

In honor of St. David's Day, the North American Festival of Wales and Undeb Cymru a'r Byd (Wales International) are co-sponsoring two NEW virtual Eisteddfod competitions for Youth Solo Voice... Ages 7-11 and Ages 12-16.  Three top prizes in each category (£100 - £50 - £25 for UK entrants, otherwise paid out in the local currency equivalent).

Please go to the link below for all details/rules/guidelines (in English and Welsh)!

The adjudicating panel includes some greats from the Welsh cultural sphere... Edward Morus Jones, Mary Jones McGuyer and Catrin "Toffoc" Jones!

Each entrant is asked to submit a video of one song in Welsh, created in 2021 and three minutes or less in length, during a strictly limited, 24-hour window (Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, between midnight and midnight Eastern Time).  Winning entries will be announced and posted at the North American Festival of Wales (NAFOW) website, , on February 27, 2021.

We look forward to seeing some great performances soon! 


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Castellate Me

By Paul Steffan Jones AKA, 2021-02-14

They said "high" but how high

turned out high enough to keep out

the locals the subdued other types

sufficiently lofty to conceal the life

of the enemy and too tall for us

to peer over even with the aid of a leg up

the despised and the besieged

the attacked and the defended

the architecture of oppression blotting out

the horizon and eclipsing the sun and moon

the domination still tacit at times

we sullenly embattled our invaders 

with haircuts language and time 

until they were redeployed to another outpost

another link in the chain mail empire 

the arrow slits squint

the curtain walls loom

like a citadel of giants' tombstones

a reminder of tumultuous centuries 

now muted and disarmed

recalled in the names of streets

residences and the sides of vans

Posted in: Poetry | 0 comments


Reclaiming for a new generation the poetry of Dylan, the stark beauty and unhinged Rock and Roll of mid-70s John Cale, and Badfinger's melancholic timeless songcraft, this is Bandicoot. Their sound flows like post-industrial blues through Swansea's rain-soaked concrete streets.

Bandicoot have earned a ferocious reputation, thanks to their raucous, overflowing live shows that spin euphorically from post-punk and krautrock to glam stomp and art-pop sensuality at the drop of a note.

‘Dark Too Long’ is Bandicoot‘s debut single on Libertino, a song they describe as a “ frenzied cry of desperation from the depths of excess and loneliness, influenced by the driving rhythms of NEU! and Can.”

"Bandicoot are wired instinctively to the cathartic screams of John Lennon's Plastic Ono Band, the lustful danger of The Velvet Underground, and CAN's cinematic propulsion. They are the art-house provocateurs of Warhol's Factory brought to life on Swansea's rainy streets " - Libertino

Mae  Bandicoot  yn adfer cerddi Dylan Thomas, harddwch roc a rôl y 70au gan John Cale, a chrefft gerddorol melancolig Badfinger. Mae eu sŵn yn llifo fel blŵs ol-ddiwydianol drwy strydoedd concrit gwlyb Abertawe.

Mae gan Bandicoot enw da am eu perfformiadau byw sy'n chwyrlio o sŵn ôl-bync i krautrock i stomp glam a chelf pop synhwyrus o ddechrau i ddiwedd eu set.

'Dark Too Long ' yw'r sengl gyntaf i Bandicoot ryddhau drwy Libertino, cân sy'n cael ei ddisgrifio fel  "cri o anobaith o ddyfnderoedd unigrwydd a gormodedd, wedi'i ddylanwadu gan rythmau NEU! a Can"


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st davids day.jpg

This year, our Americymru Saint David's Day Ambassador, Gwenno Dafydd, has decided to create a 30 minute presentation about some of the traditions she has instigated since 2005 which have contributed and enabled the growth of Saint David's Day celebrations not only in Wales but also worldwide.

This year the covid crisis means that any Saint David's Day celebrations will have to be virtual and on line. However, singing the Saint David's Day Anthem has always been a way of celebrating our patron saint's day and can be sung by virtual choirs and virtual schools.

Ysgol Gwaun Cae Gurwen have embraced the idea suggested by Gwenno of singing the anthem whilst doing a 'virtual' parade with family and individual banners. The anthem is available for choirs and individuals from here. Saint David's Day Anthem

Eleni, mae Llysgenad Dydd Gwyl Dewi Americymru i'r Byd, Gwenno Dafydd, wedi penderfynu i greu cyflwyniad 40 munud am rai o'r traddodiadau mae hi wedi eu creu a'u hybu ers 2005 sydd wedi cyfrannu tuag at, a galluogi twf aruthrol dathliadau Dydd Gwyl Dewi nid yn unig yng Nghymru ond hefyd ar draws y byd.

Eleni mae amgylchiadau y Cyfnod Cofidus yn golygu y bydd rhaid cynnal unrhyw ddathliadau Dydd Gwyl Dewi yn rhithiol ag ar lein. Fodd bynnag mae canu Anthem Dydd Gwyl Dewi wastad wedi bod yn ffordd o ddathlu ein Nawdd Sant - ble bynnag yn y byd a gellid ei ganu gan gorau ag ysgolion rhithiol.Mae

Ysgol Gwaun Cae Gurwen wedi ymfalchio yn syniad Gwenno o ganu'r anthem tra'n cynnal gorymdaith 'rithiol' gyda baneri teuluol ac unigol. Mae yr anthem ar gael i gorau ac unigolion o fan hyn. Anthem Dydd Gwyl Dewi


Horizons are releasing ‘Paradwys’ as a free download on their  website , a collaboration between Launchpad artists Eadyth, Foxxglove and Cait Johnsen of Mawpit. A specially commissioned track put out to celebrate Dydd Miwsig Cymru/Welsh Language Music this Friday the 5th of February 2021.

This collaboration between cutting edge soul pop artist and producer Eadyth,  Cait from rock band Mawpit, and Ffion a pop singer who works under the alias of Foxxglove, two singers who despite being native Welsh speakers were recording in Welsh for the first time. ‘Paradwys’ is a beguiling pop song that sews bubbling beats with glowing instrumentals and runs over with infectious soulful harmonies that accentuate the beauty of the Welsh language.

 The talented trio were set the challenge by Horizons to expand their experiences in the Welsh language by writing and recording a new Welsh language track for release on Dydd Miwsig Cymru. They met after being thrown together after the artists all received the Launchpad funding earlier this year.

Cait Johansen of the band Mawpit said of the collaboration: “Eadyth is such a talented songwriter & producer, I'm so amazed and jealous that she can write, mix and master a whole song. Ffion of Foxxglove is so lovely and it was really fun for us to work on Eadyth's creation together. She has such a wonderful, sweet voice and I think our voices mixed together really well. I think all of us are really thrilled to be a part of welsh music day. Especially as this is my first time being a part of it, I hope I’ll get to put something towards it again next year. I’ve already started writing another song in Welsh so I think this experience has been very inspiring.”

