
Ci Gofod 'Rhedeg Yn Y Nos' Single

By Ceri Shaw, 2023-03-03

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Armed with a dusty box of his fathers’ old 80s and funk records for inspiration, Bridgend singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist  Ci Gofod (Jack Thomas Davies)  made his solo debut with the sweet and soulful single ' Castle Square'  in 2020.


Taking influences from the likes of  Super Furry Animals  and  Sly And The Family Stone ,  Ci Gofod’s  brand new single  ‘Rhedeg Yn Y Nos’;  which translates to ‘Running At Night’ is a blissful yet funky groove that melts dreamy guitar melodies over  Thomas-Davies  chilled out Welsh language vocals.

Davies writes and records his 80s-inspired soul-infused disco-funk grooves from his bedroom studio in the South Wales Valleys. To bring his unique brand of indie-funk euphoria to stages, his live band now consists of  Josh David Read  (keys, guitar, vox), Lloyd Bastian (guitar, vox),  Quillian Thomas  (bass), and  Josh Cox  (drums).

Ci Gofod’s singles have been a regular feature on  Adam Walton’s BBC Radio Wales  show and  BBC Radio Cymru Aled Hugh’s BBC Radio Cymru  show also ran an extensive interview in Welsh.

Ci Gofod’s most successful single to date, Lose the Pressure, which will be a hit with any fans of Chic, Jungle, Sly and the Family Stone, has racked up over 46k streams on Spotify alone.

Along with his mission to fill dancefloors with his energetic and flamboyant sound, Ci Gofod also seeks to orchestrate aural melting pots of funk, indie and neo-soul that pays ode to his Welsh heritage. His sights are firmly fixed on making an everlasting mark on the South Wales music scene; his success from the outset is proving that he’s a soulful force to be reckoned with.

“Hitting play on any of Ci Gofod’s singles is a sure-fire way to get a soul fix, but for the most potent shot, delve right into the dreamy, energetic tones of Digital Conversation which captures the lament for our digital reality while allowing you to be enlivened by it. If that isn’t how you define stellar musicianship, I don’t know what is.”
Amelia Vandergast, A&R Factory

Taking influences from the likes of Super Furry Animals and Sly And The Family Stone, Ci Gofod’s brand new single ‘Rhedeg Yn Y Nos’; which translates to ‘Running At Night’ is a blissful yet funky groove that melts dreamy guitar melodies over Thomas-Davies chilled out Welsh language vocals.

 Music Blog Wales

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Blodwen  yn America  Hanes y perfformiad cyntaf yn yr Unol Daleithiau o Blodwen Joseph Parry,

sef opera gyntaf – a Chymraeg – Cymru. Llyfr newydd gan Dulais Rhys  – Dydd G ŵyl Dewi 2023  

Cyhoeddwyd gan Eres Books yn yr Unol Daleithiau:


Ym mis Mai 2019, yn Billings, Montana yn yr Unol Daleithiau, perfformiwyd opera Joseph Parry  Blodwen  gan Rimrock Opera Foundation yn NOVA Center for the Performing Arts. Dyma oedd y perfformiad llwyfan llawn c yntaf o  Blodwen yn America a’r cwmni opera oedd y cyntaf yn y wlad i ganu yn Gymraeg. 

Yn dilyn braslun o fywyd a gyrfa gerddorol Joseph Parry, amlinellir hanes ei operâu, gan ganolbwyntio ar  Blodwen , ei opera gyntaf,  a’i phwysigrwydd yn hanes cerddoriaeth Cymru; yna manylir ar gysylltiad yr awdur gyda Joseph Parry.  

Yn 1978, ar gyfer dathlu canmlwyddiant perfformiad cyntaf  Blodwen , cynhaliodd Gŵyl Gerdd Menai berfformiad cyngerdd o’r opera. Ar gyfer yr ŵyl, creodd yr awdur fersiwn cerddorfa newydd a oedd yn seiliedig ar lawysgrif wreiddiol Parry – gwaith a wnaethpwyd tra oedd yn fyfyriwr yn yr Unol Daleithiau. Yn dilyn llwyddiant y perfformiad, creodd yr awdur fersiwn siambr o’r sgôr, fel y gellid perfformio  Blodwen  mewn theatrau llai a gyda cherddorfa fach. 

