Another Sleepless Night.....

03/09/11 08:29:21PM
135 posts

An Examination of the Methodology of Classification Sampling

A History of Taxonomy

The History of Heppner Masonic Lodge No. 69 A.F. & A.M.which is an actual book written by my great uncle, who (also wrote something like (fuzzy on exact title) A Study of collection of sampling data relevant to drainage resources in the Malheur County aquifer system or something very like that

Ceri Shaw
03/09/11 07:49:15PM
568 posts
Hmmmm...valerian, melatonin, earplugs, chamomile AND a boring book!!! Need some suggestions for excruciatingly tedious books next Up till now I have been making do with:- "The Baking Powder Controversy: Vol II, A Compilation of Data". Any other suggestions?
03/09/11 06:30:34PM
12 posts
Chamomile tea. Plusread something you find boring. I go out like a light mun
Ceri Shaw
12/12/10 10:37:42PM
568 posts

k....I'll try it. Its either that or a whack on the head with a lump hammer

Ceri Shaw
11/10/10 09:01:00AM
568 posts
....does anyone know any cures for insomnia ( apart from the obvious:- sixpack. temazepam etc )?

updated by @ceri-shaw: 12/04/15 03:57:45PM