Ceri Shaw



Playlists: 6
Blogs: 1938
events: 233
youtube videos: 537
SoundCloud Tracks: 21
images: 827
Files: 55
Invitations: 9
Groups: 33
audio tracks: 1098
videos: 8
Posted a new Comment on @brian-jarman:
"Croeso Brian ...croeso i AmeriCymru. Ceri from Portland Oregon here, formerly from Cardiff south Wales. My partner Gaabriel and I set up this site nine years..."

Ceri Shaw
07/24/17 09:27:33PM @ceri-shaw:

Hi Brian....yes, the blog feature would be your best bet. Shameless self promotion is positively encouraged :) Can we interest you in a promotional email interview?

Brian Jarman
07/21/17 01:48:01PM @brian-jarman:

Diolch yn fawr Ceri. I'd like to add some info about my novels (set partly in Wales) on your site. Is the best way to do this with a blog? Could I include links to Amazon where people can get them, or is that a step too far towards shameless self-promotion?