Ar ôl ymfudo i’r Unol Daleithiau yn 2011, cynigiodd yr awdur y trefniant i gwmnïau opera’r wlad. Derbyniwyd sawl ymateb calonogol ac yn 2016, cymerodd Rimrock Opera Foundation yn Billings yr abwyd a datgan ei fwriad i berfformio  Blodwen . Dilynwyd hyn gan gyfnod o drafodaethau, cyfarfodydd cynhyrchu, clyweliad au lleisiol, dethol y corws a gwahodd cantorion proffesiynol (o bell – yn cynnwys Cymru –   ac agos) i ymgymryd â phrif rannau’r opera. 

Cafodd y cynhyrchiad gyhoeddusrwydd eang yn y wasg a’r cyfryngau ar ddwy ochr yr Iwerydd ac mae  Blodwen  yn America  yn olrhain hanes y trafodaethau, y paratoadau a’r ymarferion ynghyd â’r perfformiadau ac ymateb y gynulleidfa a’r wasg.

In May 2019, in Billings, Montana in the United States, Joseph Parry Blodwen's opera was performed by Rimrock Opera Foundation in Nova Center for the Performing Arts. It was the first full stage performance of Blodwen in America and the opera company was the first in the country to sing in Welsh. 

Following a sketch of Joseph Parry's life and musical career, the history of his operas is outlined, focusing on Blodwen, his first opera, and her importance in the history of Welsh music; The author's connection is then detailed with Joseph Parry. 

In 1978, to celebrate the centenary of Blodwen's first performance, the Menai Music Festival held a concert performance of the opera. For the festival, the author created a new orchestra version based on Parry's original manuscript - a work done while he was a student in the United States. Following the success of the performance, the author created a chamber version of the score, so that Blodwen could be performed in smaller theaters and with a small orchestra. 

After emigrating to the United States in 2011, the author offered the arrangement to the country's opera companies. Several encouraging responses were received and in 2016, Rimrock Opera Foundation took the bait and declared its intention to perform Blodwen. This was followed by a period of discussions, production meetings, vocal auditions, chorus selection and inviting professional singers (remotely - including Wales - and near) to undertake the main parts of the opera. 

He received a broad publicity production in the press and media on both sides of the Atlantic and Blodwen in America traces the history of the discussions, preparations and exercises as well as the performances and the audience and press response.

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Gêm Fwrdd sy’n ail Fyw Rhyfel Glyndŵr Dros Annibyniaeth

Mae’r Lolfa newydd ryddhau gêm fwrdd newydd Gymraeg sy’n ail-fyw gwrthryfel Owain Glyndŵr rhwng 1400-1405. Mae bwrdd y gêm wedi ei seilio ar fap o Gymru’r cyfnod ac yn cynnwys lleoliadau’r cestyll a’r brwydrau. Mae’r holl ddarnau a’r cardiau wedi eu creu yn bwrpasol i roi naws ac ymdeimlad cryf o’r canol oesoedd ac i gynnig profiad i’r rhai sy'n chwarae. Dyma’r gêm Gymraeg wreiddiol gyntaf i gael ei chyhoeddi ers blynyddoedd maith

Mae ar werth yn awr yn y Siopau Llyfrau Cymraeg am £25 a  am £30 yn cynnwys cludiant.

Yn ôl Geraint Thomas dyfeisydd y gem...

“Mae’r gêm yn wledd i’r llygaid, yn syml i’w chwarae ond hefyd gyda digon o elfennau amrywiol i’w wneud yn gyffrous. Bydd hefyd yn rhoi cyfle i bobl ddysgu am wrthryfel Glyndŵr ac i ail-fyw’r hanes mewn modd hwyliog. Gobeithio y bydd yn tanio’r dychymyg ac yn ysgogi pobl i ddarllen rhagor am Owain Glyndŵr a hanes Cymru.”

