
"Wales need just a single point from their showdown with Slovenia at the Cardiff City Stadium on Tuesday evening as they bid to reach the FIFA Women’s World Cup Play-Offs. Victory could see them make a dream trip down under for the finals in Australia next year."

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"In just two months, a 16ft high sandy beach has been created on the North Wales coast - and the locals are overjoyed"

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"Here in Wales, we’re about to do something incredible, thanks to Plaid Cymru’s influence on government policy. From this month, free meals will be rolled out across all primary schools in Wales, starting with reception classes, as part of the Co-operation Agreement between Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru." Sioned Williams MS, Plaid Cymru’s spokesperson on social justice and equalities

Read more at Nation Cymru -

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"Lake Vyrnwy -- a reservoir in Powys, Wales -- has evaporated enough to expose the vestiges of the village Llanwddyn.",w_1100,c_fill,g_auto,h_619,ar_16:9/

Read more at -

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"86 million trees are set to be planted in Wales by the end of the decade as part of a pledge by the Welsh Government to combat the climate emergency. Farmers and landowners will receive around £32m worth of grants, Minister for Climate Change Julie James has announced."

Read the full article here on the UK Daily Post -

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West Wales Alt-Country Maverick 'Colenso Jones' emerges from the shadows with the exceptional debut single ‘Biscuit Tin’. Hailing from Pontypridd, South Wales and a stalwart of the Cymru-Cana movement Colenso offers a very strong debut which is an intriguingly refreshing blend of Alt-Country, Americana and Folk. ‘Biscuit Tin’ will be released independently on the 2nd of September.


Colenso has performed headline shows in Europe, the U.S and across the U.K with BBC introducing favorites Climbing Trees. The Pontypridd musician has released 5 albums and 10 singles through various projects since 2012, with his tracks also being used on Sky, BBC, ITV as well as others.


As well as many festival appearances, including Greenman Festival, Colenso has also performed and recorded at Maida Vale Studios and Abbey Road. His first solo album is due for release early 2023. The album will be a fusion of folk, country, indie and electronica.


Colenso Added this about the release:


‘"After being in bands and side projects for the last 10 years it’s a great opportunity for me to do something purely on my own and use the experiences I’ve had to create a record that is personal to me."

“I’ve always enjoyed creating music. After picking up the guitar at 10 and learning songs that others have written you get to a point where you know enough chords to write something completely new and I’ve always loved that feeling. I’ve carried that feeling through my life and it’s taken me to some great places, Maida Vale, Abbey Road and New York are just a few of the places music has given me the opportunity to visit so I think I’ll keep going and see where I end up next.”


‘Biscuit Tin’ single released independently on September 2nd.


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'I'd never heard the notion of a concept album purely devoted to bedding and sleep - But now i have".  

The second single - '4 posters' from Cardiff collective Quilty Pleasures taken from the forthcoming album 'Quilty Pleasures' is a tale of two brothers still living in the same room as adults and having the same posters adorning their walls and the occasional tiffs that occur.

The track has a building anthemic feel with a psychedelic edge.
Quilty pleasures is a collaboration based on the concept of bedding and sleep between producer - Frank Naughton and Wayne mcauliffe, Gid Goundrey, Jessica Ball, Paul Battenbough and Andy Fung.


'Quilty Pleasures' the album will be released on Friday 2nd September

Produced by Frank Naughton, Wayne Mcauliffe, Andy Fung, Paul Battenbough, Gid Goundrey, Iwan Ap Huw Morgan.
Recorded at Ty Drwg Studios, Grangetown, Cardiff.
Engineered by Frank Naughton.
Frank Naughton - Keys, Guitars, Bass, Vocals & Classical Arrangements.
Wayne Mcauliffe - Concept and Vocals.
Iwan Ap Huw Morgan - Guitars.
Gid Goundrey - Bass & Guitars.
Andy Fung - Drums, Bass, Guitars & Vocals.
Paul Battenbough - Guitars & Vocals.
Jessica Ball - Vocals.
Mastered by Gaz Williams at Fliskin Manor.

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Is Joseph of Arimathea Buried in South Wales?

