Ceri Shaw



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National Lavabread / Laverbread Day - April 14th

user image 2022-04-14
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: News


What is Laverbread?

Laverbread, known in Welsh as bara lawr is an edible seaweed commonly found on the Welsh coast. It has been gathered and consumed in Wales since the 17th century (possibly earlier) and has become a part of the traditional local cuisine. A red algae, the Porphyra umbilicalis, is brownish in color until cooked. To prepare laverbread it is washed and boiled down to a dark green pulp. It is sometimes rolled in oatmeal prior to frying and traditionally it is served with bacon and/or cockles as a breakfast dish.

Laverbread is extremely nutritious (a superfood?) and contains protein, carbohydrates and a wide range of vitamins and minerals. It is particularly rich in iron and iodine.

Sir Richard Burton described Laverbread as, 'Welshman's Caviar'.

What is National Laverbread Day?

April 14th has been adopted as National Laverbread Day by the Pembrokeshire Beach Food Company. You can read their announcement below. Their website ( Pembrokeshire Beach Food Company ) features many interesting and delicious laverbread products and recipes.

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Where Can I Buy It?

There are two suggestions below. It should also be borne in mind that Welsh laverbread is similar to Japanese Nori which may be more readily available in the United States.

Pembrokeshire Beach Food Company

Parson's Pickles

Sample Recipe

Why not try our delicious recipe for Bara Lawr Bagees ? Delicious and quick and easy to prepare.

      The Ingredients (Serves 3)

  • 3 tins of Bara Lawr (available on line with Parsons pickles)
  • 2 medium chopped onions
  • 2 cloves of diced garlic, or of you prefer, mince
  • 1 tin cockles
  • Mixed chopped peppers
  • 7 table spoons of Porridge oats depending on thickness required.
  • Sprinkling of crushed chillie
  • Sprinkling of curry powder
  • Pepper and salt to taste

Method (Preparation time: 45 mins approx)

  • Fry the onions and garlic until cooked.
  • Add chopped peppers then the cockles and Bara Lawr.
  • Cook for about 5 minutes and add chillie, curry and salt and pepper.
  • After about a minute of mixing well, add porridge oats, stirring until nice and thick.
  • Leave mixture to cool.
  • Form into bite size balls ( or bigger to own preference), I've got a big bite!, and place on greased or non stick baking tray.
  • Bake at 180C until slightly crusty on the outside. This takes me about 20-25 minutes.

N.B.  Bara Lawr Bagees can be made in a slab, then sliced into squares and frozen. To serve from frozen warm up in a microwave. Lardons may be substituted for cockles in this recipe.

bara lawr bagees.jpg