Ceri Shaw



Playlists: 6
Blogs: 1938
events: 233
youtube videos: 537
SoundCloud Tracks: 21
images: 827
Files: 55
Invitations: 9
Groups: 33
audio tracks: 1098
videos: 8

Category: Film Festival


"I am an artist and film-maker based in Carmarthenshire. I am currently a co-curator for the Attic International Film Festival which operates out of Newcastle Emlyn.

Attic Theatre Company leases an 80 seat auditorium in the middle of the town which serves theatrical productions and film to the whole of South-West Wales. It has digital projection and a large screen.

We are presenting a festival of short film/video [running time up to approx. 20 minutes] from around the world across the long weekend of 13-15th October 2023. This event will be free admission to the public, so we can guarantee actual audiences for our presentations. Full details can be found at;


We are looking for good quality work. This can be back-catalogue, having been shown elsewhere previously; we don't require video for 'premiere viewing'. Any theme, any style -we are a completely genre-neutral event! Files should be sent as MP4 when requested after submission.

I look forward to seeing work by any members/friends and followers of Americymru. Do please pass on this opportunity to any film-makers/videographers you may know.

All the best,

Glenn [co-curator: ATIFF]"