By Daniel lyddon, 2022-08-18

Here's an extract from a blog post I wrote earlier this summer, which can be viewed in full via the link at the bottom of this post:

As the media and music scenes converge on the Somerset Levels this month for the Glastonbury Music Festival, bringing with them legions of revellers that leave a trail of discarded wellies and broken tents in their wake, attention inevitably returns to the town’s connections with Arthurian Legend, and the quest for the Holy Grail.  Whilst there is something undeniably legendary about the way that the town has cultivated its mystical and spiritual status   for centuries, what is less than certain is whether it has any basis in fact.  What is more interesting is that a Twelfth Century Welsh historian may have conspired to create the Glastonbury myth, possibly to conceal the truth that St Joseph of Arimathea, who allegedly brought the Cup of Christ to the British Isles, may in fact have found his final resting place in Wales rather than England.

An early convert to the Jesus movement, Joseph of Arimathea is sometimes claimed to be Jesus’ uncle.  A rich merchant from the Judean Hills bordering Samaria, it was in his tomb that Jesus of Nazareth was interred following the Crucifixion.  It was Joseph of Arimathea who was said to have held the cup that collected the blood of Christ on the cross, a vessel also identified as the cup used during the Last Supper as recorded in the New Testament. The conventional narrative then has Joseph visiting Britain in the years after the Resurrection, tasked by Philip the Apostle with spreading the Gospel in the Northern provinces of the Roman Empire. Joseph is believed to have settled in the vicinity of Glastonbury, planted his staff on nearby Wearyall Hill, where it took root as the Holy Thorn that remains in the town to this day.  He is also believed to have founded the first Christianity community in the town, which grew to become Glastonbury Abbey.

The renowned scribe Gerald of Wales (the subject of a cartoon film narrated by Max Boyce, which itself achieved legendary status among Welsh schoolchildren of the late Eighties and early Nineties) wrote at the end of the Twelfth Century that he personally witnessed the discovery and exhumation of the remains of the legendary King Arthur and Queen Guinevere at Glastonbury Abbey. Much has been said about the convenience of the discovery following a fire at the Abbey that required expensive repairs. That announcement identified Glastonbury with the mythical Island of Avalon, named for the Welsh word afal (apple) and the area instantly became associated with the Arthurian quest for the Holy Grail, birthing a tourist tradition that has become a micro-industry all of its own.

Read in full here:


Rydych chi'n gwybod y bydd hi'n haf bythgofiadwy, diddiwedd pan fydd sŵn digamsyniol Los Blancos yn llenwi'r awyr boeth ganol nos, gan gicio'i ffordd allan o'r speakers gyda'r un mesur o agwedd a swyn di-ben-draw.


Mae’r band yn ôl gyda Sengl Ddwbl A ‘Chwaraewr Gorau (Yr Ail Dîm) / Kareem Abdul Jabbar’. Mae'r caneuon yn gipolwg o o drywydd albwm nesaf hir-ddisgwyliedig Los Blancos.


“Ysgrifennais fersiwn fras o Kareem Abdul Jabbar yn ystod y cyfnod clo cyntaf, ar ôl cyfnod o wylio llwyth o bêl-fasged. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar yw'r prif sgoriwr pwyntiau yn yr NBA erioed ond mae hefyd yn actor, awdur ac yn eiriolwr cyfiawnder cymdeithasol llwyddiannus. Mae'r gân yn deyrnged iddo. Rwyf bob amser wedi fy syfrdanu gan ba mor ostyngedig ydyw, yn enwedig pan ystyriwch ei gyflawniadau. Mae cyfeiriadau hefyd at ei “skyhook” ddigyfnewid a’i gameo yn y ffilm Airplane.


“Ro’n i wedi bod yn gwrando lot ar Jefferson Airplane, Hendrix a Neil Young, a newydd ail-wylio ‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’ ac yn trio creu rhyw fath o naws California o’r 1970au (dwi ddim yn siŵr os daw hynny drwodd, ond rwy'n hoffi'r canlyniad serch hynny)”  Dewi Jones, Llais, Bas


"Ysgrifennwyd Chwaraewr Gorau (Yr Ail Dim)' cyn y clo ac mae’n cymryd dylanwad gan artistiaid fel Stephen Malkmus a Twin Peaks - artistiaid sydd wedi bod yn ffefryn i'r band ers y cychwyn. Dechreuodd fel demo garw ac adeiladwyd arno yn ystod sesiynau recordio dros y clo. Mae'r gân yn bortread o rywun sy'n slacker/bron yn ddyn. Roeddwn i hefyd eisiau cynnwys rhai cyfeiriadau pêl-droed yn y gân, Mae’n cynnwys cyfeiriad at Nick Cusack, cyn-chwaraewr tîm pêl-droed Abertawe, a oedd yn dipyn o gleisiwr pan oedd yr Elyrch yn yr adrannau isaf.” -  Gwyn Rosser, Llais, Gitâr 





You know it’s going to be an unforgettable, endless summer when the unmistakable sound of Los Blancos fills the hot mid-evening air, kicking it’s way out of the speakers with equal amount of attitude and boundless charm.


