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    Gwenno Dafydd - St David's Day Ambassador To The World

    Gwenno Dafydd is the instigator of the Saint David's Day Anthem (Lyrics: Gwenno Dafydd Music: Heulwen Thomas) which was launched by The Presiding Officer of the Welsh Assembly Government, Lord Dafydd Elis Thomas in 2008. She has been promoting and developing Saint David's Day activities worldwide since 2006 when the Saint David's Day Anthem 'Cenwch y Clychau i Dewi' (Ring out the bells for Saint David) was performed in public for the very first time in the National Saint David's Day Parade in Cardiff. She has instigated the tradition of 'County Banners' throughout Wales to celebrate Saint David's Day. This year, the first County Banner, The Pembrokeshire Banner, which is kept on permanent display in the East Cloister in Saint David's Cathedral, will be joined by two new County Banners, those of Montgomeryshire and Carmartheshire.

    The Saint David's Day Anthem, which will this year be sold from the very prestigious Ty Cerdd website, patron Karl Jenkins, alongside the music of Welsh composers such as Grace Williams, William Mathias, Morfydd Llwyn Owen and Gareth Glyn. The Saint David's Day Anthem has been performed not only in Wales but also numerous times in Canada, Los Angeles, Patagonia, Disneyland Paris and the Houses of Parliament. Every year the Pembrokeshire Banner is paraded around Saint David's Cathedral whilst local school children sing the Saint David's Day Anthem.

    She has created an Iphone App to learn the Welsh National Anthem and is the author of 'Stand Up & Sock it to them Sister. Funny Feisty Females' which had been described by Funny Women, the UK's leading female comedy community as 'the ultimate canon of female stand-up comics'. She is a Leadership and Public Speaking Coach and works extensively via Skype and even has some clients in Los Angeles.


    Sound Bite Grill BW tall crop.jpg John Good - Our Man In The Desert.....

    John Good, known to many as  Sioni Dda ,was born and tumbled up in South Wales in the shadow of blast furnace number 4, Port Talbot, went to university in Yorkshire then back to Glamorgan...Master's degree in Music composition, Brains' beer and darts...lived/worked[?] in London,  Brighton, San Francisco, L.A. and Phoenix, where he now resides, plays folk harp, Welsh bagpipes and pibgorn, flutes, whistles, sings, teaches on-line, Welsh Language classes, writes articles, short stories and poems for AmeriCymru and Ninnau and, on a Saturday night, does a jig or two if influenced to do so. Anymore questions?




    20150421_123431.jpg C.M. Saunders - Football And Supernatural Correspondent

    Christian Saunders, who writes fiction as C.M. Saunders, is a freelance writer and editor from New Tredegar. His journalism has appeared in publications such as Loaded, Record Collector, Fortean Times and Forever Sports, while his fiction has appeared in over fifty magazines, ezines and anthologies, including Raw Nerve, Fantastic Horror, Trigger Warning, Liquid imagination, Feverish Fiction and the Literary Hatchet. His books have been both traditionally and independently published, the most recent being No Man's Land: Horror in the Trenches, which is available now on Deviant Dolls Publications. He is represented by Media Bitch literary agency.


    20150421_123431.jpg Philip 'Boz' Evans - Writer & Humorist

    As a bio, I can only reiterate that I have borrowed Charles Dickens 'handle', as he hasn't used it for a while and as my background is similar to the great man himself -being a Chartered Legal Executive ( the successor in title to the Solicitors Managing Clerk).

    The Boz quill-name came about from being asked to write a story about a local Treasurer, who had qualities not dissimilar to Ebenezer Scrooge himself and therefore a Christmas Carol was born. The genie ( not genius) has been out of the bottle and refuses to go back in. Forty three self produced volumes later, one published book on Amazon and three of my stories used in other people's compilations ( the proudest of which was your Eto) and more importantly hundreds if not thousands of people who have read some of the 215 stories and made them laugh. What greater pleasure is there than that?


    10417474_904993789520302_8863640239661388602_n.jpg Huw Llywelyn Rees - The History Man

    Born in Swansea, brought up and educated in Builth Wells. Despite the constant distractions of rugby, cricket, darts and alcohol managed to obtain a B.Sc in Wood Science in High Wycombe. Have worked continuously ever since in the Builders Merchants field in Bristol, Cardiff, Fishguard and most recently in Waterford after moving to Ireland in 2000 for romantic reasons.

    Since being in Ireland I have developed a passion for Welsh history after people kept assuming that I knew everything about it and I realised my knowledge was patchy at best. It was also assumed that because I was Welsh that I could sing and was approached to join Wexford Male Voice choir. I hesitantly agreed and discovered that I really enjoyed it. I have also recently rediscovered the benefits of hill walking and joined a local group who regularly go out in the Wicklow, Blackstairs and Commeragh Mountains.


    10417474_904993789520302_8863640239661388602_n.jpg Paul Steffan Jones - Civilian War Poet

    Paul Steffan Jones is a Welsh poet and song writer whose first two poetry collections,  Lull of the Bull and The Trigger-Happiness are published by Starborn Books. All but one poem in The Trigger-Happiness is in the English language.

    Praise for 'The Trigger-Happiness'

    Poetry Wales:-  "intricate rhyme-anagram riddles, stressful, frantic, highly-strung"

    Pembrokeshire Life:-  "a powerful and fully-formed body of work, eye-catching word play and imagery, cements his reputation as the angry young man of Welsh poetry, poems that explode off the page, just strap yourself in and enjoy a roller-coaster ride...."  -



    More to come.......