Brit image in the US
ops i dont feel like i have put forward my point enought i get a lot of in house vids , like dont take a ak47 to a tank battle our resident nco would dig it , a jihad chucking rounds down range but the vid feed is coming from a abrams main gun scope , one 155mm he for the use of , surfice it to say the jihad get the 50 virgins right quick , being a squadie is like being a plumber no body wants to handle the shit but you bitch about the bill
sure harvey was a trained rifleman , thats what they do , when the germans first met the old british army in the opening of the first world war they thought they were going against machine guns , no it was riflemen trained to exacute rapid fire sixty seconds 303 rifles for the use of , average fourty rounds per man thats a lot of lead down range , ask our resident nco and he,ll tell you fooking duck
Damn it all man! You sound like a script writer for The Three Kings. LOL.Wasn't Lee Harvey Oswald a marine? I think I saw that in Full Metal Jacket - filmed in 'Sarf Lundun' as i recawl".Gatch is right. You seem to be weapons happy.
Haha Dave, you are wpns mad, I tell you, if you'd ave joined up you'd ave finished up a Major through the ranks in the small arms corps, a highly elite bunch of old guys, no more than around coy strength of about 60 individuals with an average age of 96!!! They dont take straight entrant ruperts, half the corp are late officers the other senior snco s and wo's, in fact the lowest rank is Staff Sgt, the CO half Colonel, he 's always the only guy from a straight to Sandhurst background, all the others are ex rankers.What these boys know about every infantry wpn system on earth is awesome.They massively enthusiastic bunch of fogeys butt, usually done a 22 but not taken their pensh yet and pushing it out to 55. They have a lot of re-enactors and many of them get flown to Hollywood regularly on private advise jobs on filmsets. One of them once spent two hours going through the history of Russian bayonet systems with me and did it so well it felt like 2 minutes!!!
my former helper is on the uss saipan in thailand at the moment , the kid was hype active some of the retired marines i work with talked him into joining the marines , against my wishes , i thought he could not handle boot camp , boy was i wrong he shot expert in a rain storm and came out , wishing he could go through boot camp again , he was the only member of the troop to come out with a advance to lance corpral , he made full corpral in six months , those "rubes" are riflemen first , so if you were a towle head popping off your ak 47 and not hiiting nothing one of thoses " rubes" is going to put a end to your jihad from 200 meters with a head shot , give them a remmington 700 and your dead meat from 500 meters , and if they get their dirty little paws on a barrett 50 cal dont leave home
How peculiar. When I was living in Portsmouth Hants, the USS Saipan pulled in with an aircraft carrier - The Nimitz I think it was - anyway there was a 12ft diaplacement all around the harbour and the marines on board came ashore. We were shocked to find that most of them weren't much older than 18. Scrubbed rubes they were. I remember thinking " are these the defenders of Western democracy." Mind you! Three months at sea can make a man concentrate wonderfully.
not a bit if anything it got worse , i must hold myself in a bit as it would come accross as a racist rant but first let me answer the dolph lungren bit , dude devoloped muscle is great looking but its not working muscle boyo , we all know that squaddies are a bunch of louts if they are together its a warrior thing , ( far be to tell you that) but they all came from family s where family values are taught to do the right thing , unlike over here where you hear the phase my babys daddy or mother , which they dont support , its a different kulture , the minorites over here always want to blame somebody , never them selves , but if you look at the indians pakis vietnanese and others they do great , second generation go to collage because they have family values , the others want life on a plate or a basketball , football deal , and as for the teeth you dont need them to eat mre,s , i lived on them for three weeks after hurricane katrina
Wow, that's interesting. I wouldn't have thought that British soldiers would have a bad reputation with US soldiers? I don't know what that is. My ex-FIL was career Navy, now I want to ask him about that?And the black-white thing, Virginia is the South. I ran into that same thing in Alabama. I came from LA with a lawyer and stayed in Birmingham and all the hotel minions were black, everyone else white. I was a paralegal, a minion, so I'd go make friends with hotel minions, and they'd always be stiff and unfriendly until they heard me speak and saw that I was "from" California, then they were friendly and wanted to hear all about LA. Conversely, the white Alabamans would warn me off the black Alabamans obliquely and with wide-eyed concern - they'd say things like "that's the Other Side!" and stuff like that. Very wierd.
I remember being quite shocked to find that the US military's perception of us British squaddies was an over exaggerated stereotype.My first visit to the states was a months exercise with the US Marine corps in Virginia back in the 90s when political correctness was starting its foothold over there.Our whole battalion of 600 or so had to undergo a lecture on behaviour and ettiquette which many of us thought was a bit patronising. Many of us had never heard of the phrase 'booty call' until that day and we looked at each other bemused as this young female hispanic Captain told us that we'd be in big trouble if we did a 'booty call'????Cotporal Thomas just had to ask for an explanation and we were all in bits rolling around laughing with this officer getting redder and more flustered.Anyway, it turns out that the US servicemen had been given strict orders not to drink or get involved with us at all costs, and avoid gambling with us especially and walk away from any potential conflicts. These were pre-coalition force days remember where we were not used as we are now to our differing little ways.Their initial image of us as portrayed by their authorities was pretty poor really and despite our potential to actually confirm this image we didnt do too badly, the beasts and scum of the earth turned out to be pretty gentlemanly!Our soldiers were so physically different too, all shapes n sizes, skinny, podgy, lanky, balding, prematurely old looking, bad teeth etc whereas the US Marines were all like Dolph Lumphgren, and they just shook their heads in disbelief when we beat them in every physical soldiering task that was given.And I experienced the colour divide, in civi sports kit I was walking past a bunch of black soldiers and I approached to ask directions to the PX, they looked uncomfortable as I approached then when I spoke they mellowed realising I was Brit. A white MP passed and shouted at me as to what I was doing like I wasnt supposed to be talking to them in case of conflict I guess, but even he on realising I was British smiled and seemed to understand that I was white ye but I was outside of things. These black guys were great with me, but they pretty much socially ignored most white US soldiers unless it was a tasking brief or order.I wonder how perceptions have changed over the last decade?
updated by @gareth-williams: 12/04/15 03:57:45PM
updated by @gareth-williams: 12/04/15 03:57:45PM