Ffion aka Foxxglove says: “It was such a fun experience getting to collaborate with Eadyth and Cait on this song, it was a first for me to collaborate with women and also in Welsh, was a challenge and different but very happy with the final result. So grateful to have been given the opportunity to work on this with the girls they are both so incredibly talented, was a pleasure!

I learnt a lot from it and definitely will be making more Welsh language music in the future.  Very excited for Paradwys to come out on Dydd Miwsig Cymru and to be involved this year, have always wanted too, so thank you so so much to Horizons and Eadyth and Cait! And I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!”

Horizons project leader Bethan Elfyn says:  “Eadyth is such a natural collaborator, producer, and ambassador for the Welsh language in her music that she was a perfect choice for bringing a unique collaboration together. Cait from Mawpit and Ffion from Foxxglove are both totally different and unique vocalists, and it's wonderful to hear them exploring their Welsh language roots in the track, and will hopefully help them feel more confident in exploring mixing the languages further in their own work! 

“Dydd Miwsig Cymru is a great way to celebrate a unique scene, a lively, contemporary scene, and these kinds of collaborations are a perfect way to bring new fresh voices to an already rich culture in Wales. Through music anyone can enjoy hearing the Welsh language, if you speak it fluently or are hearing it for the first time – it’s a great way to discover more”

Posted in: Music | 0 comments

On Your Bike! by Phil 'Boz' Evans

By Philip evans, 2021-01-31

800pxBurning_car_after_Manchester_riots.jpg Richard Hopkins , CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

There is a strange order of hatred on the motorways, highways and by-ways of England & Wales these days.

HGV Lorry drivers hate white van drivers, white van drivers hate slow moving buses, buses hate tail- gating BMW and Audi drivers, BMW and Audi Drivers hate Citroen Picasso Mobility car drivers that hog the middle lane.

But they only have one thing in common that unites them all.

All road users hate cyclists.

And today on a Sunny Autumn day of 2020, in the sleepy former Mining Town of Merthyr Tydfil there was to be no exception.

Cyclist, Hal Ford, had all the cycling gear on that made him look like he was busy competing in the Tour De France.

Yellow jersey, green lycra suit, last seen in a fitness video worn by TV Green Goddess, Diana Moran, and of course the obligatory state- of- the art cycling helmet.

As he came to a stop at the Taf Fechan Pontsticill reservoir, he dismounted his trusty Raleigh steed that had served him well for 150 miles.

He needed to stop not just to take in the beauty of his natural surroundings, but to give his meat and two veg a rest after the intensity of the journey too.

He looked down and did a quick tally- unlike American cyclist Lance Armstrong, they were all present and correct.

He then lit his roll-up cigarette with his 2014- Leeds Tour de France Souvenir Lighter.

He looked around at the trees still in leaf- red, yellow, brown and green of all different hues – he asked himself ‘why did people bother to fly to the West Coast of the USA -New England especially- to become ‘leaf peepers’, when they had this artist’s pallet of colour on their very doorstep in Old Wales.

Hal was now in his late Seventies and was always being stopped for photographs by people who thought he was former Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn.

In the beginning, he had pointed out the error of their ways, but now had endorsed his new celebrity status by smiling for ‘selfies’ with his new- found fan base.

He sighed, as he lifted the lid of his cycle seat and produced his packed lunch.

In lockdown Wales, everything was closed – pubs, restaurants and even shops alike.

A bit like it had reverted to its’ natural state in the 1970’s.

Before Sunday Opening Hours came into effect and Chapels were the only place left open on a Sunday.

Legally speaking, as he had cycled down from a Tier Five Covid-19 area- he was not supposed to even be in the Principality at all, but he didn’t’ see the harm in it, as most of the youths in his native Liverpool Dock area were massed up closer to each other than a Ryan Air Economy Flight to Majorca.

The arrogance of youth.

Hal himself had suffered from it once but that was long ago- way before his testicle sack had dropped and he was forced to tuck them in the tops of his Liver-bird emblazoned football socks for safe keeping.

Unlike the Conservative Government, who had adopted a Laurel & Hardy approach- he had his own UK- wide Coronavirus strategy to survive the pandemic.

He would take a leaf out of Thomas Hardy’s book and head ‘far from the madding crowd’ and take sanctuary in the sparsely populated rural upper highland communities of the Welsh Valleys.

Exercise, good eating, and plenty of vitamin D sunshine would stand him in good stead, while the rest of the Country, spread the disease like a pre-potty-trained toddler left without a nappy.

The noise and vibration of bass music pounding broke his idyllic bucolic existence, as an overloaded Tory blue Vauxhall Corsa pulled up alongside him onto the reservoir road bridge.

For a minute, he thought he was back on Merseyside.

No sooner than the car had stopped, then four baseball -hatted youths tumbled out of the back seat of the car.

“What’s ‘appening Gramps?” nodded the first youth approaching the geriatric septuagenarian.

“ Two metres please!” countered Hal.

The youth had an unusual swagger about him like he was carry a rolled- up carpet under each arm.

“Steady on ‘Puff Daddy’!” sneered a second youth, whose bumfluff moustache and blackhead pimples made him look like a hyena pup.

As he approached the stone reservoir wall that had been raised up by the Private Utility Company (somewhat bizarrely advertised as being ‘not for profit’) to the height of four feet in case of the risk of a thousand- year flood.

The Hyena youth then openly produced a small clear bag of white powder and laid it out on the wall in a line before snorting it up through a McDonalds milk shake straw into his broken nose.

“That Devil’s Dandruff will kill you!” warned Hal.

“No! HE will kill you!” said Hyena.

“Do you know what a tear tattoo means?” said the first youth-as the driver of the car- Swastika, also sporting a blue Nazi emblem on his far right of his cheek close to his ear.

“He is an Everton fan?” asked Hal sarcastically.

Hyena ignored the remark as his head was buzzing with more Charlie than the Vietnamese Jungle in the late 60’s.

“It means he has killed a man!” Hyena boasted proudly.

“Good for him!” said Hal at the first sign of danger mounting his Raleigh bike.

“Now if you don’t mind, I must be on my way!”

“Oi Corbyn, ain’t you gonna have a selfie with the Crew then or what?” demanded Swastika.

“No!” said Hal pushing off from the kerb and pedalling away from the Corsa, as fast as his plastic hip replacement would allow.

“Oi Corbyn…I thought you were a man of the people?” protested Hyena.

As ‘Corbyn’ disappeared around the bend of the road heading towards Taf Fechan Houses, Hyena was not a happy bunny.

“I thought HE was supposed to one of us lazy lot, supporting the people that don’t want to work and cop handouts from the English for free?” said Hyena.

Out of the car appeared four more of the great unwashed.

From a safe distance away hidden by the tall deciduous pine trees, Hal thought it reminded him of a Roy Castle’s Record Breakers attempt to see how many people could fit into a Mini.

Completely pointless but compelling 1970’s children’s TV.

He looked back to see if he was being following by those ‘Woollybacks’.