A New Welsh Board Game to Relive Glyndŵr’s Independence Rebellion

Y Lolfa have just released a new Welsh board game which relives the rebellion of Welsh national hero Owain Glyndŵr. According to the publishers this is the first original Welsh board game for almost 50 years. The game board is based on a map of Wales at the turn of the 15 th  century with drawings of the disputed castles and battles. All the pieces and cards have been purposely created to give a strong feel of the Middle Ages and to offer a genuine experience to those who play

It is available in Welsh Book Shops for £25 and  for £30 (p&p inc)

(Welsh game with bilingual instructions)

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Whitesands Bay

By Ceri Shaw, 2023-02-20


The organizers could not have picked a more beautiful and historic location for the first annual Daffy Dipping event. Below we outline some of the natural and historic featues of Whitesands Bay. 

On February 26th a new chapter will be written in the history of this fascinating location. If you're in the area why not get along to Whitesands and participate in the first annual Daffy Dipping extravaganza. If chill swimming is not your thing just come and cheer them on!

Whitesands Bay is a beach located in the St Davids Peninsula in Pembrokeshire, Wales. It is considered one of the best beaches in the country and is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. The beach is known for its wide stretch of golden sand, clear blue waters, and stunning views of the surrounding cliffs and coastline.

Whitesands Bay is also popular with surfers, as it provides excellent waves for both beginners and more experienced surfers. The beach has a large car park, public toilets, and a café that serves food and drinks throughout the day.

The area around Whitesands Bay is also home to a range of wildlife, including seals, dolphins, and a variety of sea birds. There are several walking trails in the area, including the Pembrokeshire Coast Path, which offers breathtaking views of the coastline and is a great way to explore the area's natural beauty.


Carn Llidi is a prominent rocky outcrop located on the St Davids Peninsula in Pembrokeshire, Wales, near Whitesands Bay. It is a popular destination for hikers and walkers, offering spectacular views of the surrounding coastline and countryside.

The summit of Carn Llidi stands at 594 feet (181 meters) above sea level and can be accessed via several walking routes, including the Pembrokeshire Coast Path. From the summit, visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the St Davids Peninsula, the coast, and the offshore islands.

The area around Carn Llidi is part of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, which is known for its rugged cliffs, sandy beaches, and diverse wildlife. The hill is also home to a range of archaeological sites, including neolithic burial chambers, prehistoric enclosures and field systems, and an iron-age defensive wall. During World War II, a Chain Home Low early-warning radar station was located on Carn Llidi, and the remains of the concrete base and a Lewis gun pit can still be seen.


The Pembrokeshire Coast Path is a long-distance walking trail that follows the coastline of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park in Wales, UK. The trail is approximately 186 miles (299 km) long, running from Amroth in the south to St Dogmaels in the north.

The path is renowned for its stunning coastal scenery, with rugged cliffs, sandy beaches, and hidden coves to discover along the way. It is a popular destination for walkers, hikers, and outdoor enthusiasts, with the trail passing through a diverse range of landscapes, from wild, windswept headlands to peaceful wooded valleys.

The Pembrokeshire Coast Path is also rich in wildlife, with opportunities to spot seals, dolphins, and a variety of bird species along the way. The path is well-signposted and maintained, with plenty of accommodation and amenities available for walkers, including campsites, B&Bs, and pubs serving food and drink.

The trail can be walked in sections, with many visitors choosing to tackle shorter sections of the path, while others complete the entire route over several days or weeks. There are also guided tours and baggage transfer services available for those who prefer a more supported walking experience.


Ramsey Island, also known as Ynys Dewi in Welsh, is a small island located off St David's Head in Pembrokeshire, southwest Wales. It is around 1 kilometer off the northern side of St Brides Bay, and its area is about 259 hectares (640 acres). The name "Ramsey" is derived from Old Norse and means "Hrafn's island," while in Welsh, the island is named after Saint David, the patron saint of Wales.

