Ceri Shaw



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An Audience With Peter Griffiths

An Audience With Peter Griffiths

Sunday December 27 2009, 5:45 PM
@ The Clearing Cafe, 2772 Northwest Thurman Street,...
Attendees:  @gaabi@Ceri Shaw

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Music and a reading from Peter Griffith's highly acclaimed 'Tongue Tied' , a novel set in Wales in the 19th and early 20th centuries, published by Y Lolfa. Meet the author at the Clearing Cafe Sunday 27th December at 5.45..

Ceri Shaw
12/24/09 06:33:34PM @ceri-shaw:
I dont think Y Lolfa have an American distributor so you have to order direct or from Amazon.
Gregg Watts
12/24/09 05:01:31PM @gregg-watts:
Is Tongue Tied only available thru www.ylolfa.com or can you get it stateside? My local bookstore doesn't show it at their usual Ingram or Baker Taylor distributors.
Ceri Shaw
12/24/09 05:08:10AM @ceri-shaw:
Hi Gregg......I think this is a one-off but I'll certainly ask if he has any plans for a reading tour any time in the future.
Gregg Watts
12/24/09 04:59:43AM @gregg-watts:
Thanks for the invitation but we won't be able to make it down to the Rose City this weekend. His book sounded interesting so I did order a copy. Will he be reading in Seattle?