That was an abusive term for Welsh people but specifically for louts like the ones he had just encountered.

Every City, every Town had its fair share of scum- and clearly Merthyr Tydfil had theirs.

It was such a shame that the great beauty of the Welsh Countryside was being ruined by the likes of this kind of people.

Halford recoiled in horror, as he witnessed the car being cleared of rubbish at the expense of Mother Nature, as out of the Vauxhall Corsa was dumped a brown MuckDonalds bag, week old KFC buckets with chicken bones and of course used Lottery Scratch-cards.

He wondered what sort of upbringing these youngsters had received and what the future held for them.

With almost all manufacturing jobs now all transferred to Child Labour in Asian sweatshops by ‘British’ Entrepreneurs- there was little or no-hope for this generation of rebels in finding work even if they wanted to.

Most of their families were third generation that had not had a working parent.

An endless cycle of ever-decreasing circles of poverty, food banks and alcoholism.

His home- town of Liverpool had suffered under decades of Tory rule- as if still being punished by the Government of the day for the stubbornness of Derek Hatton and Co in the Eighties.

The Welsh Valleys - strong Labour heartlands too- were no longer the last great bastion of the working man and trade unionism- there were precious few still employed and with the inequality of the Council Tax funding system they were rapidly turning into Rotten Boroughs.

Hal Ford still saw a glimmer of hope for the upland Town- it was perched on the edge of the Brecon Beacons National Park and the future -once the Covid-19 Pandemic was over- then the Town had a chance to remarket itself as a Tourist Town.

The reason he had decided to come to South Wales was the lure of the clean air, the open road, the Taff Trail and a chance to visit Bike Park Wales.

Whilst all the jobs had gone to Asia on the plus side, so too had the pollution.

Halford decided he had better get on, as the Scummy Six were all re-entering the car and that meant they would soon be behind him on this B-road in a few minutes time.

He started to pull away on his bicycle and soon realised as he began to slow, that the road would lead to a sharp incline after a series of bad blind bends.

Inside the Corsa, the four that were jammed onto the back seat were busy fighting for whatever space their different body shapes would allow.

Pencil was fine- he was so thin from malnutrition -he could fit anywhere.

The object of most complaint was the room that supersized ‘Jack the Lard’ was taking up and that he was becoming a little too handy with ‘Easy Rider’.

The complaints only subsided after Stinkbomb did what he was famous for and a dropped a silent but deadly chapel fart that not only stopped the car mid-acceleration but also created a mass rush to open the windows.

Both driver Swastika and Hyena in the shotgun position were fine but trapped in the back of the tiny car with child-locks on – the smell malingered in the back- causing each of the trapped occupants to gag and retch- whilst Stinkbomb sat proudly savouring his own faecal aroma.

“Why is it that a fart only smells bad to those that didn’t do it? He pondered the age- old question aloud.

“You are only one fart away from a shit!” complained Pencil.

“You better not stain my seats again Stinky or you will be the second victim killed by me!” warned Swastika.

Stinkbomb went quiet both ends, as he shivered at the prospect of such a threat.

He knew that Swastika had a violent temper, which he had inherited from his abusive Father- a former amateur boxer that had taken one too many punches to the head.

In a Town like Merthyr, one of the few paths out of the gutter was the ancient gentleman’s art of pugilism.

Swastika had killed a man in only his second fight in a bout at Rhydycar Leisure Centre- hence the tattooed teardrop on his face, which was in fact a boxing glove gone wrong.

He didn’t deliberately set out to kill his opponent, but he was caught up in the legalised violence of the moment and with the furore of the crowd egging him on he just went for it.

Stinkbomb had the capability of killing people with his ring too- if only someone had informed the Bio-Weapons research facility at Porton Down in Berkshire, then they wouldn’t have had to engineer the Covid-19 virus in the first place.

Front windows down, the Corsa made its way along the length of the reservoir road with driver Swastika trying desperately to pick-up speed with the weight in the car in a car fitted with a 50 MPH speed limiting device.

Up in the distance, Hyena could just make out the lycra- clad rear end of Halford, as he struggled up the steep incline.

As he got closer, Hyena was puzzled as to what was going on in the outfit that ‘Corbyn’ was wearing.

Standing up off the seat trying to pedal hard, Hal Ford had developed a tear in the material over his long journey.

Clearly his testicles had gone South for the Winter and surrounded by a mound of white pubic hair it was quite a revolting sight.

Hyena asked Swastika – “Is that old geezer smuggling a nest of baby swans?”

Hyena loved birds.

So much so, he was always stealing eggs from nests in the Spring and after watching the plethora of cookery shows on television, made a fine Tree Sparrow Omelette too.

He used to trap ‘Greenies’ -Greenfinches and Siskins in his nets and sell them on to International Traffickers via Swansea Market.

Well -he had to find a way of sourcing his drug habit somehow.

As the car eventually drew alongside the puffing pensioner, he snorted in a deep breath and from the back of his throat compiled a huge ‘Greenie’ of his own and let fly with a loogie that struck the glasses of Hal Ford with some force.

Blinded by the snot, Hal Ford careered off the bend and into some old buddleia bushes which thankfully broke his fall.

“This is OUR turf!” shouted Hyena as the car chugged up the road as if powered by kangaroo petrol.

After checking he was uninjured, Hal Ford wiped the phlegm off his glasses and shaking with rage he set off furiously after his assailant.

“Doesn’t that scumbag know there is a pandemic on!” he fumed as he set his bike to automatic battery power.

As he caught up with the struggling car towards the prow of the second hill, he held out his right hand which contained the corkscrew of his Swiss Army knife (which he had obtained free with a Year-long- Subscription to Reader’s Digest) and proceeded to scrape the full length of the car with the point.

“Have a taste of your own medicine!” shouted Hal Ford, copying pensioner vigilante Harry Brown, as his light-weight bike flew past the overladen Corsa.

Inside the car, the sound of metal on metal was met with horror by the driver.

“Look what you have done!” screamed Swastika at Hyena.

“ You have started another Turf War over a couple of baby swans!”.

“There is no need to have a Cob on!” sulked Hyena at his admonition by the Gang Leader.

Hyena knew he would have to displace the anger onto Corbyn otherwise he would feel the wrath of Swastika.

A bit like what the Mainstream Media had done with foreigners before the Brexit vote.

Hal Ford felt great.

The worm had turned- all his life he had shied away from conflict situations but now in his Seventies, he no longer cared about his own life.

How much time did he have left anyway?

He was only a short bike ride away from the Nursing Home after all.

Those scumbags had started it and he was determined to finish it.

It could have been the onset of early dementia, but he now saw himself as Don Quixote and his trusty steed- his Raleigh Chopper – that of Sancho Panza.

As he chuckled maniacally to himself, Hal Ford reached yet another crossroads in his life.

Did he turn right through the village of Ponsticill or left towards the Dolygaer Outdoor pursuits centre?

