merchant day day sep 3rd
Yes and Harry Truman was duped by Stalin too.
i agree but he realy dropped the ball when he would not heed winnies warnings about treating stalin with a iron fist, thinking he had made a friend of uncle joe
The men of the Merchant Marine were among the bravest of World War II. The ships were incredibly slow with paper-thin bulkheads but were absolutely necessary for Victory in Europe. I have an acquaintance who tried to join the Navy during that time but was turned down because he was too young so he joined the Merchant Marine and completed many crossings of the North Atlantic. A lot of Americans were bewildered at why we first, seemingly at least, put more effort into defeating Nazi Germany than the defeating Japan. It wasn't until years later that the reason was revealed. Our military strategists believed Hitler was very close to developing a weapon of mass destruction (the Fusion Bomb). It turned out that they were wrong. Nazi Germany wasn't nearly as close to developing the bomb as our MI thought. Hence, in the politics of today, Roosevelt would be accused of being a liar because he thought a Nazi weapon was being developed, but in reality, it was years away from realization. But in my opinion, Roosevelt was being a true leader when he established a policy which ignored the winds of popularity (i.e. a fervent desire to defeat Japan first) and chose to do the prudent thing instead.
theres a great site run by a mate of mine the convoy web he does it for free its a huge archive you can trace just about any merchant ships movements during ww2 , its far bigger than the goverments national archives and they charge you , a fee he went to the archives and copy,d every thing he could find by hand mostly while paying a research fee , if you have a relative that was in the merchant navy and you have his ships name you can trace it s course through ww2
Fantastic.Heres to the men who kept the boys in bullets bombs n beans and the odd banana and the civies in powdered eggs!Big up Cardiff and the Martin matlowsGaz
its that time again folks , sept third 2008 veterans of the merchant navy of world war two exercise their right to march throught cardiff as they were granted freedom of the city just like a regular members of hm armed forces , cardiff being the first city in the world to grant these rights to members of the merchant navy , many others have followed suit around the world , not to blow my own bugle i,m proud to say i had a small part in this , if only by having the internet smarts to raid a bunch of archives to print and send my dad fuel for the fire that brought this honor about dickie martin ss empire narissa ss sam winged ss sam york ss fort turttle
updated by @dave-martin: 12/04/15 03:57:45PM
updated by @dave-martin: 12/04/15 03:57:45PM