Laura B. Gorun


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Events Listing

WSCO St. David's Day Luncheon and Annual Meeting - Welsh Society of Central Ohio

WSCO St. David's Day Luncheon and Annual Meeting - Welsh Society of Central Ohio

Saturday Feb 25 2017, 9:30 AM
@ Worthington Hills Country Club; 920 Clubview Blvd S;...
Join the Welsh Society of Central Ohio in celebrating St. David's Day! Registration begins at 9:30am, activities begin at 10am, with a presentation on member, Mike Schroeder's...
Welsh Flag Raising at the Ohio Statehouse celebrating St. David's Day

Welsh Flag Raising at the Ohio Statehouse celebrating St. David's Day

Friday Feb 24 2017, 11:30 AM
@ Ohio Statehouse West Plaza
Join the Welsh Society of Central Ohio, as we kick off our 2017 St. David’s Day celebrations with the Welsh Flag Raising at the Ohio Statehouse in downtown Columbus [SE corner...
WSCO St. David's Day Celebration, Luncheon & Annual Meeting

WSCO St. David's Day Celebration, Luncheon & Annual Meeting

Saturday Feb 27 2016, 9:30 AM
@ Worthington Hills Country Club located at 920 Clubview...
Join the Welsh Society of Central Ohio Saturday, February 27, 2016 for our Annual Meeting and St. David's Day Celebration / Luncheon.   We will be returning once again to...
WSCO St. David's Day Flag Raising

WSCO St. David's Day Flag Raising

Friday Feb 26 2016, 11:45 AM
@ Ohio Statehouse; West Plaza (1 Capitol Square, Columbus,...
2016 -- Friday, February 26, Ohio Statehouse, West Plaza (High St.); Capital Square, southeast corner Broad and High Streets; downtown Columbus, Ohio; If the weather is bad we...