“Which way did the old bastard go?” said Hyena as they reached the same crossroads.

“Ask that bloke in the Beanie Hat!” suggested Easy Rider from the backseat.

“Oi Butt...have you seen a pensioner on a weird bike?” asked Hyena of the village simpleton, Paul Henry.

He stared back at them for a minute before coming closer to the car.

The Village Covidiot stuck his face in through the open window and began to count the occupants.

“One...two...four...three!” he said.

“Never mind!” said Hyena.

“It’s Corbyn....he must have gone to the left!” suggested Pizza-Face.

“Left Turn Clyde!” ordered the runt not realising it had a film reference.

Hal Ford now had a five- minute head-start on the Hyena Pack and was determined to make it count.

He knew he could outrun his pursuers going uphill but not on the flat or going downhill.

As he left the village of Ponsticill, heading towards Pontsarn, he lifted his legs up off the peddles and free-wheeled, just like Paul Newman in Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid.

Very soon raindrops were falling on his head too, as the grey Autumn sky decided to add some more profit to Welsh Water plc.

He flew down the hill slowed only by the Meredith Lake near Bragdy Cottages, Vaynor, out of the thin mist appeared a semi-derelict Spanish Villa and decided he would hole up in its grounds until danger passed.

Sure enough it was a wise decision, as the Corsa suddenly passed the front gate at speed, taking the corner on two wheels with only gravity and the weight of Jack the Lard-Face bring the car level again.

Fortunately, there was no car coming the other way on the bend.

Swastika clearly hadn’t passed his driving theory test studying the correct Highway Code Manual, but from hours playing the video game ‘Grand Theft Auto’.

It was an uncomfortable ride for the front seat passenger, but in the back of the car it was terrifying, as they were thrown this way and that.

Stinkbomb was the only unmoveable object and that was because he had followed through and was now stuck to the seat.

He was now subject to a flurry of arm punches from Easy Rider, as the loose woman joined him due to seepage.

“Open that window for F**** Sake!” pleaded Pencil.

“I could chew that one!” he protested giving his fellow gang member an evil look.

The Corsa now reached another Crossroads.

“Did Corbyn go left up the Sanatorium Hill or on and up through Trefechan?” asked Swastika intent on revenge now that his car had been scratched AND his back leather seats ruined.

“Perhaps we passed him?” suggested Easy Rider.

“He can’t have got THIS Far without us catching him!” said Swastika punching the dashboard angrily- almost setting off the passenger side airbag.

“We could stop, wait for him and get out of the car?” pleaded Stinkbomb sitting in a puddle of his own shit.

“Senor what do I owe this great privilege ?” came a Spanish Voice from behind him.

Hal Ford looked up and noticed a pug-ugly dark- haired woman, high up on the veranda of the building.

“I last saw you at Glastonbury when we all sang O Jeremy Corbyn!” she continued.

“I will be down now!” said the only European still left in Britain.

In the distance, Corbyn could hear the sound of a labouring Corsa engine getting closer.

He hid his trusty steed in the bushes out of sight of the road.

The door was opened and Corbyn stepped inside without invitation.

Unfortunately, he was spotted by Hyena entering the Villa, just as he rounded the bend.

“The canny old bastard just ducked into the old Addams Family House!” Hyena raged.

“What do we do?” asked Stinkbomb, desperately hoping to be allowed home by the gang leader to ‘clean up in aisle one’.

“Just like we always do with the grannies on pension day, we wait for them to come out and then mug him!” suggested Hyena.

“I’ve got a better idea!” said Swastika, der Fuhrer of the self-named Cyfarthfa Corsa Crew, eyes rolling black like an epileptic Great White Shark.

“We dump one or two of the foot soldiers off to stand guard, while we nip to the petrol station to buy a can of petrol and burn the bastard out in true Gurnos-style!”

Each of the ‘foot soldiers’ shit-welded together in the cramped seat, glanced nervously at one another.

It was one thing being involved in deep shit for the gang that controlled their activity, but this kind of arson was a whole different ball game.

“Out Jack the’re on first watch!” order Swastika.

“Why me?” protested the obese sixteen- year- old, whose age had now been surpassed in stones on the weighing scale.

“Because the car will move faster without your weight- you great fat lump!” cackled Hyena- who had earned his nickname from the sound of his evil laughter.

Since he had teamed up with Swastika, the two had developed a reputation locally as the evilest duo since Ian Brady and Myra Hindley.

In their Pen-y-dre End of Term School Report, Swastika was described by his frustrated teacher as being the most likely pupil to commit a McDonald’s massacre.

After much struggling out of the Corsa tumbled Jack with a huge sigh of relief from the other three who no longer needed to take turns to buddy breathe.

Swastika before setting off, opened the glove compartment of the Corsa and reached inside.

He then boastfully produced a gun and waved it in the air just like he was part of the overthrow of an African Military Dictator.

“What are you going to do with that?” asked Easy Rider nervously.

“I am going to pop a cap in his wrinkly ass!” he said with all the nonchalance of Woody Harrelson in the film Natural Born Killers.

She gulped with fear.

Stinkbomb was a little less concerned, as he recognised that the gun was in fact a Diana SP50 slug-gun.

It also explained the mystery of who had been responsible for the recent spate of cats on his local estate that had died from constipation.

The car sped off in search of the closest petrol station.

Inside the Spanish House, Hal Ford was sat on the sofa holding a fine bone- china cup of tea.

“Please tell me Mr Corbyn, did you come down here on a rally?” questioned the Spanish Senorita.

“Well- a Raleigh...yes!” said Hal Ford trying not to lie by referring to his bike.

“I am Barca Loner and have been a big fan of the Hard Left for a long time!” she said putting her hand on the knee of his lycra-clad outfit.

Hal looked at his temporary host and realised he was in trouble.

Hal had jumped out of saucepan straight into the fire.

Did he remain in the house at the mercy of a local ‘cougar’ or take his chances outside with the pack of hyenas stalking him.

He felt trapped.

“So, what brings a European to come and live in Wales -especially after Brexit?” asked Hal trying to change the subject.

“My Family originally came to Merthyr from Toledo, Spain to work in the great Steelworks here- along with many other families- we were trying to avoid the clutches of General Franco and the Far Right-and Merthyr with its left-wing leanings seemed the perfect place!” said Barca.

“I have heard you are a lover of your allotment and am interested to discover what size Marrow you have?” asked the desperate Widow.

“Is that Picasso Cubist painting an original up there?” enquired Hal once again trying not to be drawn into a conversation about a bodily function that his body no longer had any relevance for.

“That is a portrait of my family!” said the surprised Senorita.

That figures thought Corbyn.

“Do you think it is well hung?” asked Barca moving her hand up closer to his crotch- but unwittingly further away from Hal’s genitalia.

“So, tell me Barca how long have you been a Labour voter?” asked Hal.