The island has a diverse geology that consists of sedimentary, volcanic, and intrusive igneous rocks dating from the early Paleozoic era. The north part of the island is mostly mudstones of the Tetragraptus Mudstone Formation, while the south is dominated by a rhyolite intrusion. The island's coastal cliffs are formed by sedimentary rocks, including the Lingula Flags and sandstones and mudstones of the Ogof Hen Formation.

Ramsey Island has evidence of prehistoric cairns, field systems, and barrows, indicating human activity on the island dating back up to 5,000 years. There are also medieval sites on the island, such as a holy well and cemetery from the 9th century.


In 2021 the Dyfed Archaeological Trust has excavated around 200 well-preserved bodies from the site of a medieval trading post with Ireland at Whitesands Beach, Pembrokeshire. The remains are from an early Christian community and have been buried in sand, providing a unique snapshot into life at the time. The Trust hopes to excavate as much of the chapel cemetery as possible due to fears coastal erosion could wash it away. Radiocarbon dating has shown the cemetery was in use from the 8th to 11th Centuries, and the excavations will be stored at the National Museum of Wales. Earlier digs had taken place at the St Patrick's Chapel site in 2014, 2015 and 2016.


During low tide, visitors to the beach can see the remains of an ancient forest, which has been preserved by the sand and sea for thousands of years. The forest is believed to have been part of an area of woodland that was once above sea level and may have extended out into the bay.

The remains of the trees are visible as stumps and are often covered in seaweed and other marine life. Scientists have been able to use the submerged forest to study past sea levels and climate change, as well as to learn more about the local environment and ecology.

The submerged forest can be accessed from Whitesands Bay during low tide, but visitors should be aware of the tides and take care when exploring the area. It is recommended to visit with a guide or tour, as the area can be dangerous and unpredictable.

Carn LLidi

Debut Album 'Hollowing Out' released 31.03.23

Cardiff post-punk outfit 'Red Telephone' are set to release their highly anticipated debut album 'Hollowing Out' on the 31st March 2023. The only single taken from it 'Waiting For Your Good Days' is out now.

Hailing from Cardiff, Red Telephone’s richly layered alt-rock could have emanated from a club in Blade Runner's dystopian LA - combining angular guitars, Krautrock-inspired rhythms and New Wave-tinged synths with infectious pop sensibilities. Drawing on post punk and synth pop influences, the band has been catching the attention of DJs across BBC 6 Music, BBC Radio 1, Absolute Radio and Radio X; with comparisons to the likes of MGMT, Super Furry Animals, Mitski and Berlin-era Bowie being drawn. The band have recently appeared at BBC 6 Music Fringe Festival, Focus Wales, Swn Festival, Other Voices and Llangollen Fringe, supporting Warmduscher. With previous single releases on Welsh-based labels Libertino Records and the Popty-Ping Recording Company, the band's highly anticipated debut album is set to be released in March 2023.


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Rogue Jones - '1,2,3' Video

By Ceri Shaw, 2023-02-18

Crëwyd gan Ynyr a Bethan Mai Morgan Ifan Ffilmiwyd yn Pantri Lolfa Pen-bre, diolch i Holly a Lee Weston-Zygaldo -  Created by Ynyr and Bethan Mai Morgan Ifan Filmed in Pantri Lolfa Pen-bre, thanks to Holly and Lee Weston-Zygaldo

(scroll down for English)

Mae’n bosib mai’r ddau drac yma yw’r mynegiad mwyaf pur a chrisialaidd o brif thema’r albym – profiadau Bethan ac Ynyr o fod yn rhieni. Maen nhw hefyd yn ganeuon pop da – felly roeddent yn teimlo fel par o ganeuon addas am sengl ddwbl.


