Ceri Shaw



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Category: Writing

AmeriCymru Correspondents

By Ceri Shaw, 2016-05-23

Writing On AmeriCymru

Vacancies for members on AmeriCymru!!! We are also looking for part time correspondents. Join the site with the link below and message me (Ceri Shaw) on the site if you are interested. https://americymru.net/user/signup

I suppose I should expand, expound and exposit a little on this because the initial post was a trifle ambiguous. What we are looking for is a group of writers who we will engage to write features for us from time to time. We will create a closed group on the site -The Bullpen, and members/correspondents can pitch us there on articles they would like to write. We will also suggest topics and invite members to bid on them ( yes these will be paid articles ). Of course we are going to prioritise invitations to site members who have been active for a while and have already made some contributions but nothing is written in stone.

We will be looking for material that promotes Wales and/or Welsh writers, musicians, artists to an international audience.

I should stress that ALL correspondence on this topic MUST be carried on via the AmeriCymru site. Please no emails or FB messages. Join or login to AmeriCymru and message us here if you are interested.....diolch :)

Posted in: Writing | 4 comments