“For decades now- I was drawn in by the dashing good looks of Harold Wilson in the 1970’s and have long had the urge to be a real supporter of a good union....I love a Red Wedge me!” she said pressing her body against Hal seductively.

“Could I use your bathroom?” said the nervous pensioner.

“Dodgy Prostate!” he said dragging himself up off the sofa.

“Third door on the left!” said Barca frustratedly.

Outside the Spanish Villa, Jack the Lard was struggling to read the name of the Property on the dilapidated name plate- ‘Hy Brazil’ he concluded.

“Sounds like a made-up place!” he thought to himself, as he sat down on the wall of Dol- Y- Coed House close-by.

No sooner than he had done so than he heard a frail voice from the side entrance.

“Oi, Humpty Dumpty get off my wall now before I call the police!” said the voice.

Jack turned his head only to see a male pensioner on a walking-frame in a dressing gown and slippers despite the fact it was nearly 2pm.

“F*** Me....if it’s not Captain Tom!” said Jack unperturbed by the threat.

Even so he stood up off the wall.

“What are doing hanging around here?” queried Jerry Attrick, the original founder of Vaynor Neighbourhood watch.

“Would you believe admiring the architecture and history of one of Merthyr’s Historical buildings?” replied Jack.

The pensioner softened his tone.

“Not for one second!” said Jerry.

“Are you casing the joint?” he continued.

“No...said Jack the Lard....I am no burglar....but I AM hungry!”

The pensioner disappeared for a few minutes and then returned with a plate of biscuits which he left on the wall six feet away from the teenager.

“Here you are then but be warned if you try and break into my house, I will set my dog on you!” threatened Jerry pointing into his garden before returning into his house.

Jack could see a huge dog standing upright was attached to a chain.

An attack dog that is silent and doesn’t move?

That’s odd thought the teenager digesting his third digestive.

I wonder what breed of dog it is?

He pondered.

Perhaps it was a ninja?

Or it was stuffed?

After all you had to be very strange to live out in the Country.

Back inside Hy Brazil, Hal Ford was stuck in an uncompromising position.

One leg inside the bathroom and one leg outside reaching for the external window ledge.

His lycra suit was not the best material in the World for climbing.

His ‘Beth N Gallows’ was scraping around the metal catch.

He was determined to get away with his dignity intact.

“Are you okay in there?” shouted Barca through the locked door.

“Fine....just waiting for the engine to start!” he called back trying to sound calm.

For a brief second, he just hung there like the last turkey in the shop, before thankfully the lycra material finally gave way and gravity took effect and aided his great escape sending him tumbling towards the floor into the rear garden of the Villa.

He was soon surrounded by a colony of huge Black Celtic Rabbits- a strange sight even for Hy Brazil.

He blinked his eyes and they all magically disappeared.

He raced towards his Chopper with his own chopper hanging like a limp game bird on a poacher’s belt.

Retrieving his bicycle from the front bushes, he set off past the heavyweight schoolboy who was busy devouring the last of the biscuits and too stunned to react swiftly.

As he sped around the corner, he was pursued on foot by Jack the Lard, who suddenly disappeared from the bike’s rear-view mirror.

As the gabion wall reinforcement for the tarmac road gave way, Jack the Lad tumbled down the Pontsarn Viaduct embankment doing the ultimate roly-poly.

Hal sped on towards the Pontsarn Inn and as he rounded the corner was horrified to see that the Vauxhall Corsa was coming in the other direction.

He swerved away from the oncoming car, who had tried at the last moment to run him over.

Like a modern- day joust, the car did a doughnut turn in the former car park of the Inn before chasing after the pensioner on the bike.

Hal knew had a split-second decision to make.

Did he turn sharp left passed the Aberglais Inn or continue on towards Trefechan.

He decided that the sharp bend would be more difficult for the heavily laden car and opted for the direction towards the Blue Pool and the steep Sanatorium Hill.

The narrowness of bridge might also cause the car difficulties too.

He sped on around the bends at ridiculous speeds skidding on fallen wet leaves as he went.

He knew he would have to get across the ancient bridge first, if he was to have any chance of escape.

The car had to do a nine-point turn at the Aberglais crossroads sign, which slowed up its’ high -speed pursuit significantly.

Hal Ford could hear the Corsa Engine closing in behind him but could sense victory as he reached the narrow bridge.

He was however startled when he heard the loud bang of the car colliding with the bridge wall and wedging itself sidewise in the structure.

So much so that he wobbled on his bike, losing his balance and struck a rusty metal signpost warning of the narrow bridge- sending him flying over the handlebars and buckling his front wheel in the process.

When Hal regained his senses, he suddenly realised that the driver, Swastika had managed to free himself from the car wreck and was standing next to the wedged vehicle pointing a pistol at him.

He also noticed that there was a liquid leaking from the car spreading out onto the bridge road surface from an open cannister.

Hal reached into his belt before putting his hands up in the air in an act of surrender.

“Give me a sporting chance!” pleaded Hal of the cold- blooded murderer, as he stood there defencelessly with his bollocks hanging out of the enlarged hole in his undercarriage.

“Okay!” said Swastika, enjoying the power trip and finally having his nemesis at his mercy.

“Swing ‘Em!”

Looking down at his human cat’s cradle, Hal still had one trick up his sleeve.

He struck the lighter flint and flung it at the car.

Almost as if in slow motion, the metal slug projectile passed the lighter in mid-air as it lodged in the left gonad of the pensioner.

Hal hadn’t had any feeling in his numb nuts for years.

The lighter too found it’s target.

It ignited the fuel pool and the subsequent explosion blew the car and its occupants apart, sending Swastika high into the air and off the bridge towards his death in the Blue Pool below.

Hal was once again knocked to the ground.

When he came around some 20 minutes later, he suddenly realised he was being shaken by a masked policeman.

“What the Hell happened here?” PC Wise questioned.

Hal just shrugged his shoulders and pleaded ignorance.

“Sir, Name & Address?” asked the Copper.

“Jeremy Corbyn- Islington North!” replied Hal in a posh London accent.

“Okay....on your bike!”

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Would you please consider signing this petition asking for realistic support for the National Library? Please share the petition.

May I ask you to sign a petition calling for fair funding for the National Library of Wales "one of the world’s great libraries, a repository of the historic, artistic and intellectual treasures of Wales. With no increased support from Welsh Government, 30 jobs are to be cut and services seriously curtailed. Freedom, prosperity and the development of society and individuals are fundamental human values, attained by well-informed citizens with unlimited access to thought, culture and information."



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What is a tradition and how do traditions grow? An interesting question at a time, when usually, Saint David’s Day dinners are being organised and when teachers are usually preparing for celebrating our patron saint day including coaching the children for the annual Urdd Eisteddfod, or as has been happening over the last ten years or so, to go to the local Saint David’s Day Parade. By 2020 there were around 25 parades in towns and villages around Wales, a huge growth over the last fifteen years when there were just a handful in existence.

