Laura B. Gorun


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J enkins Lovespoons are all original designs, completely carved by Laura Jenkins Gorun, using simple hand tools and centuries-old techniques. With a BFA from Capital University, followed by nearly 20 years in the financial services and technology industry, Laura finally returned to the arts after learning of the lovespoon tradition back in 2006. Captivated by the lovely tradition, she taught herself to carve, and left the bank to devote more time to her family, carving lovespoons, and learning more about her Welsh heritage. Before long, she began offering her lovespoons for sale, and quickly became widely recognized for her uniquely delicate, refined style.

Following centuries of Welsh Lovespoon tradition, Jenkins Lovespoons are entirely designed and hand-carved by Laura Jenkins Gorun in her private studio near Columbus, Ohio, and are only available from her, directly. Laura offers her work for sale at select Welsh or Celtic festivals, and she is currently a member artist displaying work at Studios on High Gallery in Columbus, Ohio’s Short North Arts district. Laura’s primary goal in carving lovespoons is to promote and preserve this lovely tradition, and to inspire more people to carve them, and celebrate their heritage.

The Tradition

Enduring since at least the 17th century, the Welsh lovespoon tradition is believed to have originated as a courtship gift. A young man of the Welsh peasant class (e.g. a farmer, or sailor) would spend his hours – days – weeks – pouring as much creativity, effort and skill as he could muster into carving one of these decorative spoons, to declare his intentions to the girl who’d captured his heart. With its romantic symbols (common or obscure, but always personally meaningful) carved into the handle of the spoon, the more care, creativity and difficulty the carver demonstrated, the deeper the feelings it conveyed. If she returned his feelings, it’s said she might carry the spoon, tied in her apron strings, as a sign that she was “taken.,” until it eventually found a home hanging on the wall by the hearth.

Lovespoons are so effective in their purpose, they are given today for any special occasion, but the tradition remains otherwise unchanged; a Welsh lovespoon is always carved from a single piece of wood, demonstrating skill and effort, and most importantly, it conveys a personal, heartfelt sentiment.

Jenkins Lovespoons

A key philosophy for Jenkins Lovespoons is that no particular symbolism, style, or even technique is inherently “traditional,” in terms of lovespoons. Instead, the thoughtful and careful use of creativity and skill in a lovespoon’s creation is what makes it traditional. Laura hopes her unique style contributes to the lovespoon tradition, and inspires others to carve lovespoons, and other lovespoon carvers to explore new challenges.

Please note – Jenkins Lovespoons are all original designs, so, as with any original artwork, they are not to be reproduced without permission. I’m happy to inspire other carvers, but please respect the tradition, and international copyright law – please don’t use my designs, parts thereof, variations of them without express, written permission. Thank you for your understanding

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Laura B. Gorun
@laura-b-gorun • 6 years ago

Today is Laura B. Gorun's Birthday
Laura B. Gorun
Laura B. Gorun
Laura B. Gorun
Laura B. Gorun
Laura B. Gorun
Laura B. Gorun
@laura-b-gorun • 9 years ago
@laura-b-gorun is now following @andrew-railton
Laura B. Gorun
@laura-b-gorun • 9 years ago • comments: 0
Liked a products item created by @andrew-railton: Rhododendron Welsh Lovespoon

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Brian y Tarw Llwyd
03/12/17 01:47:30PM @brian-y-tarw-llwyd:

Penblwydd Hapus i chi! Happy Birthday to you! May your day be full of good friends and family, and good cheer.
Pob hwyl

Brian y Tarw Llwyd
03/12/14 09:29:41AM @brian-y-tarw-llwyd:

Congrats on your 5th birthday at AmeriCymru!

Penblwydd Hapus i chi! Happy birthday to you! May your day be full of good friends and family, and good cheer.
Pob hwyl

Brian y Tarw Llwyd
03/12/13 01:56:07PM @brian-y-tarw-llwyd:

Congrats on your 4th birthday at AmeriCymru! Penblwydd Hapus i chi! Happy Birthday to you! May your day be full of good friends and family, and good cheer.
Pob hwyl

Ceri Shaw
02/24/13 02:39:39AM @ceri-shaw:
A 'Ball of Honor' is hereby awarded to you for accuracy in predicting the outcome of the Wales v Ireland match 2013.
Brian y Tarw Llwyd
03/12/12 02:16:11PM @brian-y-tarw-llwyd:

My, how time flies, eh? Penblwydd Hapus i chi! Happy Birthday to you! May your day be full of good friends and family, and good cheer.
Pob hwyl

Brian y Tarw Llwyd
03/12/11 02:55:08PM @brian-y-tarw-llwyd:
As it is that time of year again, Penblwydd Hapus i chi! Happy Birthday to you! May your day be full of good friends and family, and good cheer.
Pob hwyl

Brian y Tarw Llwyd
03/12/10 01:52:08PM @brian-y-tarw-llwyd:
Happy Birthday to you! Wishing you a day full of good friends and family, and good cheer.Pob hwylBrian
Ceri Shaw
02/05/10 10:21:44PM @ceri-shaw:
Great to have you here Laura and many thanks for your kind words about the site. We'll add your link to our 'Sites We Like' section in the right hand column on the homepage:)
02/05/10 06:40:53PM @gaabi:
Welcome, Linda! So good to have you here!
Ceri Shaw
02/05/10 04:59:19PM @ceri-shaw:
Hi Laura... Portland Oregon here. Originally from Cardiff. Croeso i Americymru. Gaabriel and I created this site just over a year ago as a Social and friendship site for the Welsh, Welsh ex-pats, persons of Welsh descent and Cymruphiles around the world. It has grown considerably since its foundation and we would like to extend a warm welcome to you....our latest member. Feel free to invite any friends that you think would be interested in joining. The network has many features which allow people with a shared love of Wales to communicate and share photos, videos, links, blogposts etc and we will be adding new features from time to time. Make yourself right at home. Once again...Croeso!