yr albwm.”
Bydd y ddwy fersiwn o 'Off By One' allan ar Libertino ddydd Mercher 7fed Mehefin.
Taken from their critically acclaimed second album 'Dos Bebés', which was released on Libertino in March, ‘Off By One’ is the latest single from Rogue Jones.
Rogue Jones explain the background to the creation of ‘Off By One’: “Recording with Frank Naughton (Rogue Jones' long time producer) at Tŷ Drwg is about so much more than recording your songs. Our favourite aspect of the recording is the first half an hour or so spent drinking tea and chatting about some of the incredible things within his head. One of these educational chats introduced us to the ‘Off By One’ error.
We’re not sure if we can explain it accurately but to our non-scientific minds it’s an error that is made in computing which stems from the failure to specify whether the sequence should start at 0 or 1. Do you count the fenceposts or the gaps between fenceposts? Anyway, we liked the thought of something clinical and mathematical being capable of being undone by something so simple - so that’s where the song came from.
I (Ynyr) had the chord structure and some sort of lyrical skeleton for the chorus which Bethan fleshed out as well as writing the verses. There were an extra 3 verses to the song but we had to cut them in order to fit the album on one 12” disk. We're pleased to be able to release that longer version digitally, along with the single version heard on the album.”
Both versions of 'Off By One' will be released on Libertino on Wednesday 7th June.