Ceri Shaw



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user image 2024-01-24
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: Music
Mae  Recordiau Noddfa  yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi bydd y trac  'Crachach ', sy'n ymddangos ar albwm  'Cig Cymreig' Crinc  ddaeth allan fis Medi 2023, yn cael ei ryddhau fel sengl ddydd Gwener yma 26ain Ionawr.

Eglura Llŷr Alun o'r band:  "Neshi 'sgwennu’r gân yn ganol lockdown yn Bangor a recordio’r demo i albwm 'Cofi-19'. Oni’m yn licio’r final product gyda electric drum kit o GarageBand felly nath' ni ail recordio yn y Buarth, yn fyw gyda Dafydd Ieuan ag Kris Jenkins, ar ôl fi symud i Gaerdydd."

Mae'r sengl yn cael ei ryddhau mewn ymateb i'r hyn sy'n digwydd yn Gaza ar hyn o bryd lle bydd unrhyw elw yn mynd tuag at  UNICEF.

Hailing from Bangor, North Wales,  Welsh Alternative band 'CRINC'  have announced a brand new single via their own label  Noddfa Records.

Noddfa Records  are delighted to announce that the track  'Crachach' , which appears on  CRINC's 'Cig Cymreig'  album that came out in September 2023, will be released as a single this  Friday 26th January.

Llŷr Alun from the band explains:  "I wrote the song in Bangor during lockdown and recorded the demo for the 'Cofi-19' album. I didn't like the final product with the electric drum kit from GarageBand so we recorded it again at the Buarth, live with Dafydd Ieuan and Kris Jenkins, after I moved to Cardiff."

The single is being released in response to the Gaza crisis at the moment and any income generated from the track will be donated to  UNICEF.
Donate to UNICEF Here https://orcd.co/crachach