Ceri Shaw



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Angharad delivers new 'Postpartum' single via Libertino Records

user image 2023-06-14
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: Music
We called ANGHARAD a ‘mesmerising musical chameleon’ with the release of her debut single ‘Because I am a Woman’, an unstoppable disco anthem with sweeping strings, sparkling horns and a clear message of empowerment. Her second single ‘Postpartum’ is equally as striking and unflinching in it’s honesty.

Here we find ANGHARAD swimming in darker musical waters, ‘Postpartum’ is what happens when you combine ‘Slow Dazzle’ era John Cale with the stark and bold rock and roll of Patti Smith’s ‘Horses’ and NEU!’s propulsive sonic explorations. Angharad explains about the background to ‘Postpartum’:

“This is about all the things that they don’t tell you about child birth and early motherhood. It’s a list about the uglier side of childbirth, and its effects on a woman’s body, physically and mentally, and in particular the acute loss of identity we feel when we bring life into the world.

There’s a dark humour here, because the truth is, we wouldn’t have it any other way. But if only I had this song to listen to before becoming a mother for the first time, I think I would have been a bit more prepared about what was to come! If you didn’t know about cluster feeding, the hair loss, Mothers Thumb and that first 'accident', then let this song educate you. It’s not all cute and fluffy, and it’s time we open up about this.

"I’m a prisoner to the sofa, and I’ve lost what makes me me, it true that all I am, is a mother to my baby?” Is a genuine cry of desperation about losing one’s identity. This 3 minute song will be more useful and educational than a 6 week ante-natal class!”

'Postpartum' by ANGHARAD is out now on Libertino.

Derbyniwyd sengl gyntaf ANGHARAD 'Because I am a Woman' cryn dipyn o sylw am ei fod yn anthem disgo gyda neges bwerus yn perthyn iddi ac mae ei hail sengl ‘Postpartum’, allan ar Libertino heddiw, yr un mor drawiadol a di-flewyn ar dafod â'r gyntaf.

Yma gweler ANGHARAD yn arbrofi mewn dyfroedd cerddorol tywyllach, yn cyfuno synau albwm ‘Slow Dazzle’ gan John Cale, roc beiddgar Patti Smith ac archwiliadau arbrofol NEU! Esbonia Angharad:

“Mae'r gân yn ymwneud â'r holl bethau does neb yn ei son amdano pan ydych yn disgwyl eich plentyn cyntaf. Mae’n son am yr ochr does neb yn ei weld a'r effeithiau mae hynny yn ei gael ar gorff merch - yn gorfforol ac yn feddyliol, ac yn trafod hefyd y teimlad rhyfedd hwnnw o golli synnwyr o hunaniaeth ti dy hun.

Taswn i 'mond 'di cael y gân yma i wrando arni cyn dod yn fam am y tro cyntaf, dwi'n meddwl y byddai wedi fy mharatoi i ychydig yn well nag yr oeddwn i! Os nad ydych yn gwybod riw lawer am fwydo babi, colli gwallt, y 'ddamwain' cyntaf a'r teimladau newydd sy'n dod gyda'r profiadau hynny, yna gadewch i'r gân hon eich addysgu. Mae'n hen bryd i ni son yn agored am y pethau yma. Mae'r gân hon yn fwy defnyddiol, addysgiadol a gwerthfawr na unrhyw ddosbarth cyn-geni!”  

Mae 'Postpartum' allan nawr ar Libertino