
Dafydd Owain Hughes
05/18/09 03:54:10PM
34 posts
How to close your Facebook account......go to 'Account settings', 'Deactivate account',
Valerie Wood-Gaiger MBE
05/17/09 07:50:34AM
4 posts
Amazing! Have joined that Facebook group and wrote this:- First the EU dropped Wales off a map and now Facebook! We soon told the EU and put that right. Now we must tell Facebook. Tell everyone - Wales exists! I came to live in Wales by accident. 11 years ago I fell, broke my wrist, could not drive for 3 months. I have lived here eversince. This is my home. I love it - the village (Myddfai in the Brecon Beacons National Park) my neighbours, who have been unfailingly kind. The history, culture, the food! I am not Welsh speaking but insisted that my books are translated into Welsh (perfect for Welsh learners) and, via the not for profit company - Learn with Grandma - I co-founded work to promote minority languages, history & culture - and fun! Running a Grandparents Day at The National Botanic Gardens on 7 August. Loads of fun activities for grandparents & kids to do together.Put grandmas world into search box & join my group! You don't have to be a granny - granny fans welcome too.
05/17/09 05:59:39AM
135 posts
WOW! I'm glad you're here and ok and that that family wasn't harmed but losing your barn and a horse and a cow is a bit of a blow, not cheap! :(How are your goats?
Wild Canary
05/17/09 03:17:03AM
10 posts
What a happy controversy. I missed the whole thing for a number of reasons. I put my link and invite to Americymru on my FB page months ago. Some of my people joined, I think. I got on to see photos of my grandchild and found many of my old friends and family that I had 'lost' because I got sick and moved away.So, even though Fb has glitches, like wanting to own my photos and changing formats so it is difficult to keep up, it still has a good purpose in my life.It seems a bit ignorant to be doing what they are doing with the Welsh cities but then it might not just be picking on Wales. There are rumors that Obama is melting us together with Mexico and Canada. We are supposed to be learning Spanish and French.I would prefer to learn my Welsh, but first I have to get busy and take care of my goats. Hope all is well there in Americymru land. We had a tornado today and some of our neighbors lost roofs. An Amish family a mile down the road lost their barn. Most of the animals are okay. They lost one horse and a cow. But the family says they were blessed because an hour later they all would have been in the barn doing chores.Is anyone upset about the Census Fraud with the GPS on the front doors?
Arthur Smith, Jr.
05/17/09 01:12:59AM
1 posts
History Lesson: The aborigine of the British Isles is the Celt (pronounced Kelt) & the Pict. By & large, most people who call themselves Welsh are descendants of the Celts. This is true of Cornwall an Brittany. The english have no such heritage. The english are usurpers, Angles from Denmark Vikings from Norway, Germany (Saxons) and France (Normans) and lately East Indians, Pakistanis, Jamaicans, etc. The Welsh are not alone. The Scots and the Irish feel the same way. Because of politics, you may call a Welshman a Brit, but NEVER an englishman. It's like calling a Welshman a S.O.B.Art Smith
Brian y Tarw Llwyd
05/17/09 12:00:37AM
33 posts
I think the fellow who suggested that they did this on purpose to create an internet stir overlooks the fact that the folks at FB aren't probably that smart.Here is what I posted on FB and sent it as well to their "Suggestions" feed: "Just because a company can put a website together doesn't mean they are geniuses... the current insult to the Welsh is a prime example of a lack of thought, editing, and education. It has been long known that the state of geography education in this country (USA) is deplorable, but one would think that the educated folks at FB would have been paying attention in that class in grade school. Those persons who made this error need to apologize to all concerned and correct this monumental mistake asap."
05/16/09 11:53:12PM
135 posts
Done! And a complaint sent. I can't believe this, it's so incredibly stupid.
Sarah Wilson
05/16/09 11:37:13PM
2 posts
Shocking! I guess Facebook is run by Americans who went through the US school system. I think we need to go to war with Wales, so our evening news will display maps for all to see just where Wales is and that it truly exists!
05/16/09 11:30:37PM
21 posts
Another farce. But they cannot eliminate us, because we have always been a thorn in the side of the Brits.Best........................ Bee
Ceri Shaw
05/16/09 11:13:19PM
568 posts
On the subject of leaving Facebook the following blogpost is interesting:- http://blogs.sun.com/alanbur/entry/how_to_leave_facebook Alternatively log on and invite everyone to join Americymru and they'll throw you off anyway......lol.
Marilyn Griffiths
05/16/09 11:07:48PM
1 posts
How do you "leave" Facebook? I couldn't find anywhere to un-register or whatever they call it. I find the whole Facebook thing annoying anyway . . .
Ceri Shaw
05/16/09 10:33:09PM
568 posts
Good point Diafol....meanwhile the usual deafening silence from the bunker:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/8052252.stm Posted by a former citizen of Cardiff ( Romania )
Jennifer (aka Garan Gwyn)
05/16/09 09:56:32PM
5 posts
See? I did you a favor sending you that invite! LOL You didn't think it was an ACCIDENT, did you? ,-)
Brian y Tarw Llwyd
05/16/09 09:36:52PM
33 posts
No, but it looks like I joined Facebook just in time to become their worst nightmare! I am off to search and destroy those responsible for this egregious insult!
Ceri Shaw
05/16/09 09:10:46PM
568 posts
Hey Brian...you anywhere near Palo Alto? Fancy nipping over and waving the flag outside their window?
Ceri Shaw
05/16/09 09:03:18PM
568 posts
Twelve or thirteen hour drive for me mate. And I dont reckon the buggers are worth it. As far as I'm concerned everyone should quit Mugshot and join Americymru instead......lol.
Swansea Jack
05/16/09 08:45:52PM
1 posts
Glad you picked up on this - more of the old 'for Wales see England' nonsense. Anyone on here live near the Facebook HQ in Palo Alto? Fancy popping down there and having a word with them for us? ;)
Ceri Shaw
05/16/09 07:26:07PM
568 posts
I would do but I received a lifetime ban from Mugshot for inviting people to join Americymru. IMHO a more effective method of protest would be to leave Facebook altogether. Just my two cents worth.
Hanes Cymru
05/16/09 06:50:05PM
4 posts
I don't know if you are aware but recently Facebook has decided that Wales no longer exists, and all Welsh towns are now listed as being in England!!!!!!!!! Cardiff is now Cardiff, England. Very bizarre!If you are on facebook could you please join the group http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=76194892637&ref=mf that has been set up to try to correct this
updated by @hanes-cymru: 11/11/15 10:37:21PM