Ceri Shaw



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Los Blancos return with new 'Christina' single which is out now via Libertino

user image 2023-07-06
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: Music
los blancos christina.jpg
(Scroll Down For English)

Libertino yn cyhoeddi sengl gyntaf Los Blancos oddi ar eu hail albwm hir ddisgwyliedig!

‘Christina’ yw’r sengl gyntaf oddi ar ail albwm hir ddisgwyliedig yr arwyr garage,
slacker pync Los Blancos.
Dyma hefyd yw'r gân gyntaf lle mae Osian Owen, gitarydd arferol y band, i'w chlywed fel y prif leisydd. Mae ‘Christina’ yn adrodd stori am wrthryfel ganoloesol a dewder merch mewn cyfnod lle nad oedd gan fenywod lais mewn cymdeithas batriarchaidd. Mae ‘Christina’ hefyd yn pwyso’n drwm ar wreiddiau pync y band, riffs llawn adrenalin a lleisiau cefn angerddol.

Eglura Osian: “Mae hon yn gân am Christina de Markyate, menyw Saesneg o'r 12fed ganrif oedd yn gwrthod cael ei gorfodi i briodi gan ei theulu. Nath hi ddianc wedi gwisgo fel dyn a throi yn flaenores mewn convent, ar ôl cau ei 'suitor' cynta' yn ystafell ei hunan a chuddio o'r llall tu ôl tapestry. Nes i ysgrifennu e yn ystod lockdown ar ôl bod yn gwrando ar lot o Black Flag a Trash Talk, sydd yn dangos yn y gitars cyflym/amrwd. Da'th y lyrics ar ôl darllen un o lyfre hanes Terry Jones lle odd e'n sôn am Christina, ac o ni'n edmygu pa mor gryf a phenderfynol oedd hi.”

Llawn egni a llawenydd direidus, mae 'Christina' gan Los Blancos allan nawr.
Los Blancos' first single from their eagerly anticipated second album is out now on Libertino!


‘Christina’ is the first single to be taken from the garage, slacker punk heroes, Los Blancos' eagerly anticipated second album. It it also the first song to have guitarist Osian Owen taking lead vocals on a tale of medieval rebellion, bravely and female empowerment in a time where women had no voice in a stifling patriarchal society.
‘Christina’ also leans heavily on the band's punk roots,
adrenaline fuelled chords and gang vocals.

Osian explains: "The song is about Christina de Markyate, an English woman from the 12th century who refused to be forced into marriage by her family. She escaped dressed as a man and became a prioress in a convent, after locking her first 'suitor' in her own room and hiding from the other behind a tapestry. I wrote it during lockdown after listening to a lot of Black Flag and Trash Talk, which shows in the fast/raw guitars. The lyrics came from reading one of Terry Jones' history books where he talked about Christina, and I admired how strong and determined she was."

Full of passion and mischievous glee, 'Christina' by Los Blancos is out now on Libertino!