Fel nifer o’r caneuon ar yr albym, cyfansoddwyd y gân hon yn wreiddiol ar y piano gan Bethan. Mae Ynyr a Bethan yn chwarae’r utgyrn ac yn ymuno a hwy mae Ioan Hefin, y dyn sy’n gyfrifol am solo trwmped mwyaf eiconig cerddoriaeth Gymraeg yn Gloria Tyrd Adre gan Eryr Wen. Mae hi’n gân am gariad a’r teimlad o geisio amgyffred maint y cariad gallwch deimlo at rhywun. Mae’n berthnasol i unrhyw fath o gariad ond yn yr achos hwn fe’i hysgrifennwyd wrth i’w merch droi yn dri mlwydd oed, gyda Bethan gwneud ymgais i fynegi a deall y cariad roedd hi’n ei deimlo am ei phlentyn a mawredd rhoi genedigaeth; yr her, gorchfygu a gorfoledd a holl fregusdra amrwd y profiad.


Shwt gall rhywbeth mor bitw
Siglo’r ddaear, tanio iâs?
Pan fi’n teimlo fe’n curo,
So’ fe tu fewn nawr, mae e tu fas,
Un, dau, tri Menywod doeth oedd yn gwylio,
Fy nghyn-famau, rhowch i mi nerth.
Holltodd twll yn y nefoedd,
Dysgu gwers o beth yw gwerth.

Fflachlwch Bach

Teyrnged i’w plentyn cyntaf-anedig. Daeth yr ysbrydoliaeth wrth i Bethan geisio cyfansoddi rhywbeth ar y piano gyda’i merch yn ei chôl yn scriblo dros y nodau. Mae prydferthwch mewn normalrwydd a phethau dydd i ddydd, gorfoledd mewn diwrnod arferol gyda phlant bach. Mae seren y gan yn ymddangos gyda solo allweddellau a’i llinell;

‘Beth chi’n aros am? Cân neu beth?
Fi mynd i ddechre un nawr so agor eich clustiau!’

Rhwng ysgrifennu a rhyddhau’r gan, mae eu hail blentyn wedi dod i dynnu sylw a chreu anrhefn wrth y piano unwaith eto, gan ysgrifennu rhan i’w hun yn y gân o nawr ymlaen hefyd. Mae Llyr Parri ar y dryms, Elen Ifan ar y soddgrwth a Mari Morgan ar y ffidil yn ymuno â Bethan ac Ynyr ar y trac yma.

Fflachlwch Bach (Bach) yw teitl y fersiwn fyrhaëdig hon o’r gân, gyda’r ferswin lawn yn ymddangos ar y record. Roedd y dull hyn o enwi yn fwy diddorol na galw’r trac yn ‘(Radio Edit)’ er ei fod mwy na thebyg yn fwy tebygol o achosi dryswch.


These two tracks are possibly the most crystalline and pure expression of the album’s main theme – Bethan and Ynyr’s experiences of parenthood. They’re also good pop songs – so they felt like an appropriate AA-side.


Like much of the album, this song was initially composed by Bethan on the piano. It features Ynyr and Bethan on trumpets but also features Ioan Hefin, the man responsible for performing Welsh music’s greatest and most iconic trumpet solo in Eryr Wen’s Gloria Tyrd Adre. It’s a song about love and the feeling of trying to comprehend the magnitude of the love that you can feel for someone. It can relate to any form of love but in this instance it was written when their daughter turned 3 years old, with Bethan trying to articulate and comprehend the outpouring of love felt for a child and the hugeness of childbirth; the challenge, escalation, triumph, glory and the raw vulnerability of it all.


How can something so small
Shake the earth, spark shivers?
When I feel it beating It’s not inside now, it’s outside
One, two, three Wise women were watching
My ancestral mothers, give me strength
A hole split in the sky
Learning a lesson about what value is

Fflachlwch Bach

An ode to their first-born child. The inspiration came as Bethan was trying to compose something on the piano with their daughter in her lap scribbling over the notes. There’s beauty in normality and the everyday, joy in an average day with small children. The star of the song also makes appearance with a keyboard solo and her self-penned line;

‘What are you waiting for? A song or what?
I’m going to begin one now so open your ears!’