But this year it seems highly unlikely that we will be joining together to celebrate our patron saint on our streets or together in dinners. Schools will also not be able to come together and celebrate in their usual fashion.

So perhaps now is the time to develop and grow some traditions that have already become incredibly popular over the last sixteen year since Gwenno Dafydd had the idea of creating a special anthem for Saint David’s Day. She was banging a metal bell with a wooden clapper of the type used by Saint David and his followers whilst taking part in the 2005 National Saint David’s Day Parade, following the very first parade in 2004, when she had the idea of creating an anthem.

Gwenno wrote some lyrics in both Welsh and English and she took them to Heulwen Thomas who wrote the music for ‘Cenwch y Clychau i Dewi’ - ‘Ring out the bells for Saint David’.

Since then the song has been performed all over Wales and further afield numerous times in Canada, Los Angeles, Patagonia , Disneyland Paris, Westminster, Brangwyn Hall, Llandaff Cathedral in the ‘All Wales Saint David’s Day Service’, Saint David’s Cathedral (many years running) in countless parades all over Wales and on the television regularly on Saint David’s Day.

The song manuscript is available for sale on the ‘Ty Cerdd’ website in four versions, piano and voice, female and male voice choirs and mixed SATB choir. Why don’t you get a group of people together on the web or teach this to the children in your school so that you can join together this year to sing it virtually and by next year you will be able to sing it out on the streets and in our communities?

This song can pull all our communities together on our patron saint day – the only part of our celebrations that can be used virtually in all corners of the world, as is shown on this video of children from Patagonia, Los Angeles, North and South Wales. The item appeared originally on Tinopolis’s ‘Wedi Saith’ (After Seven)

And if you are looking for an exciting project to get children to take part in – whether that is because you are looking for something to entertain them whilst you are home-schooling them or as a class teacher, how about a challenge or a competition to get them to design a Saint David’s Day family, class or school banner based on the words and images of the Saint David’s Day Anthem. The very first school banner (Ysgol Cwmgors) was accepted into San Ffagan Museum in 2019

The first ever Saint David’s Day School Banner – Ysgol Cwm Gors.


Service to hand-over the banner permanently to San Fagan on the 19 th February 2019


It will be an interesting challenge and when the children are permanently back in school you will be able to have a parade all around the school grounds with all the banners whilst the children sing the anthem before they go into school for their annual Saint David’s Day Eisteddfod.

This idea is part of an extended project of creating County Banners instigated by Gwenno. Three beautiful hand-made banners have already been made and have all been used extensively in Saint David’s Day Celebrations throughout our land.


Pembrokeshire Carmarthenshire Montgomeryshire

And if you are interested to read more about these new traditions as well as older traditions, Gwasg Carreg Gwlach (Press) have produced a Welsh medium book called ‘Heddiw, Ddoe a Gwyl Ddewi’. (Today, Yesterday and Saint David Celebrations) and it is available at your local Welsh medium book shop. We are hoping that this book will be available through the medium of English in the near future.


So until we are all able to celebrate our patron saint day together – what about we create and firm up some new traditions during this Covid Crisis? Happy Saint David’s Day to you all – wherever you are in the world.

Sut allwn ni ddathlu Dydd Gwyl Dewi ynghyd eleni? 

Beth yw traddodiad a sut mae traddodiadau yn tyfu? Cwestiwn ddiddorol ar adeg, fel arfer, pan fydd ciniawau Dydd Gwyl Dewi yn cael eu trefnu ac athrawon yn dechrau paratoi ar gyfer gwyl dathlu ein nawdd sant gan gynnwys hyfforddi’r plant ar gyfer Eisteddfod yr Urdd, neu falle fel dros y deng mlynedd a mwy diwethaf - mynd i bared Dydd Gwyl Dewi lleol. Erbyn 2020 r’oedd bron i 25 pared mewn trefi a phentrefi ar hyd a lled Cymru, tyfiant aruthrol dros y pymtheg mlynedd olaf pan oedd ond llond dwrn ohonynt yn bodoli.

Ond eleni ni fydd hi’n bosib i ddod ynghyd i ddathlu dydd ein nawdd sant ar ein strydoedd na chwaith mewn ciniawau gyda’n gilydd. Ni fydd ysgolion yn medru ymgynyll na chwaith cyd-ddathlu yn ein dulliau arferol chwaith.

A falle nawr yw yr amser iawn i ddatblygu a thyfu rhai traddodiadau sydd eisioes wedi dod yn boblogiadd dros yr un mlynedd ar bymtheg olaf ers i Gwenno Dafydd gael y syniad i creu anthem arbennig i Dydd Gwyl Dewi. R’oedd hi yn taro cloch ddur drom, tebyg i’r rhai oedd mynachod Dewi Sant yn eu defnyddio, tra’n gorymdeithio o amglych Caerdydd yng Ngorymdaith Genedlaethol Dydd Gwyl Dewi yn 2005, yn dilyn y gyntaf yn 2004, pan gafodd hi’r syniad am greu anthem.

Fe sgwennodd Gwenno eiriau yn Gymraeg a Saesneg a mynd a nhw at Heulwen Thomas wnaeth ysgrifennu y gerddoriaeth i ‘Cenwch y Clychau i Dewi’ - ‘Ring out the bells for Saint David’.

Ers hynna mae y gan wedi cael ei pherfformio ar hyd a lled Cymru, Canada, Los Angeles, Patagonia , Disneyland Paris, San Steffan, Neuadd y Brangwyn, Eglwys Gadeiriol Llandaf, Eglwys Gadeiriol Ty Ddewi (sawl gwaith), mewn nifer helaeth o ‘pareds’ ar hyd a lled Cymru ag ar y teledu yn rheolaidd ar ddydd Gwyl Dewi.

Mae y gan ar gael i’w phrynu ar wefan Ty Cerdd mewn pedair fersiwn - piano a llais, cor merched, cor bechgyn a chor cymysg. Beth am i chi ddod a criw o bobl at eu gilydd ar y we neu ei dysgu i’r plant yn eich ysgol er mwyn ei gyd ganu eleni yn rhithiol ag erbyn y flwyddyn nesaf allan ar ein strydoedd ag yn ein cymunedau yn ein pareds a ciniawau?

Gall y gan yma ddod a’n cymunedau at eu gilydd – yr unig ran o Ddathliadau Dewi y gellid ei defnyddio yn rhithiol ym mhedwar ban byd fel y dangosir yn y fidio yma o blant ym Mhatagonia, Los Angeles, De a Gogledd Cymru yn canu’r gan gyda’u gilydd. Ymddangosodd yr eitem ar ‘Wedi Saith’, Tinopolis yn wreiddiol.

Ag os ydych chi yn edrych am gynllun cyffroes i gael eich plant i gyfrannu tuag ati – boed hynna achos eich bod yn edrych am rywbeth i’w diddori tra’n eu haddysgu o adref neu fel athro neu athrawes ddosbarth - beth am her neu cystadleuaeth i gynllunio baner teulu, dosbarth neu ysgol wedi ei selio ar eiriau a delweddau Anthem Dydd Gwyl Dewi? Cafodd y faner ysgol gyntaf ei derbyn mewn i San Ffagan yn 2019.