The band are back with a Double A side Single ‘Chwaraewr Gorau (Yr Ail Dîm) / Kareem Abdul Jabbar’.


These songs are tantalising glimpse of where the next album will find Los Blancos. “I wrote a rough version of Kareem Abdul Jabbar during the first lockdown, after a phase of watching loads of basketball. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is the all time leading points scorer in the NBA but is also a successful actor, author and social justice advocate. The song is a tribute to him. I'm always blown away with how humble he is, especially when you consider his accomplishments. There’s references to his unstoppable “skyhook” and his cameo in the film Airplane.


"I had been listening a lot to Jefferson Airplane, Hendrix and Neil Young, and had just re-watched 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood' and was trying to create a kind of 1970’s California vibe (I’m not sure if that comes through, but i liked the result nonetheless)”  Dewi Jones, Vocals, Bass


“Chwaraewr Gorau (Yr Ail Dim) was written before lockdown and takes influence from artists such as Stephen Malkmus and Twin Peaks. Both have been a favourite for the band since we began. It started out as a rough Demo and it was built on during recording sessions over lockdown. The song is a portrayal of someone who's a slacker/nearly man, who can't quite catch a break. I also wanted to include some football references in the song, It includes a reference to Nick Cusack, a former Swansea City player, who was a bit of a bruiser when the Swans were in the lower divisions.” -  Gwyn Rosser, Vocals, Guitar 



Lyric Translations / Cyfieithiad Geiriau   

Chwaraewr Gorau (Yr Ail Dim)

He sat down, it was a pleasure to have his company,
His mind so cunnig, he was the best player in the second team,
But he pulled out, before it too cold,
Well thats it, remember to chew before you spit
Yee come on, no need to fall, if you have something to say about the lad
Talking rubbish, thats all he could master,
With plenty of ability, its an easy thing to validate,
He had itchy feet, like a Cuzak 50/50,
Like combing without hair, its an easy thing to over interpret.

Kareem Abdul Jabbar

A man so tall, and yet so mobile
Controlling the court with magic johnson
He leaps so easily
And the ball flies through the net
Kareeeeem abdul jabbar
Every word and every letter is poetry
And he can fly a plane
he leaps so easily
And the balls flies through the net
Kareeem abdul jabbar
What you gonna do when he hits you with a skyhook?
Theres nothing you can do, he just hits you and he wont look back


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Championed by  Gary Crowley  on  BBC Radio London  and Playlisted on  Amazing Radio's  A List, with  BBC Radio Wales  support from  Huw Stephens  and  Adam Walton , North Wales Indie-Psych Band  Holy Coves  have had quite a year so far. They share a brand new single called 'Away We Go' before their highly anticipated new  'Druids And Bards'  album is released via Yr  Wyddfa Records  on the 14th of October.

Through long time friend and Producer  David Wrench , 'Holy Coves' were put in touch with Texan Producer  Erik Wofford  (The Black Angels / Explosions In The Sky) and have built quite a magical working relationship, one where  Wofford  found himself on Mixing and Mastering duties for the material and certainly contributes to their new sound.



19th August - The Parish, Wrexham
26th August - Front Room, Rhyl


1st September - Cluny 2, Newcastle
9th September - Audio, Glasgow
10th September - Pressure, Kilmarnock
11th September - Bannermans, Edinburgh
15th September - The Bullingdon, Oxford
16th September - Rascals, Bangor
17th September - Queens Hall, Narberth
23rd September - Satan's Hallow, Manchester
24th September - The Brickyard, Carlisle
30th September - Boom, Leeds


1st October - Salty Dog, Northwich
2nd October - Portland Arms, Cambridge



3rd November - Underworld, Camden
4th November - The Loft, Southampton
11th November - Y Llew Goch, Machynlleth
12th November - Doldrum Escape Project, Dolgellau
25th November - Clwb Ifor Back, Cardiff
26th November - Cwrw - Camarthen



2nd December - Ucheldre, Holyhead
3rd December - Neuadd Ogwen, Bethesda

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