Between the writing and release of the song, the arrival of their second child has brought fresh distractions, beats and chaos to the piano, thus writing himself a part in the song. Llyr Parri on drums, Elen Ifan on cello, Mari Morgan on Violin join Ynyr and Bethan for this one.

This shortened radio edit version is called ‘Fflachlwch Bach (Bach)’ whereas the full-length album version is Fflachlwch Bach - bach means small or little. Whilst it’s more fun than just calling it ‘(Radio Edit)’, it’s probably more confusing.

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Tormentor - New Music from Mr Bewlay

By Ceri Shaw, 2023-02-14

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Indie Alt-Pop singer songwriter MR BEWLAY releases his next single ‘Bewlay The Tormentor’ on via Tiwn Media with Digital Distribution via Pyst. ‘Bewlay The Tormentor’ is the first single lifted from his second EP, Black Reason. Black Reason the EP is released on 3rd March. ‘Bewlay, The Tormentor’ is currently slated for impact on 17th March.

The UK Art Pop extraordinaire Mr Bewlay has established himself as the paramount voice for the unorthodox. Currently based in Cardiff, Bewlay’s upbringing was flamboyant with an early induction onto the stage. With amateur dramatic performances of classics like West Side Story, A View From A Bridge and A Streetcar Named Desire Bewlay learnt the subtle intricacies of stage performance, a skill he brings with him to this day. Beginning his musical career under the mentorship of the respected Forte Project in Wales, In
addition he has played sold out headliner shows in prestigious venues such as Porters, Queens Hall and Ill Repute. As a champion for LGBTQ+ activism he has also given talks and performed at Queer festivals and shows with the On Your Face Collective. Recently Bewlay has signed with Tiwn Media and they are set to release the next wave of his music with their second Ep : Black Reason.

With a breadth of sound ranging from retro-spiced pop, to quiet reflective solo pieces, Bewlay’s unpredictability is also found in his music. With influences coming from artists such as David Bowie, St Vincent and Parquet Courts, Bewlay remains in a lane of his own with bombastic vocals, extravagant style and lyrics of the utmost originality.

When speaking about the new track Mr Bewlay said, “I have garnered my fair share of controversies. From riling crowds into mayhem, to releasing songs that on the outset contain dubious lyrics. All of this was in the name of artistic expression. Tormentor was a response to these actions, an over-the-top expression of a character that was meant to push the boundaries. A rock star persona that was aware of his morally grey actions and chose to embrace them. It fits in with the themes of the EP, whereas we live in a world where liars don’t hide their intentions any more and where the power hungry wear their goals on their sleeves. This isn’t a criticism of anyone's actions, more a celebration of the absurdity of a world gone mad!.“

‘Bewlay, The Tormentor’ was produced and mixed by Andrew Saunders and mastered by Graeme Lynch. Vocals and Synths by MR BEWLAY, Percussion by Andrew Saunders, Bass by Phillip Court and guitar by Tom Emlyn.

The Black Reason EP follows the previous EP ‘Electric Reason’ which featured singles such as ‘Her Name Is Juniper’ and ‘Wobbegon

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“Singer George has a musical theatre background and I think it really shows, you're gonna love it” - Amy Lame, BBC Radio 6 Music

"So many influences in that track. Brimming with quality, I absolutely love it.” - Charlie Ashcroft, Amazing Radio UK

“Bold and charismatic, an intoxicating charm blazes from the flamboyant powerhouse and emerging talent, that is Mr Bewlay” Becky and the Bands

“Incredibly imaginative, richly rewarding and sophisticated, a pop star in the making!” Adam Walton, BBC Radio Wales Introducing

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Determined to release a song for all special occasions, My Name is Ian are due to release a Valentine’s Day Indie ballad this year. Following on from their Halloween pop-punk offering, ‘Spooky Holiday’ last year, and 2018’s ‘Christmas Time Again’, ‘You Are Amazing’ will be out across all digital platforms on February 14th.

