Ceri Shaw



Playlists: 6
Blogs: 1936
events: 233
youtube videos: 537
SoundCloud Tracks: 21
images: 827
Files: 55
Invitations: 9
Groups: 33
audio tracks: 1098
videos: 8

Attic Theatre International Film Festival 2023

  • Attic Theatre Film Festival October 13th - 15th 2023
  • Attic Theatre Auditorium
  • Emker Cel Death of Dreams' Andrew Rowley
  • Emlyn Town Hall
  • 'A Date with Shillelagh'  Sheff Stewart, Brian Johnston
  • 'Mitching' Evan L. Barker
  • 'Penmudra' Jishnu Krishnan
  • Attic Film Festival 2023 poster
  • 'Scratch' Liam Steers, James Clubb
  • 'Songs from Next Door' Phil Moody Carolyn Edwards
  • 'Tatsuko' Glenn Ibbitson
  • 'We are still Here' Rowan Flynn