Ceri Shaw



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A Message From Welsh Band CVC ( Church Village Collective ) - Currently on Tour in the U.S.

user image 2023-06-10
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: Music

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AmeriCymru:  Many thanks for agreeing to this interview. Care to introduce the band, CVC for our members and readers?

CVC: Thank you for having us! We have Francesco Orsi on lead vocals, David Bassey and Elliot Bradfield singing guitarists, Nanial on keys, Tom Fry on drums and Ben Thorne on bass.

AmeriCymru:  Where in Wales is Church Village and how would you describe it?

CVC: Church Village is about half hour drive from the capital Cardiff, it’s a small little village but looks quite nice when the suns out Full of characters, and lots of good rugby players.

AmeriCymru: ( will be re ordered) How vibrant is the Welsh music scene at the moment? How easy is it for a Welsh band to get noticed?

CVC: There’s all sorts of great music going on in Cardiff now, too many great bands to name! And I think it’s quite hard to break out of the Cardiff scene, it took us a while, and we know loads of great band and musicians that are struggling to make a dent in England or the UK, so anything we can do to shine a light on that we will do. There’s untapped potential aplenty over in the land of sheep hear me now!

AmeriCymru:  What can you tell us about your current / recent tour of the United States? Any plans to return and perhaps visit the West Coast?

CVC: We’ve played New York and Toronto so far and the reaction has been incredible! To have people over the other side of the world singing back to us is a crazy feeling, and yes hopefully a West Coast trip in October fingers crossed!

AmeriCymru: Care to tell us a little about your recently released album 'Get Real'?

Get Real was recorded in guitarist Elliot’s kitchen during lockdown, we sent it around everyone we could find and ended up getting a response from Jonny Bradshaw and Geoff Barradale, our managers, and then they put us on the road and on the radio! It contains nearly all the songs we’d written up to that point, and we recorded everything from real Welsh rain to pots and bongs and shoe horned it all in to this DIY home grown recording.

AmeriCymru: How would you derscribe CVC's sound? What are the bands main influences?

CVC: I’d say it was like groovy harmony based rock music in a nutshell We love harmony bands like Frankie and the 4 seasons, groovy stuff like the Doobie Brothers and the Atlanta Rhythm Section and hip hop music from guys like Biggie Smalls and NWA.

AmeriCymru: Where can people go to hear you play and buy your music?

CVC: Well after this first American tour we’re going home to play our second UK tour, and then we’re out in Germany for Reeperbahn! All dates are on our website www.CVCband.com !

AmeriCymru: What are your future touring and recording plans? Any new tours or albums in the works?

CVC: We just about to start recording album 2, since most of it was written about a year ago, so we’re raaaaring to go!! We want to take it all over the world, especially Japan, we’re all sushi lovers!

AmeriCymru: Any final message for the readers and members of AmeriCymru?

CVC: Get Real, Stay Real! Look after each other, look after yourselves, and keep it peace and love!


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