The track, which references off-kilter romantic sentiments and pairings, has long been a staple of the band’s live repertoire, and has finally been blessed with a studio recording. The track comes as the band prepare to release their latest album, ‘GO BANANAS GO BANANAS GO BANANAS GO BANANAS GO BANANAS’, due out this summer through Bubblewrap Collective.

Creatures of Cardiff, My Name Is Ian have already built a back catalogue that would have taken The Stone Roses millennia to mirror. Since 2010 their output of has dealt with break-ups, breakdowns, mysterious lion paintings and characters from the Tom Hanks movie Big. This restless productivity has seen genres including but not restricted to lo-fi, bedroom punk, garage rock, prog and anti-folk, all filtered through the pop-oriented cranium of frontman Reginald Foxwell.

Impressively prolific and prolifically impressive, bittersweet but unbroken, My Name Is Ian require your immediate attention.

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A statement from Sian Richardson, founder of the Bluetits

"I have been swimming at Porthsele beach under the cliffs on my farm which overlooks Whitesands Bay for over 50 years. Up until 2014 I had never dipped in the sea over the winter months. I decided to take the plunge in October that year because I had heard of a challenge called the Ice Mile, and it sounded like the kind of extreme challenge that appealed to me. 

I began dipping, first on Porthsele, and then all over Pembrokeshire. People were intrigued by what we are doing, some were  horrified, some vaguely interested, some interested enough to join us. My husband noticed how happy we all were when we came out of the water and suggested we call ourselves something. So The Bluetits Chill Swimmers took flight. 

Over the summer months of 2015 some people who came to my campsite at Pencarnan and heard about The Bluetits and asked if they could start up a group in their home area, and  so we began to spread far and wide, first in Wales, then the rest of the UK then overseas. My Ice Mile training was pretty much a solitary affair with just me in the water and my small team of helpers around me for safety support, and I enjoyed this, I had never really been swimming with groups of people so I didn’t really know any different. Swimming with the newly formed Bluetits was the complete opposite of course, and initially I wasn’t aware of any benefits to this. As the years passed by, the extreme ice mile completed and no more solitary training to endure, I totally immersed myself in group swimming with the many people in Pembrokeshire who were now swimming under The Bluetits banner. 

With no plan, time limits or expectations from my dips I began to appreciate the benefits of meeting up with likeminded humans. We laughed, cried, ate cake, drank warm coffee after the swims whilst warming up on a beach, walked home, made friends, went shopping in our changing robes and generally became comrades in and around the cold water. The bond created between humans who are challenging themselves to do something that scares them a little is immeasurable. 

I am always asked what is it about cold water that is life changing. The cold water is the anchor that holds us all together and going into it provides the adrenalin rush that in turn allows us to free our minds of all the crap that is in our heads for a short moment in time, but enough time to allow you to see the world with different eyes. For that moment in time all your worries and fears get pushed to the back of your mind. You notice the wonderful landscape around you, laugh with the person next to you about something that is momentarily very funny, hold your hand out for someone who is nervous, rejoice in the fact the body you have can do this.
Pembrokeshire has always been my favourite place in the world. I have worked here used its glorious landscape as a playground all my life. I no longer look at the winter months as a time when I retreat from the world. I now look forward to it as a time when I meet up with all the friends I have made through The Bluetits and experience more adventures in the water with them all.

It means the world to me that The Bluetits are going to be part of the DaffyDips4Dewi event. We began with two people dipping on a Pembrokeshire beach and we became 100,000 people dipping on beaches, in rivers and lakes all over the world. I hope to see pictures of thousands of daffodil hats bobbing in the water on Sunday February the 26th this year in celebration of Saint David – our very own local saintly ‘waterman’. If you want to find out more about us – then check out our website here: "




You are very welcome to set up your own event, however doing a DaffyDip4Dewi is entirely at your own risk. Please make sure that you are fit and well enough to do this. YOU are responsible for your own well-being. Take warm clothing and a warm drink for after the event.

If you want to have the Saint David’s Day Anthem as part of your event (get a local school or choir on board) the Saint David’s Day Anthem can be bought here:

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