Baner Ysgol Dydd Gwyl Dewi gyntaf – Ysgol Gynradd Cwmgors.


Gwasanaeth trosglwyddo’r faner yn barhaol i San Ffagan 19eg o Chwefror 2019.


Bydd yn her ddiddorol a phan fydd y plant yn ol yn barhaol yn yr ysgol fe allwch chi gael gorymdaith o amglych yr ysgol gyda’r baneri tra fo’r plant yn canu yr anthem cyn iddyn nhw ddod i fewn i’r ysgol i gael yr Eisteddfod flynyddol.

Mae y syniad yma yn ran ehangach o gynllun creu baneri sirol mae Gwenno Dafydd wedi ysgogi. Mae tair baner sirol hardd eisioes wedi cael eu creu gyda llaw, ac maent eisioes wedi cael eu defnyddio nifer helaeth o weithiau mewn dathliadau Dydd Gwyl Dewi ar draws ein gwlad.


Sir Benfro Sir Gaerfyrddin Sir Drefaldwyn

Ac os oes gennych ddiddordeb i ddarllen am y traddodiadau newydd yma yn ogystal a rhai sydd yn hynnach, mae Gwasg Carrreg Gwalch wedi cynhyrchu llyfr o’r enw ‘Heddiw, Ddoe a Gwyl Ddewi’ a mae ar gael o’ch siop Gymraeg leol. R’ydym yn gobeithio efallai fydd y llyfryn yn cael ei gyfieithu cyn bo hir.


Felly tan i ni allu dathlu dydd ein Nawdd Sant Dewi yn ein dulliau traddodiadol – beth am i ni greu rhai newydd yn ystod y Cyfnod Cofidus? Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus i chi gyd – ble bynnag yn y byd!


Launchpad 2020 Rona Mac.jpg Launchpad 2020 KENZ1.jpg Launchpad 2020 FAITH.jpg

Horizons, the music project from BBC Wales and Arts Council of Wales have announced a tour of Welsh Venues for Independent Venue Week 2021. The Horizons team will be broadcasting sessions from five treasured venues in Wales, from the 25th to the 29th of January.

From the mountain top venue of Neuadd Ogwen in Bethesda to the west coast’s Queen’s Hall in Narberth, from the modern Galeri in Caernarfon, to inner city hubs of Sin City in Swansea and Le Pub in Newport, across five days this tour will take in the breadth of some of Wales's most beloved independent venues, celebrating their crucial role in fostering the next generation of grassroots talent.

Artists performing sessions include emerging Welsh artists of all different genres, those along for the trip include hip hop artist  Mace the Great,  r&b singer  Faith , rock band  Those Damn Crows , urban brother & sister  Leila McKenzie  and  K(e)nz , country singer  Jodie Marie,  alternative self produced songwriter  Rona Mac , low fi enigma  Ennio The Little Brother , a solo performance from Gwilym frontman  Ifan Pritchard , rock duo  Alffa , new female duo  Body Water , and electro pop artist  Malan .

These special sessions are set for broadcast at midday every day with special broadcasts of the sessions across BBC Radio Wales and BBC Radio Cymru with sessions and mini documentaries about the venues available to view on social media.  

Bethan Elfyn, Project Manager with Horizons for BBC Wales said “ We’ve been watching helplessly as Covid-19 has kept venues and theatres from opening, keeping communities that need each other apart, keeping us from watching, supporting and growing talent in Wales, and keeping us from the benefits of wellbeing and personal growth that music brings to life."

“Independent Venue Week is a chance to celebrate everything about our map of venues around Wales, the maverick producers and promoters behind the venues, and the talent that would normally fill the empty buildings with life. The tour is a celebration of what we have, what we miss, and a nod to the future when we can get back to the community that we’ve missed.”

It’s not just a pub, it’s not just a music venue,”  said Sam Dabb, manager of Le Public Space in Newport, and Wales’ representative for Music Venues Trust  “ It’s important to the area, it’s where people meet, and have somewhere to be. It’s important that there’s somewhere for musicians to have a place to start out, but also just somewhere to play music, not for those who want to become huge and tour the world, just somewhere to play music!”

Rona Mac, from Pembrokeshire, said, “ I think independent venues are so important. I played at Queen’s Hall, Narberth years and years ago, when I was starting out. I’ve seen great gigs here like Ben Howard, and Lucy Rose, and at her gig I got up on stage with her to sing and had a little dance!! You wouldn’t get that at a bigger venue. It's also the opportunity to play for artists without labels - and spaces like Queens Hall are just amazing, very special!”

I was relying on 2020 to tour my debut album, which wasn’t possible - but there’s been other good things, and thanks to Horizons for setting this up, i’ve loved playing in a different space, with different people today!”

Jodie Marie  agreed with her “ I’ve played here since the age of six in this very hall at Queen’s Hall, and if it wasn’t for these places I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing today, performing, recording, and releasing albums!”

Horizons will also have guests performing home sessions, talking about their formative experiences watching or performing shows in treasured Music Venues across Wales, including rock bands  Holding Absence, Funeral For A Friend,  and  Junior .

Horizons are also on the lookout for your stories: what are your favourite Welsh venues? What are your  favourite experiences at music venues? These stories will be shared across Horizons social media throughout Independent Venue Week.

Sessions will be broadcast across the week on  – at midday every evening a special programme with sessions and mini documentaries about the venues.

The tour has been supported by Creative Wales and BBC Introducing.Gerwyn Evans of Creative Wales said.

At Creative Wales we all love our independent venues and music. We have continued to support our music sector through the past months and are now delighted to support this tour. It is great to see music once again filling our venues with sound even though no crowds can come through the doors yet. Every venue has a great story to tell and we look forward to the successful return of live music as we come out of the pandemic. ‘

Gorwelion: Taith Wythnos Clybiau Cerddorol Annibynnol Cymru: 25 - 29 Ionawr

Mae Gorwelion, cynllun cerddoriaeth BBC Cymru a Chyngor Celfyddydau Cymru yn cyhoeddi taith o amgylch Clybiau Cerddorol Cymru ar gyfer Wythnos Clybiau Annibynnol (Independent Venue Week). Bydd tîm Gorwelion yn darlledu sesiynau o bump lleoliad eiconic i’r sin yng Nghymru, rhwng 25 - 29 Ionawr.

O Neuadd Ogwen yng nghysgod mynyddoed Bethesda i’r Queens Hall, Arberth ar arfordir y gorllewin, o'r Galeri fodern yng Nghaernarfon, i ganolbwyntiau canol dinas Sin City yn Abertawe a Le Pub yng Nghasnewydd, ar draws pum niwrnod bydd y daith hon yn cynnwys rhai o leoliadau annibynnol anwylaf Cymru, gan ddathlu eu rôl hanfodol wrth feithrin y genhedlaeth nesaf o dalent.

