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Gwybedyn, oops! But, then, those sorts of things make the grown-up New Year all the more fun and I DO live with a Welshman....
Here's the full couplet from the poem by Deio ab Ieuan Du:Y ddraig goch ddyry cychwynAr ucha'r llall ar ochr llwyn.I won't translate it, just let me say that Gaabi's "will rise again" might just be a little too pointed, given the sexual content of this poem composed in gratitude for the gift of a red bull. The couplet refers to the red "dragon" and a particular cow!
Caroline, What took you so long? I told everyone about this site when I joined last September 1st. Oh well, better late than never! Say, did you record our choir performance at the L. A. Music Center on Christmas Eve afternoon? My Tivo didn't work and my daughter forgot. Maybe Larry did? I'm trying to get a real techie friend to transfer the recording he made and put the video out for me, but it takes so much memory. He said he'd do it on a DVD for the choir members for about $7 each. I don't know if there will be any copy right problems with that. We should probably run it by Bronwen before we do anything. Well, welcome to the site and see you at choir after the new year.Duw a'ch bendithio, Judy
Diolch . . .. . for your beautiful Dragon.And to all Nadolig BendithauCariadcaroline
John! "Y Ddraig Goch Ddyry Cychwyn!" = the red dragon will rise again?What does everyone think, should i have made it reddish instead of white stars?
Nadolig Llawen to all from Bridgend, Glamorgan
Y Ddraig Goch Ddyry Cychwyn!
I love it, loving dragons as I do, but this is truly beautiful! My kids were here in sunny Florida so we truly had a Nadolig Llawen! Iechyd da!
Merry Christmas. Here in Colorado Springs, the weather is sunny and warm. But up in the mountains, the snow is coming down and up to 3' is expected. Wonderful White Christmas to all.
Nadolig LlawenIt's a frosty morning here in Nashville TN and far, far from my childhood Christmas mornings back in Wales.Stumbling bleary eyed down the stairs (from very little sleep) youngest first in strict age order, a line of pajamaed, uncombed, unshaven smiles - relaxed now for everything that could be done was done.My elder brothers and sisters who had driven up from the south coast or London, with their new kids, my new nephews and nieces, my father at the top - nice to have him home, at least for a couple of days.Whoever could make it, for this was the real home, here in Mountain Ash.It was just a moment of tradition, something handed down I guess, but for a moment all available family were here, and all was right in the world. My world is good now, but I miss those cold mornings shivering on the stairs before rushing into the living room with it's roaring coal fire, little christmas tree, and piles of brightly wrapped presents.Merry ChristmasDavid