Sunday December 27 2009, 5:45 PM
@ The Clearing Cafe, 2772 Northwest Thurman Street,...
Attendees: @gaabi, @Ceri Shaw
@ The Clearing Cafe, 2772 Northwest Thurman Street,...
Attendees: @gaabi, @Ceri Shaw
Music and a reading from Peter Griffith's highly acclaimed 'Tongue Tied' , a novel set in Wales in the 19th and early 20th centuries, published by Y Lolfa. Meet the author at the Clearing Cafe Sunday 27th December at 5.45..
I dont think Y Lolfa have an American distributor so you have to order direct or from Amazon.
Is Tongue Tied only available thru or can you get it stateside? My local bookstore doesn't show it at their usual Ingram or Baker Taylor distributors.
Here are some links to material about 'Tongue Tied':- Welsh-American Author Writes Novel after feeling ludicrously patriotic New authors powerful story resonates with American readers Tongue Tied Spreads its Wings
Hi Gregg......I think this is a one-off but I'll certainly ask if he has any plans for a reading tour any time in the future.
Thanks for the invitation but we won't be able to make it down to the Rose City this weekend. His book sounded interesting so I did order a copy. Will he be reading in Seattle?