Ymhlith yr artistiaid sy'n perfformio sesiynau mae artistiaid Cymreig sy'n dod i'r amlwg o bob genre gwahanol. Mae'r rhai ar y daith yn cynnwys yr artist hip hop Mace the Great, y gantores r&b Faith, y band roc Those Damn Crows, y brawd a'r chwaer wrban ifanc o Abertawe, Leila McKenzie a K (e) nz, cantores canu gwlad Jodie Marie, cyfansoddwr amgen Rona Mac, enigma]  Ennio The Little Brother.Bydd hefyd perfformiadau unigol gan Ifan Pritchard, deuawd roc Alffa, deuawd benywaidd newydd Body Water, ac artist electro pop Malan.

Disgwylir i'r sesiynau arbennig hyn gael eu darlledu ganol dydd bob dydd, gyda darllediadau arbennig o'r sesiynau ar draws BBC Radio Wales a BBC Radio Cymru a 6Music gyda Tom Robinson. A sesiynau a rhaglenni dogfen bach am y lleoliadau ar gael i'w gweld ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol.

Dywedodd Bethan Elfyn, Rheolwr Prosiect Gorwelion “Rydyn ni wedi bod yn gwylio’n ddiymadferth tra fod Covid-19 wedi cadw lleoliadau a theatrau ar gau, gan gadw cymunedau sydd angen ei gilydd ar wahân, gan ein cadw rhag gwylio, cefnogi a thyfu talent yng Nghymru, a'n cadw rhag budd iechyd, lles a thwf personol y mae cerddoriaeth yn dod inni gyd.

“Mae ‘Wythnos Clybiau Annibynnol’ yn gyfle i ddathlu popeth am ein map o leoliadau o amgylch Cymru, y cynhyrchwyr a’r hyrwyddwyr y tu ôl i’r lleoliadau, a’r dalent a fyddai fel rheol yn llenwi’r adeiladau gwag â bywyd. Mae'r daith yn ddathliad o'r hyn sydd gennym, yr hyn yr ydym yn ei golli, ac yn nôd i'r dyfodol pan allwn ddod yn ôl i'r gymuned yr ydym wedi'i cholli. "

“Nid tafarn yn unig mohono, nid lleoliad cerdd yn unig mohono,” meddai Sam Dabb, rheolwr Le Public Space yng Nghasnewydd, a chynrychiolydd Cymru ar gyfer Music Venues Trust “Mae'n bwysig i'r ardal, dyma lle mae pobl yn cwrdd, ac yn cael rhywle i fod. Mae'n bwysig bod yna rywle i gerddorion gael lle i ddechrau, ond hefyd rhywle i chwarae cerddoriaeth, nid mond i'r rhai sydd eisiau bod yn boblogaidd, yn enfawr a theithio'r byd, yn syml rhywle i chwarae a clywed cerddoriaeth!”

Dywedodd Rona Mac, o Sir Benfro, “Rwy’n credu bod lleoliadau annibynnol mor bwysig. Chwaraeais yn Queen’s Hall, Arberth flynyddoedd a blynyddoedd yn ôl, pan oeddwn yn cychwyn. Rwyf wedi gweld gigs gwych yma fel Ben Howard, a Lucy Rose, ac yn ei gig codais ar y llwyfan gyda hi i ganu a downsio! Ni fyddech yn cael hynny mewn lleoliad mwy. Mae hefyd yn gyfle i chwarae - ac mae lleoedd fel Queens Hall yn anhygoel, yn arbennig iawn! ”

“Roeddwn yn dibynnu llynedd ar fynd ar daith hyrwyddo ‘da’r albwm cyntaf, ac doedd hyn ddim yn bosib - ond bu pethau da eraill, a diolch i Gorwelion am sefydlu hyn, roeddwn wrth fy modd yn chwarae mewn gofod gwahanol, gyda gwahanol bobl heddiw!”

Cytunodd Jodie Marie â hi “Rydw i wedi chwarae yma ers yn chwech oed yn yr union neuadd hon yn Queen’s Hall, ac oni bai am y lleoedd hyn ni fyddwn yn gwneud yr hyn rwy'n ei wneud heddiw, gan berfformio, recordio, a rhyddhau albym!”

Bydd gan Gorwelion westeion hefyd yn perfformio sesiynau cartref, yn siarad am eu profiadau yn gwylio neu'n perfformio sioeau mewn theatrau, clybiau a lleoliadau cerddorol ledled Cymru, gan gynnwys bandiau roc Holding Absence, Funeral For A Friend, a Junior.

Mae Gorwelion hefyd yn chwilio am eich straeon: beth yw eich hoff leoliadau cerddorol Cymreig? Beth yw eich hoff brofiadau mewn lleoliadau cerdd? Bydd y straeon hyn yn cael eu rhannu ar draws cyfryngau cymdeithasol trwy gydol ‘Wythnos Clybiau Annibynnol’.

Bydd sesiynau'n cael eu darlledu trwy gydol yr wythnos ar - am hanner dydd bob dydd rhaglen arbennig gyda sesiynau a rhaglenni dogfen byr am y lleoliadau. Fe fydd y sessiynnau hefyd yn cael eu darlledu ar BBC Radio Cymru a BBC Radio Wales, ac ar BBC 6Music efo Tom Robinson [SG4]  .

Cefnogwyd y daith gan Creative Wales a BBC Introducing.

Meddai Gerwyn Evans o Creative Wales,

“Yn Creative Wales rydyn ni i gyd yn caru ein lleoliadau a’n cerddoriaeth annibynnol. Rydym wedi parhau i gefnogi ein sector cerddoriaeth trwy'r misoedd diwethaf ac rydym bellach yn falch iawn o gefnogi'r daith hon. Mae'n wych gweld cerddoriaeth unwaith eto'n llenwi ein lleoliadau â sain er na all unrhyw dyrfaoedd ddod trwy'r drysau eto. Mae gan bob lleoliad stori wych i'w hadrodd ac edrychwn ymlaen at ddychwelyd cerddoriaeth fyw yn llwyddiannus wrth inni ddod allan o'r pandemig.”


Posted in: Music | 0 comments

Cabin Fever

By Paul Steffan Jones AKA, 2021-01-17

Steam escapes from tears

the dream of the sleep punk

those guitar solos based on choruses

lull me to lullaby absence

my participation on the edge 

of the plantation of easy guilt

trying to keep safe in the attacking air

dry in the angered rainfall

as water percolates from the eaves

roads that meander through the forest

and around its scraped-out mines

its quarried foreheaded depressions

also leak and leach generously 

they’ve left a few trees standing 

in the meadow to remind us of trees

the mirage of a cared-for landscape

the deception of orderly lifestyles 

the ludicrousness of plans at times like these

Posted in: Poetry | 2 comments
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